Tampa Bay Chapter
Chapter Meeting
April 3rd
The regular meeting of Tampa Bay Business Travel Association (TBBTA) was held on May 8at the Sheraton Suites. The meeting was called to order at11:30A.
President Stephanie Keskinenthanked everyone for joining the meeting.
APPROVAL OF TREASURER’S REPORT to be presented by Leanne Turton-Treasurer
A copy of the proposed budget was emailed prior to the meeting. Treasurer Leannesubmitted via email. There were no questions; the Treasurer’s Report will be filed for audit.
The April Chapter Minutes were emailed prior to the meeting. There being no corrections, the minutes were accepted. The minutes will be filed in the website Board documents for record keeping.
President - Stephanie Keskinen
· GBTA CPC Q2 Meeting in Indianapolis 5/1-2 –signed affiliate agreement. Review of options discussed.
· Legislative Summit- Diana Fernandez agreed to be the Govt. Affairs Chair, and attend the GBTA Legislative Symposium-June 24th-2th
· CPC Leadership Summit pushed back to January 2015
· Promotion of May educational event on social media
·Annual Budget discussion (see treasurer report)
·Discussion of annual scholarship and promotion of this – targeted to take place in June.
Vice President- Internal Affairs – TBD
Treasurer’s Report – Leanne Turton
Finance Status
Florida Membership: during April- check deposited $200 for three members added in March from FBTA
Treasurer Report. Account Balance is $14078.35 as of 4/30/14.
April revenues:
Membership $200
Event Registrations $1125
Donations $95
Total: $1420
April Expenses:
Events $348.77
StarChapter $105
CPC/GBTA/Board $500
Total: $1040.62
April Luncheon resulted in a gain of approx. $375 ($975-$600)Total: $1440
Discussion of 2014 budget and approval of line items.
Vice President of Membership–Kelly Cheung
Welcome letters for new members, renewals and reminders.
Discussion of possible payment plan options.
Vice President of Technology – Maria Steen
Newsletter items requested by 10th of month, posted 15th of month.
Program Chair–Diana Fernandez –
Events & Speaker Updates –Via CPC event, Stephanie secured speaker Kathy Briski from Boeing for September event at the Sheraton Suites.
August networking event at Hilton downtown Tampa- research photographer for event to take head shots.
Vice President of Fundraiser–Elizabeth Settle
Hoping to secure an Epicurean prize for next week.
Committee for October 16th Fundraiser at the St. Pete Marriot –including Maria Steen, Maria Poulakis, Lois Raffel and Elizabeth Settle. Rest of board will help, as well. First meeting targeted for some time this month.
There being no further business, this meeting adjourned at 2:30P,
President Stephanie Keskinenthanked everyone for participating on the meeting.