Responsible to / Curriculum leader
Responsible for / Teaching Maths at all Key Stages
Salary / (40 weeks including Parent Consultation Evenings)
Purpose of the Job /
Teach effectively to ensure that students make or exceed expected progress, by:-
- Effective planning and preparation
- Good or better teaching
- Effective, regular and frequent marking and assessment in accordance with the
College’s Assessment, Recording and Reporting policy
- Maintain high standards and expectations that securesa creative and positive learning
environment in which students are engaged and motivatedwhere scholarly habits
and ‘Behaviour for Learning’ is the norm.
In addition to those responsibilities and duties set out below, teachers at
Irlam & Cadishead College are responsible for the efficient and effective execution of the professional duties set out in The (DCSF) School Teachers’ Pay & Conditions Document 2009 (STPCD) and any subsequent revisions of that document.
The information contained below is to help staff understand and appreciate the work content of their post and their role within the organisation. It should be noted that whilst every effort has been made to outline all the duties and responsibilities of the post, this document is not intended to fully outline the scope of the role.
Main Tasks / The post holder will: -
- Teach Maths across the age and ability range at the College
- To plan and deliver well informed and engaging lessons according to the College’s Teaching and Learning Policy
- To ensure all students assigned make or exceed expected progress due to good teaching.
- To use excellent subject knowledge to provide access and stretch and challenge all students at the College – planning lessons that match the full range of students’ needs
- Use technology to support teaching which is engaging and exciting
- Be responsible for the health and safety of all students in the care of the teacher
- Manage the learning of students in a secure and friendly environment in which they can thrive.
- To use regular, thorough and accurate assessment that informs students how to improve, thus contributing to student progress.
- To use and provide data to monitor and evidence progress of students taught
- To motivate, support and challenge students to ensure that they have good attitudes to learning.
General /
- Meet all expectations of College policy, including adherence to safeguarding practice, adhering to all Health and Safety, Safeguarding and Equality and Diversity legislation.
- Be active in keeping up to date with the latest developments in education – includingresearch into improving teaching pedagogy and outcomes
- Demonstrate professional characteristics at all times with all stakeholders, colleagues, students and parents.
- Contribute to extra-curricular provision.
- Take part in the Performance Management Programme
- Engage in CPD and in the CollegeINSET programme
- Take part in the line management system
- Contribute to the College’s continuous improvement.
- Review and develop own professional practice and commitment to evidence impact and positive outcomes for student progress
Employee Name:
Employee Signature: