TEAAS 3.0 Release Notes
- TEAAS 3_0 Deployment.html was created.
- Issue 1572 - Error Message and StripRptImpl have been modified to identify the included feature whose milepost is out of the report's Strip road range. The error message DOT-TEAAS-SRP-04 was changed to read "Feature Inclusion ^1 must have a Milepost value between ^2 and ^3."
- Issue 1574 - Upon successful generation of the Strip and Intersection Reports, the TEAAS Question dialog box with "Do you want to save list of Crash ID's" does not appear on the top of the Strip or the Intersection UI screen. Also selecting these UI's does not bring the Dialog box into focus. This has been corrected by passing the IntersectionRptUI and StripRptUI classes to shared\AppDataRptGenerator.
- Issue 1581 - If user selects one of feature types or HO Segments from pull-down on Inventoried Routes UI and clicks View, initial focus on the next UI (whatever is selected from pull-down) is on Delete. Question asking user for validation of their delete appears; but focus there is on Yes---if system is slow in responding, but keyboard commands are queued, it may be possible to unintentionally or even unknowingly delete a record. Focus has been moved from the delete button on all the Feature UI's and HOSegmentUI, when this sequence of events is followed.
- Issue 1588 - The Submit button on the TableInputPanel; the Include and exclude buttons on the Accident Adjustments tab of IntersectionRptUI; and the Include, Remilepost and Exclude buttons on the Accident Adjustments tab of StripReportUI, will be activated only upon the presence of data in the respective fields or tables.
- Issue 1589 - When a Fiche, Strip, or Intersection report is produced with no accident records meeting the report criteria, the study criteria portion of the report will still be produced without the detailed information sections to allow the user to have a report of the study information specified. This has been accomplished by modifying FicheRptDB, FicheRptDUI, IntersectionRptDB, IntersectionRptUI, StripRptDB, and StripRptUI.
- Issue 1594 - An End Milepost field was added to the Inventoried Route Groupbox of BoundaryUI, IntersectionUI, MileMarkerUI, StructureUI, RailroadCrossingUI, and HOSegmentUI. This field will be populated whenever a valid Inventoried Route is displayed on the screen. BoundaryDA, IntersectionDA, MileMarkerDA, StructureDA, RailroadCrossingDA, and HOSegmentDA were modified to retrieve the inventoried route end milepost in their search method.
- Issue 1596 - Added a field called City Street Code to SecondaryRouteUI. This field is populated with a City Street Code when available. This field can be used as an element in the search criteria. SecondaryRouteImpl and SecondaryRouteDB have been modified to accomplish this.
- Issue 1602 - The Street Name Exception Maintenance UI (MultipleSpellingsUI) has been modified as below:
- Added Secondary Route Exception Criteria (containing fields County, Code, and Text) as another source to retrieve exceptions,
- Added a Choose Exception Type panel containing radio buttons to choose the source for exceptions,
- Grouped the input crash location exception criteria under the panel Crash Location Exception Criteria,
- Grouped the Table Input and the exceptions table under the panel Street Name Exceptions,
- Removed the action type from the Action panel and changed it to tooltiptext for the exceptions table,
- Moved all the action buttons under the panel Action.
The Lookup IDL, FeatureNameImpl and FeatureNameDB have also been modified.
- Issue 1619 - StripRptImpl has been modified to verify all the included accident's mileposts are between the study begin and end milepost values.
- Issue 1622 - Modify does not lock in Strip and Intersection Analysis Reports. IntersectionRptUI, StripRptUI, UserReportImpl, and UserReportDB have been modified.
- Issue 1624 - Buttons on IntersectionRptUI, StripRptUI, feature UIs and route UIs have been made taller.
- Issue 1629 - The NVL function has been included for the DSTNC_MILE_FRM_RD_QTY column for the Fiche Report queries in FicheReportDB.
- Issue 1631 - End Milepost has been added to the HOSegment Report by modifying client\report\AppDataReportWriter, HOSegmentsRpt, and HOSegmentsRptRow files.
- Issue 1633 - Changed Inventoried Route Business Rule in InvRouteImpl and InvRouteDA files.
- Issue 1635 - New class FtrDataInd written to update the indicator. Add and Delete methods in all feature implementation and data access classes changed to call a static method on FtrDataInd class whenever features are added/deleted.
- Issue 1641 - Ordinance object release done from the UI. This was being done at the server and this caused the server object to disappear before the UI could recognize that all (100%) the ordinances have been mileposted.
- Issue 1645 - A number formatter was added to BoundaryUI, IntersectionUI, MileMarkerUI, StructureUI, RailroadCrossingUI, InventoriedRouteUI, and HOSegmentUI to correctly display milepost values in the range .001 to .009.
- Issue 1647 - The Include Study accidents button had its text changed to "Remilepost". The accompanying text instructions were modified for clarity.
- Issue 1648 - The look and feel of the application has been changed from the Java default Metal Look and Feel to the Windows Look and Feel by modifying WelcomeUI.
The following changes have also been made to accomplish this task:
- Changed all the UI's JTextfield and its derivatives to use setEditable method instead of setEnabled, enabling the user to copy data when the field is disabled,
- The JTextfield derived classes's setEditable method to change the background color depending on the field status,
- Changes similar to JTextfield have been performed on BoundTextArea class,
- BoundaryUI, IntersectionUI, MileMarkerUI, StructureUI, RailroadCrossingUI, InventoriedRouteUI, and HOSegmentUI were modified visually to accommodate improved performance, and additional fields. InventoriedRouteUI was modified to correspond more closely to the rest of the UIs. All UIs are now more maintainable and can more easily be divided into common components for future releases,
- The Study panel of the Strip and Intersection Analysis Reports have been separated and converted into a common ReportStudyPanel class,
- ReportStudyPanel's Location Text and Request Text TextArea's have been modified to handle Tab,
- A method was added to BoundTextField that will set a property to allow or disallow the insertion of a single quote (') into an instance of BoundTextField,
- The Street and Feature Names UI has been modified as below:
- In search mode, enable tabbing into the Code field of the Feature Name panel,
- Eliminate the blinking cursor in fields Route Number, Name, and Code fields when the cancel action is performed using the keyboard shortcut Cntrl+L,
- Issue 1655 - BoundaryUI, IntersectionUI, MileMarkerUI, StructureUI, RailroadCrossingUI, and HOSegmentUI were modified so that when a new record is saved, a dialog box appears asking the user if they want to add another feature along the same route. If they answer yes, the inventoried route information is preserved on the screen, and focus is put on the first feature specific field so that another record can be added without having to type the inventoried route information again.
- Issue 1658 - The title of the "Street Name Exception Maintenance" screen has been changed to "Street Name Exceptions" to match the Application Browser.