Teachable Moments: Being Active

  • Would you like to have more energy?

Being active gives you more energy.

  • Would you like to do something else to ______(lower your blood glucose, lower your cholesterol, lose weight’ lower your blood pressure, help your family stay healthy)?
  • Being Active can help you:

Lose weight, if you need to

Better cholesterol

Better blood Pressure

You will feel less depressed!!

For your family…..Decreases the chances of getting diabetes

  • I know --- there will be times when you won’t want to exercise, or it feels too hard. You are not alone; we all have those feelings. I want to give you some tips to help you start being active and stay active.
  • It is easier to be active if you are having fun. (Pick two examples)

When you unload the groceries, strengthen your arms by lifting the a 1-pound can a few times before you put it away. (Shop pt. overhead arm raise, front arm raise or side arm raise)

When you go shopping, build your energy by parking the car at the far end of the parking lot and walking briskly to the store. Or, get off the bus one or two stops earlier than usual.

Take a few extra trips up and down the steps at home to strengthen your legs and build energy.

While you’re waiting in line, practice your balancing skills by standing on one foot for a few seconds, then the other. Gradually build up your time. (Show pt Toe Stand or Standing on One foot Exercise)

While you’re talking on the phone, stand up and do a few leg raises or toe stands to strengthen your legs. (Show pt Back Leg Raise or Side Leg raise)

While you’re waiting for the coffee to brew or for your kids or grandkids to get ready for school, do a few wall push-ups or calf stretches. (Show pt Wall Push-Up)

Listen to music or a book on CD while walking, gardening, or raking.

  • Tell me a way you can have fun while being active.
  • Here is a little booklet for some exercise to build your strength, flexibility and balance.
  • It is easier to be active when you do it with an activity companion.

Many people agree that having an "activity companion" keeps them going. Who is your activity companion, someone that will walk with you or dance with you or go to the gym? If you don’t already have an activity buddy, find one by joining the free yoga classes, Friday at 11 am in Northgate2, an exercise class at a nearby senior center.

  • Can you make being active a priority?

Many of us lead busy lives, and it’s easy to put physical activity at the bottom of the "to do" list. You won’t be active if it is at the bottom of your to do list. Remember, though, being active is one of the most important things you can do each day to maintain and improve your health. Make a point to include physical activities throughout your day. Try being active first thing in the morning before you get busy. Think of your time to exercise as a special appointment, and mark it on your calendar.

  • What will you do to make being active a priority?