Tall Oaks Crossing Homeowners Association, Inc.
Meeting of the Board of Directors Minutes
June 2, 2005
Regular Session
Deborah Stafford VP, Tall Oaks Crossing HOA, called the meeting to order at 7:11pm.
Board Members present: Rene Buckmon, Bruce Johnson, Bob Owens, Rebecca Ligon-Lewis, Deborah Stafford, and Millie Tyler
Also present John Sheehy, D.H. Bader
Agenda was adopted with the following additions: New Business: Audit, and Web Policy
Old Business: Flyer
Minutes from April 7, 2005 were accepted with corrections.
Committee Reports
Community Affairs
The committee requested that the Board select a time and date to distribute the Easter Candy that was not given out due to the cancelled Easter Egg Hunt.
Rebecca Ligon-Lewis moved to distribute candy on one of the two dates selected by Mary Mauck.
Vote: For 5 Against: 1 Motion adopted
Mary Mauck has resigned from Chair of the Community Affairs Committee.
Grounds and Landscape Committee No Report
Architectural and Covenant Committee No Report
Welcoming Committee
Valvenia Minor provided the following information:
Updated list of the following
92% Block Captains will continue
8% Stepped Down
4 Block Captain vacancies need to be filled
Gift Cards
Ms Minor had questions regarding the procedure or policy on purchasing them. After discussion from the Board,
Bruce Johnson moved to allot ½ of the budgeted funds to purchase gift cards and to request a replacement once those funds have been used and to provide a monthly report on the purchases.
Vote: For: 6 Against: 0 Motion Adopted
Ms. Minor reported that there were questions raised by the Block Captains regarding the need for clarification on the Neighborhood Watch Program and who should be contacted. It was suggested that she refer questions to Mary Mauck.
Block Captains were also interested in the creation of a “BLOCK” newsletter. Board members felt that individual newsletters for each block would be confusing but various events or activities that are occurring could be highlighted in the Tall Oaks Crossing Newsletter.
Management Report
Given by John Sheehy
· CS Lawn & landscape provided a proposal of $1480 to complete the repair to the riprap drain that abuts the tennis courts
Bruce Johnson moved to fix the riprap drain at the tennis courts.
Vote: For: 6 Against: 0 Motion Adopted
· Cost for the audit $1575- $50 increase price will be held for 2years
Bob Owens moved to accept the audit proposal.
Board members unanimously voted in favor.
· Gazebo was painted
Discussion was entertained on trees waiting to be planted in the flood plain area.
Board voted 4 for 2 against to offer the trees to the homeowners affected by the flood plain.
John Sheehy will draft a letter for legal to review to the homeowners.
Old Business
Bruce Johnson reported that he was contacted by a local magazine company in regards to obtaining stories from homeowners about bad experiences with contractors. Contractors Gone Bad flyer was reviewed and edited by the board for distribution to homeowners.
Sheep Farm No update
New Business
Millie Tyler presented the draft of the website policy. Comments should be sent to Millie Tyler.
Open Discussion
Mr. Beasly was interested in youth involvement activities
Mr. James Jackson inquired about permission to construct a shed.
Meeting was adjourned 9:00pm
Minutes Recorded and Submitted by;
Rene M Buckmon, Tall Oaks HOA Secretary