Regular Meeting

September 20, 2016

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Lowpoint-Washburn Community Unit School District No. 21 was called to order by President Kennell at 7:02 P.M. with membersSpangler, Knecht, White, Schumacher and Warnkes-Sipppresent.Mr. Dietrich, Mr. Zulz and Mr. Schupp were also in attendance. Quorum present.

Moved by Knecht, second by Spangler to approve the following items by Consent Agenda:

Regular Meeting Minutes – August 16, 2016

Accounts Payable

Financial Report

District Administrators/Teacher Evaluators for 2016-2017

2016-2017 Application for Recognition of Lowpoint-WashburnElementary School

2016-2017 Application for Recognition of Lowpoint-WashburnJr.-Sr.High School

Roll call vote: six ayes, no nays. Motion carried.

Recognition of Guests: None

Correspondence: None

Board Committee Reports: None.

Administrative Reports: Mr. Schupp gave the k-6 report. Candy bar fundraiser is up over last year in money collected. Tier three RTI meetings have been set up in a block format. Teachers and staff have completed their mandated trainings. EurekaCollege is using our school to help train their students. The evaluation process is under way for non-tenured staff. Erin’s Law presentation was given to all students in K-6.

Mr. Zulz gave the 7-12 report. The week of October 3rd is football homecoming week. Junior High girls basketball has started practice with fourteen girls participating. Picture day for grades 4-12 will be Tuesday, September 27. Ms. Devlin has started HS Scholastic Bowl with 12 students participating. The Human Development class starting working with their kindergarten buddies last week. Ms. Devlin and Ms. Hudson are working with the Drama Club to showcase LW talent with a variety show on November 18 and 19.

Regular Meeting

September 20, 2016

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Action Items:

Moved bySchumacher, second by Kennell to adopt the District #21 operating budget for the 2016-2017 school year. Roll call vote: six ayes, no nays. Motion carried.

Moved by Warnkes-Sipp, second by White to approve the contract with Wendelin Consulting Firm to provide technology support services to the District from October 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 at a cost of $2,000 per month. Roll call vote: six ayes, no nays. Motion carried.

Moved by Knecht, second by Schumacher to approve the early graduation request of Samantha Clayton to graduate in December. Roll call vote: six ayes, no nays. Motion carried.

Informational Items:

  1. Budget Development Timeline- Mr. Dietrich reviewed with the board the process that takes place for developing the 2017-2018 budget.
  1. Board/Faculty Dinner- Date and location were discussed and it was agreed on to have the dinner on Wednesday, October 26 at Kenyon’s in Lacon.
  1. Mandated School Board Member trainings- Discussed the required school board member trainings required by the state of Illinois.
  1. School Board Elections- April 4, 2017- Discussed who is up for election and passed out election packets.

Moved by Schumacher, second by Knecht to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 P.M. Roll call vote: five ayes, no nays. Motion carried.



