Monday 29th September 2014

Taunton College, Southampton



1 / Welcome and opening remarks by Chairman.
Attending:Laura Grange, Rachel Rathke, Debbie Lloyd, Mike Parsons, Sue Porter, Julian Porter, Chris Lamb, Bob Fowler, Lou Gower, Teri Pragnell, Helena Demetrov,[L1] Jo Findon, Kelly Kilpin, Jon Kitchen, Gary Fithian[L2], Ashley Forbes, Paul Armstrong, Kathering[L3] Smart, Jonathan smith[L4], Kathy Annalls, Neil Catchlove, Emily smith[L5], Megan Draper, Peter Casey, Aiden Lennan, Timothy Sly, Jackie Kerwood, Elisabeth Mooreratt,[L6] Jenny Dawes, Anne Francis, Laura O’Loughlin, Rikki Prince, Dave Johnston, Peter Lewis, Steve Johnson, Simon M Carthy[L7], Ian Bower, Sue Maddocks, Di Mattingly, Carol Bradwell, RuihuaHou, Patrick Joseph, Clare Satterly, Cary Vardy, Angela Lee, Dan Hunt, James Sanders,[L8] Kim Kelly, Nicole Kelly, Vicky Pratt, Tracey Webber[L9], Jeff Oswald, Jim Davies, Roy Mc Lughlin[L10], Sean W[L11], Jon Course, Kirsty Ware-Lane, Tony Rickman, Daniel Campion, Martin Stevens, Darren Foy, Irene Moreno, Lisa Fhithyan, Aurelio Bello, Dean Jones, Roger Fleming, Chris Brown, Ben Pitman, Luana Cox, Justin Olley, Steve Robbinso[L12]n, Alison Ayres, Rosanna Smith, Mike Mattingly, Lynda Cox, Claire M Erlean[L13], Lawrence Chen, Alice yates[L14], Kevin Yates
Apologies: Derek Goodchild, Roger Bradley, Kate Bradford, Maria Dimech, AniekScorey, Mike Bisson, Jeff Doors[L15], Emma Henshaw
Minutes from previous meeting: Approved
2 / Treasurer’s Report: Attached.
The Balance Sheet is looking very strong now, and back on par with how it was 3 or 4 years ago. We are holding just over a £1,000 collected for charity, but the rest of it is ours!
We are £900 up on subscriptions this year
Our 10K race was down in numbers this year and we ended up with a £100 surplus compared to £850 last year.
The 10 Mile last year was back to former levels of profit and it was just about a sell-out.
Kit sales are cost neutral, as all items are sold at cost.
The Billy Bash didn’t cost us as much this year, as unfortunately not so many people attended. We continue to subsidise this event, and I really would encourage you all to go, as it’s a great evening.
So, we have a pleasant surplus of £4,800 this year compared to £1,400 last year. We will continue to invest in coaching and I’m sure the new committee will come up with great ideas and spend our money wisely to benefit the whole club.
3 / Membership Secretary’s Report:
Membership stats:2011 - 163; 2012 – 239, 2013- 282, 2014 - 333 - more than double the number 3 years ago (of which 168 are female and 165 are male.)
Enquires from potential members: 3 or 4 a week.
Non members can come to 2 sessions only before they have to fill in a membership form and pay up. It’s clear from the registers that some people have benefitted from several weeks of training at no cost to them. That’s really not on.
In about 8 weeks’ time Lynda will contact each member by email to ask them to pay their subs early in January (or sooner of they want to). If for any reason, you don’t want to renew, then please tell Lynda as it makes things so much easier.
Due to the number of members we now have Lynda is looking into collectingthe subs by annual direct debit.
4 / Coach Representative Report:
This year we have seen the Introduction of a new Coaching Group led by Ben & Carol meeting regular to lead and manage the coaching of the club.
We are getting excellent numbers at all our sessions (and very busy with beginners on Mondays)
3 New RL this year (Hayley Ryan, Chris Brown, Trevor Ellery)
Mondays- great variety of sessions and good support from RL throughout the year
Wednesdays- lots of members coming along in the year as well as introductions of regular track sessions
Thursday- introduced beginners runs whenever possible. Please come along to run and to help!
What can you as a member do: Come along to training, Become a RL/ volunteer.
Future plans: Training catering for upcoming events (Southampton Half, Lordshill 10k)
Links with coaches at Solent University
Flying coaches/visits from England Athletics Coaches to support RL/members
New RL (some taking part in courses in Jan/Feb) and potentially new coaches
(Carol): See attached report.
