Crystal Fischer
English II
Room B19
Fall Semester 2017-2018
Dear Student:
This is an exciting year to be a Jaguar! I am excited to be part of the DeSoto Central High School family, and I am looking forward to teaching you this semester.
My goal this semester is to help you reach your full potential as a reader and writer. Also, my goal is to help you succeed in passing the state test. English II is a state tested subject; therefore, attendance is very important. In order for us to be successful, I have outlined the following policies and procedures for our English classroom:
Classroom Expectations
1. There will be no talking by the students during lectures unless called on by the teacher. Courtesy will be shown at all times; therefore, no sleeping OR heads down will be allowed. Participation and on-task behavior within a cooperative group is expected.
2. Working on other class assignments is prohibited. Any work being completed on assignments that are not English assignments will result in confiscation of that work, and the work will not be returned.
3. Students will be in assigned seats BEFORE the tardy bell rings and remain there unless given permission by the teacher. Students will begin working on bell work as soon as he/she enters the classroom.
4. All book bags, backpacks, and purses will be stored underneath the desks. All jackets will be worn or hung on the back of chairs. NO jackets or purses are allowed in laps. If there is a problem with compliance, all book bags, back packs, purses, and jackets will be placed at the front of the classroom upon entrance to the class each day.
5. Students must use respectful language and inappropriate gestures will not be tolerated.
6. Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating in any way will result in a zero and disciplinary action. (handbook pg.14,19)
7. Students must be prepared for class daily. Student must have all necessary materials. HAVE ALL MATERIALS NECESSARY FOR SUCCESS IN THE CLASSROOM. I WILL NOT SUPPLY YOU WITH PAPER, PENCILS, PENS, ETC.
8. Electronic devices may be used in class for educational purposes and only with permission from the teacher. Devices MUST be placed FLAT ON THE DESK! Unauthorized use of electronic devices will result in confiscation. (handbook pg. 20-21) Cell phones and smart watches will be collected and stored during tests.
9. Our room and supplies must be respected. Class textbooks must be stored in baskets underneath the desks. Supplies will be used and placed back into their storage areas. Do not write on the desks. Keep our classroom neat!
10. Follow all policies and procedures as outlined in the DeSoto Central High School handbook.
11. If a student is absent a period or part of a period for any reason, it is his/her responsibility to do the following to make up work: check Google Classroom, obtain notes from a classmate, check assignments listed on the calendar located on the board, ask me if there is anything he/she needs to complete, and/or make up all assignments as soon as possible. A student has the number of days missed to complete any make-up work for full credit up to 5 days unless extenuating circumstances exist and special permission is granted for an extension. (handbook pg. 10)
· All assignments (class work and homework) are recorded on the calendar located on the board. It is your responsibility to check the calendar after an absence. Follow this procedure upon your return to school.
- Make an appointment for any missed tests/quizzes the day the you return from an absence. Teacher must sign hall pass.
- See the teacher and/or the teacher’s website for notes and handouts.
- Complete the assignment(s) and turn in by the due date to the designated makeup work folder.
· Tests are made up before school at 7:50 a.m. by appointment ONLY. Tests will not be made up during class.
· Any work not turned in by the due date will result in a ZERO.
· If the student is absent only one day before an announced test, the student is REQUIRED to take the test on the original date. The only exception will be if new material is given the day before a test.
· If the student is absent on test day – he/she is expected to take the test upon return to school.
· If the student leaves school for a school activity and has an assignment due that day, he/she is required to turn the assignment in before 3:30 the day of the trip. PLAN AHEAD!!
Projects account for 25% of the grade. Writing projects will not be accepted after the due date. 10 points will be added to the writing project grade if it is turned in the day before the due date. Failure to complete writing projects will result in a failing grade that will affect students’ averages. All writing projects MUST be typed on GoogleDocs and uploaded to GoogleClassroom NO LATER than 8:30 A.M. on the due date. To ensure the project is received, email the project to . Also, email the project to your personal email. If not emailed by 8:30 a.m., the grade will result in a zero (0). Assigned projects usually include a weekend to work on the project. This is intentional for those who may not have access to a computer. If a student does not have access to a computer, students are encouraged to complete projects on their phone (on GoogleDocs), at the public library, at a friend’s/relative’s house, or at the school library, mornings at 7:50 a.m. No excuses will be accepted. If the student has a computer issue, the student MUST communicate this BEFORE the due date. Students must meet with the teacher to devise a plan to complete assignments BEFORE THE DUE DATE. Students are encouraged to complete assignment(s) BEFORE the night before the project is due to avoid receiving a 0 for not completing the assignment(s).
