Course Handbook

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Published by

The Department of Education and Training (DET),

Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust

Academic Year / Mode of Attendance / Duration of study
2015/2016 / Part Time / Taught: 3 years
Research: 6 years max
Welcome to the Trust
Welcome to the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. You have joined a leading NHS mental health training organisation which plays a distinctive role within the contemporary field of mental health and social care.
The Tavistock’s founder summarised its mission some decades ago as ‘To help, to understand more and to teach our work’, and our commitment to the integration of training, clinical practice and research continues to this day.
Our ambitions for learning and teaching stem from the trust’s overall aim of helping people transform their lives for the better. We believe that training at the Trust can help you to make a profound difference within your chosen field.
The courses on offer at the Trust have been carefully developed to meet the needs of both the sector and of the students. Most have been validated by one of our University partners (Middlesex, Essex or the University of East London) or one of a number of professional bodies, or both.
Here at the Trust, you will find supervisors and course tutors who are dedicated to providing you with the best possible training experience. We especially hope you will take advantage of the cross-disciplinary events that happen within the Trust and to enjoy the possibility of cross fertilisation from a range of approaches and perspectives. The modern landscape of mental health and social care needs people who can work across boundaries and challenge the confines of professional silos.
Above all we want your time at the Trust to be an enriching, challenging and life-enhancing experience. I am personally committed to this, so do take the chance of just saying help if you see me around the place. I would always love to hear how things are for you.
Brian Rock Dean, Department of Education and Training /
Your Course Handbook
Your course handbook is a key document for your studies here. This handbook gives you course-specific information such as the aims and objectives of the course, curriculum details and information about assessment on your course.
Your Course Page on Moodle is an essential learning resource. It provides you with information about your course and it is vital you go there regularly as it is, alongside email, our primary method of contacting you. See section 5.2 for more information.


1 Introduction to the course 8

2 Aims and Outcomes of the course 10

3 Unit Specifications 12

4 Resources 16

5 Student Support 18

6 Regulations, Policies and Procedures 21

1 Introduction to the course

1.1  Our University Partner

This course has been validated by the University of Essex. It is an accredited course which means that on your successful completion of the Modules (and on the premise that you meet any other additional criteria), you will receive a nationally recognised award which has been quality assured and ratified by a well-established and respected University.

For more information about our University partners, please visit the Quality Assurance pages of our website: which can also be accessed via your course page on Moodle.

1.2  Professional Accreditation [delete section if not relevant]

If your course is professionally accredited (as indicated on the front cover), there will be a code of ethics and/or code of practice that you will be required to comply with, which can be found via your course page on Moodle.

There may also be a distinct set of Learning Outcomes associated with the professional accreditations, which will be clearly indicated as such in each assessment within this handbook.

Include here a brief course-specific professional accreditation statement if required. Please note that the majority of information about professional accreditation should be held on Moodle and there is also information about professional accreditation on the Quality pages on the website.

More information about any professional accreditation associated with this course can be found on your course page on Moodle.

1.3  Your Course

Course Lead:

Course Administrator:

Include here a brief introduction to the course – can include distinctive features, but bear in mind that the student is already on the course so it’s not marketing material. Also, write in the 2nd person (‘you’) rather than impersonal ‘the student’.

1.4  Course Diagram

Year / Phase / Level / Unit Title / Credits
1 / PgCert / 7 / Research Critique / 20

1.5  Course Structure

The Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust courses that are validated by the University of Essex are credit-rated to clarify the amount and level of study that is needed. One credit is equal to 10 hours of directed study time (this includes everything associated with study e.g. lectures, seminars and private study). The course is part-time; you will attend the course for one day per week. The year will be divided into three terms; two of 11 weeks and the last of six weeks. With planning the course can be taken over two years if preferred (attending the course for half a day per week).

Include any course-specific structural information (for example, credit accumulation, Blended Learning etc.

2  Aims and Outcomes of the course

2.1 Introduction

The course aims and outcomes are an essential component in the design and delivery of your course. They are included as a way of ensuring national academic standards, and each aim and outcome in the units map onto these course aims and outcomes. In order to pass the course, you must meet the unit learning outcomes which in turn means you will meet the course learning outcomes by the end of the course. More information about aims and outcomes can be found on the Student Regulations website:

2.2 Course Aims

Please include the course aims as validated in the programme specifications.

2.3 Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes are the skeleton on which your course hangs. When the course was first developed and validated, the Course Learning Outcomes were created using Quality Assurance Agency Benchmarking criteria to ensure the level and standards of the course are appropriate.

On successful completion of the Course, you will have demonstrated through assessment:

Knowledge / 1. 
Thinking Skills
Subject-Based Practical Skills
Skills for Life and Work (general skills)

Please ensure that these are:

·  described as specifically as possible in terms of what the student will be able to do, and/or know

·  Are devised according to the appropriate subject benchmark statement (

·  Are set at the appropriate level for the course (

3  Module Specifications

Module Choose an item.: click here to enter module title

Module Title
Module Code / New or revised
NQF Level / Credit Value
JACS Code / n/a / Duration (weeks)
Date of Introduction
Module Supervisor
Teaching Staff
Contact details for student enquiries
Campus(es) to be taught on
Terms in which module is taught / Autumn / Spring / Summer

Please note that your Course Study Area in Moodle gives you important information such as essential reading and lecture notes. Please refer to your course page on Moodle in addition to this Module Specification.

