2014-2015Talking RamsTeam Paperwork

Parent Support and Involvement Form

Name(s): ______

Son(s)/Daughter(s): ______

E-mail Address(es): ______

Phone Number(s): ______

Please place a checkmark next to areas of interest:

_____ Manage the hospitality room and staff at the Ladue Novice Invitational

_____ Make a financial contribution to the Ladue Novice Invitational hospitality room

_____ Provide food for the Talking Rams during the Ladue Novice Invitational

_____ Provide snacks for the team during tournaments

_____ Make a financial contribution to the senior scholarship fund

_____ Make a financial contribution to the speech and debate camp scholarship fund

_____ Help plan the team banquet and organize the dinner

_____ Provide a list of possible guest speakers/presenters and contact information to the head coach

Thank you for your willingness to actively support the Talking Rams! Molly Beck, head coach, will be in touch in the near future!