Daily Procedures
**The daily objective, bell ringer activity, and homework are posted daily on the white board. The bell ringer procedure is as follows:
- Take out and turn in homework assignments in designated tray.
- Begin the assignment posted beside the bell ringer on the board before the tardy bell rings. Students MUST have a colored pen to complete the bell ringer. Points will be deducted from his/her grade.
- Sit quietly when bell ringer is completed.
Policy Violation Consequences
1st offense: student warned, teacher/student conference, and infraction recorded
2nd offense: parent called and/or discipline referral completed
3rd offense: student sent to office with completed referral
Severe offense clause: Any incident that is deemed severe by the teacher will be dealt with through the office immediately. All other consequence steps will be void.
We will read the following novels:
1. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury – Purchase your copy NO LATER than Friday, August 25, 2017. You may download it on a Kindle/Tablet/Ipad. No cell phones will be allowed. We will begin reading on Monday, August 28, 2017.
2. Lord of the Flies by William Golding – Do not purchase until announced.
You will need the following materials in class each day:
1. one three ring binder (for ENGLISH ONLY) divided into the following sections:
a. Bellwork
b. Writing
c. Literature
d. Articles
e. Vocabulary
2. divider tabs
3. pen/pencil (preferably mechanical pencil and pens with traditional blue and black ink only)
4. crayons/markers
5. 5 different colored highlighters (preferably orange, blue, yellow, pink, and green)
6. loose leaf paper NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS
7. student handbook
8. colored pen for editing
9. marbled composition book
Student progress and verification of your child’s grades may be checked by using the Parent Portal system. You may request a user name and password at the front office.
Parents may email me anytime at the following email address:
Please be sure to sign up for Remind. Information is attached.
**Turn in this syllabus at the end of the semester for bonus points.
Please initial by the following if it applies to you:
______I have access to a computer at home.
______I have access to the Internet at home.
______I have access to Wifi at school.
______I have data on my phone.
______I have the ability to find transportation to the public library if I need to type and email/upload my project.
______I have an alternate way to upload to Google Classroom.
If the previous statements DO NOT apply to the student, students must meet with the teacher to devise a plan to complete assignments BEFORE THE DUE DATE.
Projects account for 25% of the grade. Writing projects will not be accepted after the due date. 10 points will be added to the writing project grade if it is turned in the day before the due date. Failure to complete writing projects will result in a failing grade that will affect students’ averages. All writing projects MUST be typed on GoogleDocs and uploaded to GoogleClassroom NO LATER than 8:30 A.M. on the due date. To ensure the project is received, email the project to . Also, email the project to your personal email. If not emailed by 8:30 a.m., the grade will result in a zero (0). Assigned projects usually include a weekend to work on the project. This is intentional for those who may not have access to a computer. If a student does not have access to a computer, students are encouraged to complete projects on their phone (on GoogleDocs), at the public library, at a friend’s/relative’s house, or at the school library, mornings at 7:50 a.m. No excuses will be accepted. If the student has a computer issue, the student MUST communicate this BEFORE the due date. Students must meet with the teacher to devise a plan to complete assignments BEFORE THE DUE DATE. Students are encouraged to complete assignment(s) BEFORE the night before the project is due to avoid receiving a 0 for not completing the assignment(s).
I have read the above rules and agree to abide by these rules while in Mrs. Fischer’s classroom. I also understand the consequences stated in this syllabus.
(Print) Student’s Name Date
Student’s Signature
I have read the above rules and agree to help my child abide by these rules through the course of the school year and understand the consequences stated.
(Print) Parent’s Name Date
Parent’s Signature
Phone number(s) Mom______
Parent(s) email: Mom ______
Dad ______
Please answer the following questions:
Do you have access to a computer? ______
Do you have access to the Internet? ______
Do you have access to a printer? ______