Tangerine Study Guide QuestionsName:

Friday, August 18

  1. Paul’s mom is upset with the movers when she gets to the new house. Why was she upset?
  1. What does Paul mean when he says he “…felt a surge of anger, Mom’s anger, at the moving guys for doing that” (12)? In reference to the boxes he found in his room.

Saturday, August 19

  1. What wakes Paul up in the middle of the night?
  1. When Paul wakes up again in the morning he goes out on the front porch. What does he think is happening somewhere close? Why does he think this?
  1. Paul’s mom calls the fire department. What do they tell Paul and his mom about the fire? What is the name of the fires/what kind of fires are these?

Saturday, August 19 – Later

  1. Why does Paul think that the name of the lake he finds is Windsor Lake?
  1. After Paul’s family meets Mike and his father, why does Paul say that Erik’s “stardom will come at Mike’s expense” (21)?
  1. Why does Paul think that Mike is not worried about his future in football?

Monday, August 21

  1. What is Paul’s mother’s name?
  1. Who is Mrs. Gates?
  1. What position does Paul tell Mrs. Gates he play on the soccer team?
  1. Why is it ironic that Paul plays soccer (especially the position he plays)?

Wednesday, August 23

  1. According to Paul, what does he think was the proudest day of his father’s life?

Monday, August 28

  1. What is special about today?
  1. In his flashback (memory), why were Erik’s friends calling Paul ‘eclipse boy’?

Thursday, August 31

  1. Mom has been angry a few times already in the book. On page 42, what is mom angry about now?

Friday, September 1

  1. What does your school schedule have in common with Paul’s school schedule?

Tuesday, September 5

  1. What happened to Mike Costello?

Wednesday, September 6

  1. Why does mom want to call all of the football parents?

Thursday, September 7

  1. What happened as a result of Paul’s mother making her calls to the football parents?
  1. Who is Mr. Bridges?
  1. Why does the coach say that Paul’s mom is talking about destroying the football team?
  1. What is the leading cause of accidental death in Tangerine County, Florida?

Friday, September 8

  1. Why are the boys on the soccer team calling Paul ‘Mars’?
  1. Why was Paul kicked off of the soccer team?
  1. Paul’s dad speaks to the coach to ‘take care of’ the fact that Paul was kicked off of the team. What did Paul’s dad and the coach decide would be done to fix the situation?

Friday, September 8 later

  1. Why does Paul say that Joey is someone that even he could feel sorry for?
  1. Joey tells Paul twice in the chapter that he wanted to ask Paul a question. What is the question that Joey finally asks Paul?
  2. Why is it strange that Joey asks this question?

Saturday, September 9

  1. Why does Paul’s mom think that football practice should be cancelled for this morning?
  1. Who is Paul interested in seeing at the carnival?
  1. What is Paul’s mother upset about when she picks up Paul and Joey from the carnival?
  1. Based on everything that we know about Paul’s mother (being angry at the movers, not speaking to dad, calling the football team parents) what does her being upset at the carnival tell us?

Monday, September 11

  1. Why does Paul get called out of class?
  1. What happened to Paul’s math class when he was returning to class following his visit in the guidance office?

Monday, September 11 later

  1. What does Joey tell Paul he heard about portable 18?
  1. Who told Joey this information?

Tuesday, September 12