Teacher: Cole/Green
Lesson Topic: Pre-reading Activities / “Eleven”
Date of Lesson: 9/6/16 – 9/9/16 (Tue.-Wed.)
Periods: Cole /1st Green/6th (Honors ELA)
Outcome: I can improve my vocabulary, spelling, and writing with a post reading writing activity.
CCSS: L.6.4, W6.3, W6.10
Bellringer: Correcting Sentence Fragments
Purpose – Engage/Activate Prior Knowledge
Strategy - [Vocabulary and Spelling] (whole group)
Procedure - TT will practice the words to know by completing the sentences with the correct word. TS will also practice spelling by reviewing compound words. They will make a list of all the compound words they find in “Eleven,” write down the base word that makes up each word, then use the base word to make up another compound word.
Purpose - Build Knowledge
Strategy - [Writer’s Choice Board] (individually)
Procedure – TS will choose between three writing options: 1. Recollection Diary: TS thinks of his or her last birthday and reflect on if it was good or bad. They will jot down notes about what they experienced, or about a birthday of a made up character. 2. Greeting Card: Pretend you are Rachel’s best friend. TS will make a greeting card that you think will cheer her up on her 11th birthday. 3. Letter from Mrs. Price: Mrs. Price has a difficult time dealing with Rachel and the fuss over the sweater. Pretend you are Mrs. Price. Write a letter, in which you tell a friend about your day.
Purpose - Reflect on the content of the lesson/Summarize
Strategy - [Share the Learning] (whole group)
Procedure – TS will share the writing option they chose with the class.
Teacher: Cole/Green
Lesson Topic: Post-reading Activities / “Eleven”
Date of Lesson: 9/6/16 – 9/9/16 (Thur.)
Periods: Cole /1st Green/6th (Honors ELA)
Outcome: I can review literary and vocabulary terms and comprehension questions on a study guide.
CCSS: RL.6.1, RL.6.2, RL6.3, RL6.4
Bellringer: Grammar Focus: Writing Complete Sentences
Purpose – Engage/Activate Prior Knowledge
Strategy - [Think-Aloud/Retell] (whole group)
Procedure - TT will allow TS to think-aloud and retell the main points in the short story “Eleven,” as well as review literary terms and words to know.
Purpose - Build Knowledge
Strategy - [Think-Pair-Share] (pairs)
Procedure – TS will complete the study guide with a peer in preparation of the “Eleven” assessment. The SG will include comprehension questions, literary and vocabulary terms, drawing conclusions, using context clues, and correcting sentence fragments.
Purpose - Reflect on the content of the lesson/Summarize
Strategy - [Group Share] (whole group)
Procedure – TT and TS will review the SG for self monitoring and correction.
TS will use the SG as a tool for the assessment.
Teacher: Cole/Green
Lesson Topic: Post-reading Activities / “Eleven”
Date of Lesson: 8/29/16 – 9/2/16 (Fri.)
Periods: Cole /1st Green/6th (Honors ELA)
Outcome: I can be assessed on the short story “Eleven,” and demonstrate my understanding of comprehension skills.
CCSS: RL.6.1, RL.6.2, RL6.3, RL6.4
Bellringer: Grammar Focus: Writing Complete Sentences
Purpose – Engage/Activate Prior Knowledge
Strategy - [Think-Aloud/Retell] (whole group)
Procedure - TT will allow TS to think-aloud and retell the main points in the short story “Eleven,” as well as review literary terms and words to know.
Purpose - Assessment
Strategy - [Show What You Know] (individually)
Procedure – TS will complete the summative assessment on the short story “Eleven,” which will test their skills on understanding characters, character traits, making inferences, drawing conclusions, using context clues, and correcting sentence fragments.
Purpose - Reflect on the content of the lesson/Summarize
Strategy - Writer’s Choice Board] (individually)
Procedure – TS will finish this activity from Tue./Wed.’s lesson. TS will choose between three writing options: 1. Recollection Diary: TS thinks of his or her last birth day and reflect on if it was good or bad. They will jot down notes about what they experienced, or about a birthday of a made up character. 2. Greeting Card: Pretend you are Rachel’s best friend. TS will make a greeting card that you think will cheer her up on her 11th birthday. 3. Letter from Mrs. Price: Mrs. Price has a difficult time dealing with Rachel and the fuss over the sweater. Pretend you are Mrs. Price. Write
a letter, in which you tell a friend about your day.
Teacher: Cole/Green
Lesson Topic: Computer Lab Day
Date of Lesson: 9/6/16 – 9/9/16
Periods: Cole (Tue.) Green (Wed.)
Outcome: I can demonstrate my comprehension reading skills on Odysseyware/Stride Academy.
Purpose – Engage/Activate Prior Knowledge
Strategy - [Procedures Overview] (whole group)
Procedure - TT will review the computer lab procedures and issue login information.
Purpose - Build Knowledge
Strategy - [Computer Lab] (individually)
Procedure – TS will practice their reading comprehension in Stride Academy (Read180) or Odysseyware (Honors).
Purpose - Reflect on the content of the lesson/Summarize
Strategy - [Lab Log] (individually)
Procedure – TS will log the skills they worked on to help self monitor their weekly progress.