Teacher: Angie Bello School year: 2011-2012
Phone: (614) 203-8187 E-mail
Spanish IV Enriched _____/ODU Spanish 214
Period _____ Classroom _____
Course Description:
Reynoldsburg Enriched Spanish IV______/ODU Spanish 214. Advanced grammar conversation, and composition.
This course is designed to give advanced students the opportunity to refine and increase their abilities to write, read, and speak Spanish, as well as an introduction to literary works and film at the collegiate level. The course will have a strong emphasis on oral proficiency. Cultural and literary readings, and selected Spanish-language films are among the materials on which class discussion and assignments will be centered. A grammar review, focused mainly on advanced concepts and AP format will also be emphasized. Students who register will receive both high school weighted credit and may opt to take college credit for this course.
Objectives-Ohio Dominican Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes/Values:
1 Students will gain an increased vocabulary through the viewing/reading and study of contemporary films/ short literary works of the Spanish-speaking world.
2 Knowledge of Spanish speaking cultures will be gained through the viewing of the films as well as communication activities and comparative cultural study.
3 Students will gain knowledge of the writing process through the written analysis of the films/ literary works that will be studied during the course.
1 Students will improve both their oral and writing skills in Spanish.
2 Students will be able to discuss and write about topics introduced by the themes of the films/ literary works.
3 Students will be able to use the target language in a variety of conversational tasks ranging from presentations, discussions, and role playing.
4 Students will develop self-editing skills through compositions/ journals based on the professor’s feedback.
5 Students will be able to see and understand Spanish-language films, derive meaning from them and make critical comments about them.
1 Students will develop an appreciation of Spanish and Hispanic culture from the viewing/ reading and discussion of contemporary films/readings from the Hispanic world. Together these materials promote respect and understanding of Hispanic culture and its contributions to the contemporary world.
2 Students will become familiar with everyday-life practices in various parts of the Spanish-speaking world and will value different cultural practices.
3 As a result of their experiences in class, students will develop empathy for the non-native speaker within their own culture.
Class will be conducted entirely in Spanish.
This course consists of 5 basic units of study, with a test/project encompassing each unit. Students registering for ODU credit will be required to do 1 term paper in addition to other written compositions including essays, reflections (journal entries), vocabulary, and grammar tests. There will also be a comprehensive mid-term and final exam.
Academic honesty. Academic honesty is a key component to this class and cheating of any kind will result in a 0 for that assignment.
Trabajos escritos. Students will write on various topics exploring writing styles such as persuasive essays, summaries, critiques….Students registered for ODU credit will write a comparison and contrast term paper, MLA style on the topic assigned. Students must submit a prospectus, a rough draft and a final draft of the paper according to the timetable given. Any evidence of plagiarism/ usage of auto translators will result in a 0 without exception.
Diarios. To enhance writing skills, students will be expected to journal on various topics and do reflective writings based on literary/ film selections.
Participación. Class discussions will be held on a near daily basis on topics relevant to the coursework. Students will be required to bring evidence to support their opinions in order to participate, as well as utilize current events in the Spanish speaking world from reputable news sources on the internet, radio, television, etc... as springboards for class discussion.
All students start out with their full participation points by being on task and prepared, but participation will by lost by the following (as they will show in the grade book):
OTT- off task talking (speaking English) CP/TXT- cell phone/ texting (may be confiscated)
OT- off task (doing work other than Spanish) DC- dress code violation
NP- not prepared for class U- unexcused absence
T- tardy NPA- not participating actively
IB- inappropriate behavior- swearing, disrespect… HP- use of headphones/ IPOD
Oral. Students will also present formally in front of the class, debate one another on controversial topics, and role play to enhance speaking skills.
Grading. As required, the Reynoldsburg High School grading scale will be utilized with the following breakdown:
Quizzes/ Graded in-class activities -40%
Participation and Homework (graded for completion)-15%
Unit tests- 25%
Formal presentations/informal speakings/ debates- 10 %
Formal and informal writings, journals and/or term papers -10 %
Mid term and final exams 20% of final grade (not averaged into 9 weeks grade). There is NO EXTRA CREDIT.
As the nature of language is fluid, adjustments to the curriculum will be made as necessary.
Supplies. Students need pencils, highlighters, 100 notecards, dry erase markers, and a three ring binder for notes, handouts, etc..on a daily basis as well as the Cuaderno de Práctica and ODU workbook.
Textos utilizados
Gill, Mary McVey, Deana Smalley, and Maria-Paz Haro. Cinema for Spanish Conversation:
Second Edition. Newburyport: Focus Publishing/ R. Pullins Co, 2006.
Nuevas Vistas: Curso Avanzado 1. Austin[TX]: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 2003.
(texto principal) Cuaderno de Práctica- students will purchase.