Queries: TP asked about the possibility to have more track sessions per month. RP informed that we have now started to have one track session a month as a trial and if goes well, the committee will look into book the track more often. BP also commented that in addition to the track, training would take place at the Sports Centre more often in the winter.
5 / Men’s Captain Report:See attached report.
Women’s Captain Report:
Di started her report by congratulating all ladies for another great year.
In the 2013/14 CC6 season 28 ladies took up the challenge and our Ladies Team came 5th out of 12; the combined men’s and ladies’ teams came 2nd out of 11.
Laure Van den Broeck WON the ladies’ series(without breaking into a sweat)
Alice Jones and Di in the top 20 at positions 15 and 16 respectively.
In the 2014 RR10s we had 64 ladies taking part and once again, Laure Van den Broeck
was our top runner coming 4th overall out of about 420 lady runners, and 7th in the mixed
ranking table. Emma Henshaw came a hugely admirable 6th overall. This year we managed 10 teams, beaten only by Stubbie who had 11, with our A team coming 4th and our B team 13th.
As far as the Hampshire Road Race League was concerned, in the 2013-14 season our
ladies’ A team came 7th in division A1, the B team was 5th in division B1 and the C team was 10th in division B1. We have 6 ladies who will be proud possessors of mugs this time: Emily Smith (30), Di(38), Helen Backshell(42), Clare Satterly(51), Laura O’Loughlin(65) and Kirsty Ware Lane (69). Clare Satterly’s also won the V50-55 ladies’ award for her speedy HRRL performances throughout 2013-14.
Di also mentioned other achievements from the women such as taking part in their first marathon or triathlon.
Jess Bennett won the 10 Mile and Half Marathon
Di also pointed out that it is not all about people at the front though, it’s not even all about the races, it’s about the running and the individual’s improvement and increasing fitness.
6 / Communication Coordinator Report:
7 / 10k 2014Race Director’s Report:
Based on feedback of 10K, introduced chip timing. Lower surplus largely due to the cost of this.
Welcomed back at Adanac Park by Ordnance Survey for 2nd year
Continuing to build good relationship with OS
324 finishers (359 entries)
8 / 10m 2013 Race Director’s Report:
Very popular event (HRRL) Sold out!
Lucky with the weather. No flooding
Great feedback from participants (surveyed participants. 97% of respondents would recommend race to a friend)
509 finishers on the day
Organisation for 2014 event going well. Struggled to find a committee so club committee took on role with Ashley and Steve Cleeves helping out too.
Over 220 entries so far (compared to about 150 last year)
Many thanks to all the members of the race committees for both events
Special thanks to Carol Bradwell and Tony Crowther for the countless hours they spent making the course runnable as well as to Jim Davies for taking on the work of several council members cutting back bushes, trees, levelling ground and capturing escaped ponies.
Queries: BP wanted take the opportunity to thank as well Kirsty Ware-Lane for the organization of the CC6 and RR10 this year.
DF also thank Chris Brown and his team for organizing a very successful Mile series this year.
9 / Chairman’s Report:
10 / Election of Committee Members
Chairperson: Megan Draper. All in favour
Vice-Chair: James Saunders. All in favour
Secretary: Kathy Annalls-Elsey. All in favour
Treasurer: Di Mattingly. All in favour
Membership Secretary: Lynda Cox. All in favour
Communications Coordinators (2 nr) :Rikki Prince and Alice Jones. All in favour
Social Secretary: No one volunteered for this role.All in favour
Men’s Captain: Jim Davies. All in favour
Women’s Captain: Emily Smith. All in favour
Coaching Representative: Ben Pitman. All in favour
Ordinary Members: Clare Satterly, Ashley Forbes and Ian Bower.All in favour
11 / Subscription to News section on LRR Website (automatic subscription with fees renewal). To be discussed by new committee.
12 / Hotel night for 2 draw – Gary Fythian won the prize.
BP took the opportunity to explain what is Easyfundrasing and how to use it for the club.
13 / AOB:
KWL reminded members that we are still in need of more marshals for the 10 Mile race that is taking place on 2nd November.
JD introduced Ashley Forbes as Men Vice-Captain.
14 / Closing remarks -
14 / Date for next committee meeting:











[L11]Sean Withill



