August 2016 Language Calendar

Go diving for obects in a sand box; talk about what you found / Make a fan out of construction paper; talk about each step / Go for a walk and talk about shapes; talk about the shapes you see / Play with a hula hoop; count how many you can keep it up / Water the plants outside; talk about how you will do it
Play hop scotch; while making the squares, practice counting to ten / Throw a Frisbee; talk about where the frisbee lands / While at the pool, label 5 new objects / Fill a water gun with paint and spray it on paper; talk about what happens / Make popsicles; talk about each step
Play a game of follow the leader; take turns giving directions / Leave crayons outside in the sun; talk about what happens to the crayons / While at the grocery story, request 2-3 items from your child / Make shadows on the wall with a flashlight; talk about what you made / Collect sticks, flowers, etc and make your name with the materials
Play tic-tac-toe; talk about where you put the shapes (top, bottom, middle, etc). / Use glow sticks to practice writing letters in the air / Read a book about going to school and talk about your child’s first day of school / Play tag outside; talk about the rules of the game before you start / Go to the park, give child directions on which equipment to get on, switch roles
While on walk, count and name all the animals you see / Have a picnic; talk about everything you need / Kick a soccer ball outside; practice kicking it fast and slowly / Write your name with chalk outside, label each letter, uppercase or lower case / Talk about your kitchen; talk about what belongs in the kitchen
Clean your room; talk about where everything goes / Go to the zoo, talk about what animals are your favorite and why / Push your toy car in playdough; talk about the patterns left behind / Play with a baby doll, talk about what you need to feed her, change her / Go to the local library and pick a book with your favorite animal
Blow bubbles; talk about the size of the bubbles

*Tasks adapted from Moog Center

PPCD AI August 2016/Mrytle Cooper Elementary