Colección 1- La vida juvenil y la inmigración
Objetivos: Discutir perspectivas de la vida juvenil y la inmigración
Fechas- 6-7 semanas
septiembre/ octubre Conceptos
Literatura: Elementos-Biografías, autobiografías, ensayos, artículos
Gary Soto- Primero de Secundaria
Vocabulario: Prefijos y sufijos
Vocabulario de los cuentos
Gramática: Sustantivos, artículos, adjetivos- concordancia; el tiempo del
presente simple (c2); repaso de verbos con cambios radicales en el presente; El modo (Academia Real); repaso del imperativo; el imperativo como base de las formas del presente del subjuntivo- cláusulas nominales, adverbiales (WEDDING)
Escritura : Estrategias- reglas generales de la acentuación
Como escribir una biografía, autobiografía
Entrevista y reseña de de una narración auto/biográfica de un inmigrante–1- 2 páginas
Cultura: México y el Suroeste de los EEUU
Presentación: Inmigración ilegal/ leyes de la inmigración
Filme: El Norte
Examen- Colección 1
Colección 2- La violencia
Objetivos: Entender como nos afecta el crimen y la violencia
Fechas- 6-7 semanas
octubre/noviembre Conceptos
Literatura: Elementos-argumento, caracterización, ambiente, punto de vista,
ironía, tema
Horacio Quiroga- La guerra de los Yacarés
Vocabulario: Vocabulario en contexto; familias de palabras
Vocabulario del cuento- La guerra de los Yacarés
Vocabulario- la violencia
Gramática: El imperfecto; el pretérito; usos del imperfecto y del pretérito (C3) comparación y contraste
Escritura: Estrategias-división de palabras (sílabas)
Ensayo persuasivo- como se puede controlar la violencia en la sociedad
Cultura: Violencia en los países latinos
Examen- Colección 2
Proyecto: El crimen
Colección 3- Fábulas y leyendas
Objetivos: Entender como nos afecta el crimen y la violencia
Fechas- 6-7 semanas Conceptos
diciembre/enero/ febrero
Literatura: Elementos-mitos, leyendas, cuentos populares, y fábulas
Ana María Shua- Posada de las Tres Cuerdas
Vocabulario: Vocabulario en contexto; sinónimos y antónimos
Vocabulario de los cuentos
Gramática: Repaso de complementos directos e indirectos; Subjuntivo vs.
Indicativo- WEDDING; presente perfecto del subjuntivo/ indicativo(c4)
Escritura: Estrategias- el acento tónico
Cultura: Argentina/ Chile- Cono Sur
Filme: Diarios de Motocicleta
Repaso/Examen semestral
Examen- Colección 3
Colección 4- Los sentimientos
Objetivos: Formar y defender opiniones sobre la vida y la muerte; apreciar la poesía y escribir un poema original o analizar un poema
Fechas-7-8 semanas Conceptos
Literatura: Elementos- la poesía; sonido, imágenes y figuras
Varios poemas
Vocabulario: Los modismos
Vocabulario especializado- Poesía (tropos, rima, etc…)
Gramática: El futuro; el condicional; el imperfecto de
subjuntivo; pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo/indicativo; secuencia de tiempos verbales
Escritura : Estrategias- palabras llanas (normales); palabras agudas
Formato comparación y contraste-
Poema original/ lectura y análisis de un poema
Cultura: España
Filme: Mar Adentro; la eutanasia
Trabajo escrito-Comparación y contraste- filmes- 4-5 páginas (solamente los estudiantes de ODU)
Examen – Colección 4
Colección 5- Dama del Alba
Objetivo: Comprender y analizar una obra de teatro
Fechas-5 semanas Conceptos
Literatura: Elementos-drama (libro-colección-4)
Obra teatral- Dama del Alba
Escritura: Guión Acto Final/ Alternativo- Dama del Alba
Proyecto Dama del Alba
Examen final
Please check the appropriate statements below and sign your name. Detach and return this slip by ______.
Note to parents: Due to the collegiate content of this course, our films are sometimes controversial in nature due to violence and content matter (euthanasia, illegal immigration, drug-trafficking, etc…). These are serious societal issues and are not taken lightly. If you would like to preview any of these films, the Columbus Public Library carries most of them. I would also be happy to help in obtaining these films. For this reason, I am also asking permission for your student to view these films. Some are rated R, some are PG-13 and for others I could not get a US rating. These films are a great starting point to share and expound on your belief systems with your students and I look forward to your support in helping broaden their academic horizons.
____ I give my student permission to view the films in this course.
____ I do not give my student permission to view the films in this course and s/he will do alternative assignments.
____ I will give permission on a film by film basis after contacting the teacher about the content of each.
___ We have read and understand the procedures and policies of the Spanish IV- ODU course. We agree to purchase the mentioned supplies, pay the fee, and to take responsibility for the assigned textbook if applicable.
___ We have read the procedures and policies of the Spanish IV- ODU course, but we have some questions about it. We will contact you with our questions at (614) 203-8187 or .
Parent signature ______Date ______
Parent name (printed) ______
Phone number ______Alternative phone number ______
Parent e-mail ______
By signing below, I agree to abide by the policies and procedures in this class.
Student signature ______Date ______
Student name (printed) ______
Student phone number ______Student e-mail ______