3735 Parkdale Road,
Kelowna, B.C., V1X 6K9 / / Phone: 250.870-5140
Fax: 250.870.5081

Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up on Wednesday, October 7th and Thursday, October 8th. On both days, students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. We will not have a lunch break, so please be sure to send a large snack with your child on both days. School buses will be here at 12:30 p.m. to do their usual routes.

We are again using the online appointment booking website. You will be able to register and start booking your appointments on Tuesday, September 29th @ 8:00 am. Some teachers will have before or after school appointments available starting earlier in the week, so please check the appointment calendar for the teacher to see if they are available.

Booking times will end at 12:00 (Noon) the day before the teacher's appointments start. If you would like to schedule an appointment after this deadline, please contact the office.

Teachers have chosen the conference schedules that they feel are best for their classrooms. Most conferences are scheduled for 15 minutes; with the exception of:

Mrs. Buchanan – Kindergarten: Time blocks are 30 minutes.

Mrs. K. Ito – Kindergarten/Grade 1:

The morning time blocks are 30 minutes; these are for kindergarten only please. Grade 1 students will book in the afternoon 15 minute time blocks. If you have a kindergarten student and can only come to an afternoon session, please book 2 consecutive 15 minute blocks so that you will have 30 minutes.

If you have more than one student at Ellison, please book appointments carefully to be sure that they don't conflict.

School Appointments - Parent Instructions

  1. Go to our school appointments web site: Register for an account by clicking the "REGISTER" menu tab and selecting "Click Here to Register". The school code is ELE. The access code is case-sensitive. Fill in the online form and click the "Register Now" button.
  2. Add your children into the system by clicking the "Add a Student" button. Click "Insert New" button to add more children.
  3. Click the "date" icon beside each child's name to schedule appointments. Select the staff you wish to book appointments with and the "View Calendars" button.
  4. Click on available time slots to book your appointments and then click the "Book Appointments" button to save your bookings.