The following includes a description of the programthat is being targeted, the learning outcomes and assessment strategies for that program.
PRIMARY STUDENT REFERRAL AGENT: Provide appropriate and effective referrals for students in regard to personal counseling, disabilities services, and academic support to ensure overall success while at SUNY ESF.
Personal Counseling, Disabilities Services, and Academic Support
Goal: Successfully provide students with appropriate referrals to SyracuseUniversity’s CounselingCenter, SyracuseUniversity’s Office of Disability Services, and SUNY ESF Academic Support Services. This will be achieved with the Senior Counselor acting as the primary point of contact for SUNY ESF students where assessment of student concerns is addressed, and with the Senior Counselor acting as liaison and primary referral agent for students with linkage to appropriate support services. Ensure students are provided with information and resources to be successful throughout the college experience
Targeted Assessment Plan:
- Assessment of effective service provision and referrals to students.Provide evaluation to students (survey).
- Assessment of college mental health issues/trends.Conduct focus groups with students. Solicitation of participants is ongoing through continued contact with students across campus, via listserv, and student email as well. Focus group to be held in December 2009 and April 2010.
- Assessment of college mental health issues/trends and wellness issues with faculty and staff. Conduct focus group with faculty aimed at addressing specific mental health issues/health and wellness issues affecting today’s college students. Will solicit participants through campus listserv and campus email. Focus group to be held in December 2009 and April 2010.
- Assessment of referral and programming initiatives in regard to retention. Solicitation of feedback at Retention Committee meetings.
- Assessment of student experience and satisfaction with the Office of Counseling and Disabilities Services. Survey questions provided to freshman in the Learning Community Survey provided at the end of the Spring 2010 semester.
The above assessments will provide necessary information and feedback for the provision of services and referrals, student satisfaction and experience with the Office of Counseling and Disabilities Services, as well as retention of students as it pertains to the role of Counseling and Disabilities Services. Assessment outcomes will determine modification to services or lack thereof after review by the Senior Counselor, aimed at providing optimal referral and effective services overall.
The intent of the above mentioned targeted assessment plan is to provide necessary information and feedback for the provision of services and referrals, student satisfaction and experience with the Office of Counseling and Disabilities Services, as well as retention of students as it pertains to the role of Counseling and Disabilities Services. Assessment outcomes will determine modification to services or lack thereof after review by the Senior Counselor aimed at providing optimal referral and effective services overall.
Assessment of effective service provision and referrals to students.
Evaluation was conducted via student satisfaction survey. Out of 820 students, 336 surveys were returned. 87% of students indicated overall satisfaction with appropriate referrals and service, 11% indicated they were not completely satisfied with referral and service, and 2% indicated neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
Assessment of college mental health issues/trends.
Evaluation was conducted via focus groups with students indicating that current trends are:
Alcohol/substance abuse issues
Stress and anxiety
Sleep issues (insomnia)
Suicide awareness/prevention/education
Assessment of college mental health issues/trends and wellness issues with faculty and staff.
Evaluation was conducted via focus groups with faculty and staff indicating that current trends among this population are:
Stress and anxiety
Sleep issues (insomnia)
Eating disorders
Healthy relationships/domestic violence
Assessment of referral and programming initiatives in regard to retention.
Solicitation of information is ongoing through monthly Retention Committee meetings and results have not yet been determined for the academic year. More information to follow.
Assessment of student experience and satisfaction with the Office of Counseling and Disabilities Services.
Survey questions provided to freshman in the Learning Community Survey provided at the end of the Spring 2010 semester.
Results were determined out of 119 returned surveys:
78% of students indicated satisfaction overall
22% of students indicated they have not received services