Management HandbookForm Instructions


Don’t forget to place your property address stamp where indicated on the form. Also be sure to list the property’s area code, telephone and Fax numbers in the box as well.

This form should be used to verify the military income (including National Guard and Reserves) for the household regardless of whether or not the military employee is living in the household.

These instructions should be followed:

  1. Insure that the first half of the form is completely filled out with all pertinent information. Be sure you have the proper Applicant/Resident name, Social Security or Serial #, Rank and date. The Owner/Owner’s Agent must also sign and enter the site telephone number.
  1. The Applicant/Resident must sign and date the verification form. This shows the military personnel that he/she is authorized to release the information.
  1. Make a photocopy of the signed original and place it in your pending file.
  1. The original verification must be mailed or FAXED to the appropriate Finance Department at the appropriate military institution for completion.

a.If you do not receive a reply (within the specified business days) call the military Finance Department and request the information again. Record the name and telephone number of the person you spoke with and either re-fax or re-mail the verification form to them.

Be sure to verify the source’s mailing address and fax number before resending.

b.If the military Finance Department will not give out the required information, ask the Applicant/Resident for a “Leave and Earnings Statement” (LES). This “statement” will give you the required information.

c. If none of the above steps can be completed, please contact the Occupancy

Supervisor for assistance.

  1. When the verification is returned to you, please check it for completion. If the form is not filled out completely, comments are unclear, or amounts have been altered, you must call the military Finance Department to verify the information in question. Please use form TC-12 “Clarification Record” to record the name, title of the person you speak with, comments, etc., then, sign, and date where indicated.


In no case is a verification to be hand-carried to the

verifying party by an Applicant or Resident.

Military Pay Verification (5/04)TC-7