TCFG has prepared this report in accordance with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Exchange Act Rule 606 that requires broker/dealers to make public, quarterly reports containing certain information on their order routing practices. This report provides information on the routing of "non-directed orders" which is generally defined as any order that the client has not specifically instructed to be routed to a particular venue for execution. This report also discloses the nature of the broker-dealer's relationship with these venues, including the existence of any internalization or payment for order flow arrangements. Finally, broker-dealers are required to disclose, upon customer request, where they routed a customer's individual order for execution.


SEC Rule 606 Quarterly Report for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2018

Securities Listed on New York Stock Exchange

Summary Statistics:

Non-directed orders as percentage of total customer orders100.00%
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 82.91%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 9.98%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 7.11%

Venues Receiving Significant Percentage of Total Non-Directed Orders:

1. VIRTU Americas LLC / 41.12%
2. Citadel Securities LLC / 40.78%
3. Two Sigma Securities, LLC / 3.89%
4. NASDAQ Execution Services, LLC / 2.37%
5. Instinet LLC / 2.20%
6. UBS Securities, LLC / 2.20%
7. Cboe EDGX U.S. Equities Exchange / 1.86%
8. G1 Execution Services, LLC / 1.86%
9. New York Stock Exchange / 1.69%
10. Cboe BYX U.S. Equities Exchange / 1.52%

Information Concerning Significant Venues :
1. VIRTU Americas LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 45.51%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 11.86%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 30.95%

2. Citadel Securities LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 41.84%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 25.42%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 50.00%

3. Two Sigma Securities, LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 4.29%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 3.39%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

4. NASDAQ Execution Services, LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 23.73%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

5. Instinet LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 2.65%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

6. UBS Securities, LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 1.02%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 19.05%

7. Cboe EDGX U.S. Equities Exchange
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 18.64%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

8. G1 Execution Services, LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 2.24%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

9. New York Stock Exchange
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 16.95%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

10. Cboe BYX U.S. Equities Exchange
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 1.84%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

Securities Listed on The Nasdaq Stock Market

Summary Statistics:

Non-directed orders as percentage of total customer orders100.00%
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 71.91%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 21.70%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 6.38%

Venues Receiving Significant Percentage of Total Non-Directed Orders:

1. Citadel Securities LLC / 42.13%
2. VIRTU Americas LLC / 39.57%
3. G1 Execution Services, LLC / 3.83%
4. Instinet LLC / 3.83%
5. Two Sigma Securities, LLC / 3.83%
6. NASDAQ Execution Services, LLC / 2.13%
7. Cboe EDGX U.S. Equities Exchange / 1.70%
8. BNY Mellon Capital Markets LLC / 1.28%
9. UBS Securities, LLC / 0.85%
10. Cboe BYX U.S. Equities Exchange / 0.85%

Information Concerning Significant Venues :
1. Citadel Securities LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 42.01%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 37.25%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 60.00%

2. VIRTU Americas LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 42.01%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 41.18%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 6.67%

3. G1 Execution Services, LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 2.96%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 26.67%

4. Instinet LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 5.33%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

5. Two Sigma Securities, LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 4.73%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 1.96%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

6. NASDAQ Execution Services, LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 9.80%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

7. Cboe EDGX U.S. Equities Exchange
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 7.84%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

8. BNY Mellon Capital Markets LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 1.78%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

9. UBS Securities, LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 1.96%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 6.67%

10. Cboe BYX U.S. Equities Exchange
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 1.18%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

Securities Listed on NYSE American or Regional Exchanges

Summary Statistics:

Non-directed orders as percentage of total customer orders100.00%
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 92.75%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 3.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 4.25%

Venues Receiving Significant Percentage of Total Non-Directed Orders:

1. VIRTU Americas LLC / 43.75%
2. Citadel Securities LLC / 40.25%
3. Instinet LLC / 4.00%
4. G1 Execution Services, LLC / 3.25%
5. Two Sigma Securities, LLC / 2.75%
6. Cboe BYX U.S. Equities Exchange / 2.00%
7. National Financial Services LLC / 1.25%
8. BNY Mellon Capital Markets LLC / 0.75%
9. UBS Securities, LLC / 0.75%
10. Cboe EDGX U.S. Equities Exchange / 0.50%

Information Concerning Significant Venues :
1. VIRTU Americas LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 46.63%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 16.67%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

2. Citadel Securities LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 39.08%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 94.12%

3. Instinet LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 4.31%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

4. G1 Execution Services, LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 3.50%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

5. Two Sigma Securities, LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 2.43%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 8.33%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 5.88%

6. Cboe BYX U.S. Equities Exchange
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 2.16%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

7. National Financial Services LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 41.67%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

8. BNY Mellon Capital Markets LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.81%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

9. UBS Securities, LLC
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.81%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

10. Cboe EDGX U.S. Equities Exchange
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 16.67%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

Exchange - Listed Options

Summary Statistics:

Non-directed orders as percentage of total customer orders100.00%
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 50.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 50.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

Venues Receiving Significant Percentage of Total Non-Directed Orders:

1. Cboe BZX Options Exchange, Inc. / 37.50%
2. NASDAQ PHLX Options / 37.50%
3. Cboe Options Exchange / 12.50%
4. ISE Gemini Options Exchange / 12.50%

Information Concerning Significant Venues :
1. Cboe BZX Options Exchange, Inc.
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 75.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

2. NASDAQ PHLX Options
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 75.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

3. Cboe Options Exchange
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 25.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 0.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

4. ISE Gemini Options Exchange
Types of Orders Routed to Venue :
Market orders as percentage of total market orders 0.00%
Limit orders as percentage of total limit orders 25.00%
Other orders as percentage of total other orders 0.00%

Although TCFG Wealth Management, LLC (“TCFG”) has used commercially reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, the data is provided to you on an “as is” basis.

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