TCAP REVIEW Q4: Groovy Geometry and Sensational Statistics

TCAP REVIEW Q4: Groovy Geometry and Sensational Statistics

Groovy Geometry and Sensational Statistics


NOTES: Graphing Polygons in the Coordinate Plane
- Graph ordered pairs and label your vertices!
- Connect the vertices
- What is the question asking? Perimeter or Area????
- To find the distance between ordered pairs:
1) Stack your ordered pairs in order. Make sure to repeat the first pair at the end.
2) Find the distance between the x or y coordinates that do not match by subtractions.
3) Use the length of sides for perimeter or area as required. Use the appropriate formula for area!!!

NOTES: Area, Volume, and Surface Area
- Remember your formulas!!!!!
- Don’t forget your units!!!!
- Parallelogram: A = bh
- Triangle: A = bh
- Trapezoid: A =
- Volume of a Rectangular Prism: V= lwh
- When solving for missing dimension (length, base, or height) use the rules for solving equations!
1) Formula
2) Substitute
3) Solve (aka – isolate the variable!)
- Area ofComposite Figures: When determining area of composite figures, look for ways to subdivide or break down a larger, more complex shape into rectangles, parallelograms, triangles, and trapezoids.
* NOTE: Remember, sometimes you will add the areas of various polygons together…but sometimes you
may need to subtract out a polygon!
- Surface Area: is the sum of the area of the base and the areas of the lateral faces.
- 3D Shapes for Surface Area:
* Rectangular Prism (2 rectangular bases, 4 rectangular faces)
* Triangular Prism (2 triangular bases, 3 rectangular faces)
* Pyramid with Rectangular Base (1 rectangular base, 4 triangular lateral faces)
* Pyramid with a Triangular Base (1 triangular base, 3 triangular lateral faces)


NOTES: Statistical Questions
- Statistical Questions: are those that anticipate and account for a variety of answers

NOTES:Measures of Center
- GOLDEN RULE: Line your data up from least the greatest!!!!
- Mean: add all then divide by the number of terms
- Median: middle term
- Mode: term that occurs most frequently

NOTES: Measures of Variability
- Range: Upper Extreme minus the Lower Extreme
- Median: Middle term
- Outlier: a data point that lies far above or below the rest of the data (there will be a gap!)
- Shapecan be described by
* Gap
* Peak
* Symmetry
* Cluster
* Distribution

NOTES: Displays
- Line (Dot) Plot: Easy to identify frequency, the mode, and outliers!
- Pie Chart: Easy to compare relative sizes. Data is displayed by percentage of the whole.
- Stem Plot: Special table where each data value is split into a "stem" (the first digit or digits) and a "leaf" (usually the last digit). Good for consolidating data and showing the frequency with which certain classes or categories of values occur.