Module Description and Aims

Include here introduction to the module and aims (not to be confused with the outcomes below)


Module Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Unit, you will be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:

Knowledge / 1. 
Thinking Skills
Subject-Based Practical Skills
Life and Work (general skills)

Please ensure that these are:

·  described as specifically as possible in terms of what the student will be able to do, and/or know

·  Are devised according to the appropriate subject benchmark statement (

·  Are set at the appropriate level for the unit (

Learning and Teaching Methods



·  e.g.: This unit will be taught over a series of lectures and seminars. There will be some reading recommended before each lecture and in order to gain the most out the lecture/seminar you will need to read this prior to attendance.


This is the assessment you must complete to meet the Unit Learning Outcomes. Submission dates are published on your Moodle Course page.
Type of Assignment: / Word count or other distinctive feature / Learning Outcomes assessed / Weighting of the assessment
e.g. One Essay / e.g. 1,000-1,500 words / e.g. 1-4 / e.g. 75%
e.g. One Presentation / e.g. 4-6 minutes / e.g. 5-6 / e.g. 25%
Please note that the word count does not include ancillary documentation such as transcripts, appendices, bibliographies or notes.
Assessment Guidance
Insert here what the student has to carry out in more detail here, e.g:
·  Choosing your own title, write about the ways in which this course has informed and changed your working practices, and/or your understanding of your role. Give illustrations from your work with individual children or students or with groups within your institution.
·  The papers should address selected aspects of the candidate’s experience of the course and the relevance of that experience to their work with children, young people or adults.
·  The papers should include illustrations of the kind presented and discussed in Work Discussion seminars.
·  The papers should demonstrate evidence of self- reflection about feelings, reactions and behaviour in their professional role.
·  The papers should include references to, or quotations from, a small selection of relevant texts. These might include educational as well as psychoanalytic references. They should provide evidence of an ability to apply theoretical concepts to their professional role.
Assessment Criteria
This is the criteria that the assessors use when marking your assignment, along with the Tavistock feedback form. A blank version of the feedback form can be accessed via your course page on Moodle. The Marking Criteria are directly related to the Unit Learning Outcomes.
Insert here the criteria which will be used by the examiners to mark the work. Assessment criteria will:
·  Examine whether learning outcomes have been met by the student, and whether this has been addressed by the markers
·  Be set at the required standard and level for the unit (see for HE frameworks and here: for Subject Benchmark Statements)
·  Reflect the published aims and learning outcomes
For information on assessment, please see section 6 of this handbook. You must make sure that you comply with the Trust’s requirements on assessment, including plagiarism and confidentiality. If you do not comply you may fail the unit.
Re-assessment will only be possible where permitted under the Rules of Assessment.
Please specify what the re-assessment strategy is for the module, including as appropriate information on reassessment for individual failed units of coursework, failure in coursework overall, and failure in the exam.

Indicative Learning and Teaching Time

Hours: / Activity:
1.  Contact time (Student/tutor interaction): / Activity and hours (Defined as lectures, seminars, tutorials, project supervision, demonstrations, practical classes and workshops, supervised time in studio/workshop, fieldwork, external visits, work based learning (not placements), formative assessment) See further descriptions in guidance
2.  Independent learning time: / Activity (e.g. seminar reading and preparation/assignment preparation/ background reading/ on-line activities/group work/portfolio/diary preparation, unsupervised studio work etc):
For distance learning students, the unit will be taught through the use of study materials developed specifically for distance learning. Students will have access to dedicated support staff and academic tutors as well as an Online Student Community throughout their studies. Preparation for and undertaking assessments are included in the teaching and learning time. Because of the direction and support in the study guide, student/ tutor interaction time should be minimal. However, dedicated support staff and academic tutors will be available through the Online Student Community and will address all queries in line with our student charter for distance learning.
Total Learning Hours:
Choose an item. / (10 learning hours per credit ie: 40 credits = 400 total learning hours)


You will find a comprehensive and current reading list in the Course Study Area on Moodle. The list below should be taken as indicative reading only.

Include texts in Harvard style

4  Resources

4.1 Library

The Tavistock Library is a leading mental health library recognised both nationally and internationally for its specialist collection and is open to all registered students and trainees whilst they are studying at the Trust. It is located on the ground floor of the Tavistock Centre and on the web at

Opening hours are from 9am – 9pm Monday – Thursday and 10am – 6pm Friday during term time. Reduced hours apply during the vacation periods and are advertised on the website.

Staff can be contacted directly by telephone 020 8938 2520 or e mail Users have 24/7 electronic access to all of the library’s electronic resources.

4.2 USB sticks

For the purposes of security and confidentiality only Tavistock and Portman issued USB sticks can be used on Tavistock and Portman computers. This includes all the computers in the library. External USB sticks will not work, which means that any course work completed on a computer in the building can only be saved on a special issue USB stick. Before your new USB stick will work you must go online and complete a few simple steps to activate it. Instructions for activating your USB stick can be found on the Moodle home page.

Every new student will receive a Tavistock and Portman USB stick at enrolment day. If you haven't received your USB stick by the time your course begins you will be able to collect one from your course administrator.

4.3 IT facilities

The Library has impressive e-resources, which can be accessed via your Moodle page anywhere in the world. For more information about the library, please go to the Library page on Moodle (login and click on the Library tab at the top)

Computing and printing facilities are available in the library. All library computers have Internet access and Microsoft Office software.

In addition, we also have free Wi-Fi onsite so you can use your own laptops, tablets or phones on our Wi-Fi. To connect, follow these simple instructions: