Tangerine Part 2: Answer each question in complete sentences in Cornell Note Form.

Monday, September 18

  1. Who helps Paul find his way around the school?
  2. Describe this new character.
  3. What happened to the main players on the soccer team? Why?
  4. What is different about the Tangerine soccer team?
  5. What does the soccer coach tell Paul?
  6. What happened to Paul’s IEP

Tuesday, September 19

  1. Why is Paul so interested in the story of how the soccer players got suspended?
  2. How did Tino vandalize the Freak Show?
  3. Who is the leader of the soccer team?
  4. What is going to be Paul’s place on the team?

Wednesday, September 20

  1. What is the difference between the uniforms for Lake Windsor and Tangerine?
  2. What did Erik and Arthur do to upset Joey?
  3. Why did Joey try to take off Mike’s shoes?
  4. What does Paul want Joey to do?

Friday, September 22

  1. What are the fans and the players like at Palmetto Middle School?
  2. What happens to Paul’s eyes while he is playing?
  3. What does Victor tell Paul on the bus after the game?
  4. Why is this so important to Paul?

Friday, September 22 (later)

  1. What does Joey tell Paul is going to happen on Monday?
  2. What does Paul tell Joey when Joey asks him to show him around on Monday?
  3. How does Paul explain the soccer team to Joey?

Saturday, September 23

  1. What does the whole family do on Saturday?
  2. What do the visiting fans do about the seating?
  3. What is the score of the game at half time? What happens with the weather?
  4. What happens during Erik’s big moment in the game?
  5. What does the family see on the television that night?
  6. What does Paul think will happen as a result of Erik’s humiliation?

Tuesday September 26

  1. How does Paul explain why his parents are not watching his soccer game?
  2. What does Victor have to do at half time?
  3. What does Paul do during the game?
  4. Why is this a new experience for Paul?

Tuesday September 26 (later)

  1. Why does Cara Call Paul?
  2. What conclusion does Paul come to about Kerri?

Wednesday September 27

  1. What does Victor say that makes Joey so mad/upset?
  2. What is mom so surprised about?
  3. What does this statement mean, “For Joey, our house may as well be covered with canvas and bound by ropes, because it is filled with poison.”

Friday, September 29

  1. Describe Shandra’s reaction when the reporters show up at practice?
  2. Predict why she acted this way?

Monday, October 2

  1. What does Paul do to upset Joey in Science class?
  2. What does Joey decide to do about the soccer team?
  3. How does Joey feel about Tangerine Middle School?

Tuesday, October 3

  1. What did Paul forget to tell us about Joey’s first day at Tangerine?
  2. What project are they working on in Science?
  3. Why does Tino get suspended again?

Wednesday October 4

  1. What happens when they try to put out the muck fire?
  2. What is happening to the houses that are being exterminated for termites?
  3. What is wrong with Mr. Donnelly’s house?
  4. What is going on with the fish population?
  5. What did Paul find on Dad’s computer?

Thursday, October 5

  1. What does Paul do after school?
  2. Describe a Quonset hut.
  3. Who is Luis?Describe Luis.
  4. What does every citrus tree start out as according to his group?
  5. What is under the houses that attract the termites? Is this an internal or external conflict?
  6. What is Wayne going to do after he drops Paul off?
  7. Describe the flashback Paul has at the end of this section.

Thursday, November 2

  1. Why hasn’t Paul written in his journal for four weeks?
  2. What happens to Erik’s football reputation?
  3. What has happened to the soccer team?
  4. How does Paul refer to the soccer team in relation to his life?

Saturday, November 4

  1. What does Paul like best about the tangerine business? What does Luis like?
  2. What does Paul do with Tino and Luis all day?
  3. What happened to Luis’ knee?
  4. What does Tino do when Paul “clears his conscience?”
  5. What position did Luis play on the soccer team? Why?

Sunday, November 5

  1. Where do the Fishers go?
  2. What does Paul learn about Coach Bright (minimum of 3 sentences)?

Tuesday, November 7

  1. Why doesn’t Paul’s goal count against the Manatees?

Wednesday, November 8

  1. Make an inference: how do you think Betty Bright feels about her past?

Friday, November 10

  1. What team does the War Eagles play in the championship game?
  2. What happens to Victor in the game?
  3. At half time, what does Coach Walski say about Paul?
  4. What does Coach Bright say to Coach Walski about Antoine?
  5. What position does Paul finally get to play?
  6. How does the game end?
  7. What does Paul mean by, “It was quite a ride.”