
Resume Writing Project

Task: To locate a realistic job and create a resume

Option 1: Find a job that you could apply to now or during the summer. Create a relevant and realistic resume that could be used to apply for that job.
Option 2: Find a job that you could apply to with your chosen degree/based on your career project. Create a fictional resume that could be used to apply for that job.

PART 1: Picking a Job
Using local newspapers,, and other internet resources, select a job that you could apply to for either the summer or during the school year. This must be a real job!
Save the job advertisement & then bring a copy of the job advertisement to class onFebruary 16th.
The advertisement MUST be shared BEFORE class. Worth 10 points.
Option 1: The job chosen must be one that you could/would apply to now or over the summer.
Option 2: The job chosen must be one that you could/would apply to after finishing your schooling based on the major/career you chose in the project.

PART 2: Writing a Resume
Using some variation of the format and headings on the resume handout create a resume that would make you a good candidate for your given job.
Think about what work/education/volunteer experience you have had that makes you a candidate for this position? How would you be an asset to your prospective employer? Please write a realistic resume.

Option 1: The resume should include work experience that makes you a good candidate for the job. Include school clubs, sports, activities, volunteer work that showcases your talents and work ethic.
Option 2: The resume should include feasible internships and feasible summer jobs that would make you a good candidate. You could also include likely activities and clubs that would be relevant at a university level.

Your resume will be written, twice revised and submitted in a paper copy. The paper copy of your resume should be stapled to the rubric on the back of this paper.
Important Dates:
Job Advertisement PRINTED and SUBMITTED – Friday, 2/16.
First Resume Draft PRINTED and SUBMITTED –Thursday, 2/22 (does not need to be completed, for teacher edits)
Second Draft PRINTED – Friday, 2/23 (for peer edits)
FINAL DRAFT PRINTED and SUBMITTED WITH RUBRIC – Monday, 2/26 – This is the graded copy!


______15 points: Resume format is clear, consistent and professional. The format seamlessly conveys and supports the resume’s intent. Headings are appropriate for prospective position. All dates are present.

______30 points: The content of the resume is relevant to the job and realistic. The resume writer highlighted experiences that parallel the resume’s goals.

______15 points: The resume is well-written (with strong action verbs for professional resumes-see handout) and no spelling/grammar mistakes.

______10 points: The resume is printed out and submitted on the given due dates.