
The months included (between 2010 and 2014)

2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Jan / X / X / X / X
Feb / X / X
Mar / X / X / X / X / X
Apr / X / X / X
May / X / X / X / X / X
June / X / X
July / X / X
Aug / X / X / X
Sept / X / X / X / X / X
Oct / X / X / X / X / X
Dec / X / X / X

Dec 2, 2014

·  Any new member by Oct 1 who has not earned their worker hours pays $15 for the banquet. Gretchen seconded. Motion passed

·  Motion was made to let members NOT in good standing to renew for $5.00 for single, $10 for family. They must meet the date requirement.

·  Motion that since TMAC in an AKC club that titles on the web page should reflect AKC Titles only.

·  it was decided to offer our plastic fencing to OMA’S Pride for a small fee.

Oct 21, 2014

·  Motion that we hold the trial in June with two other groups, LEAP and one other club. All expenses be split evenly. TMAC would be responsible for Sunday.

·  End of the Year Worker Redemption: MIGS can use worker hours up to 50 hour = $100 for 4 Paw, Paw Print, Clean Run and Tails-U-Win certificates.


Sept 16, 2014

·  It was decided to donate $1000 per quarter for the next year. This is subject to annual review.

·  Pam made a motion that we donate $1000 to Canine Health Foundation.

·  motion to buy 3 plaques to show as examples at the banquet.

·  JAG asked to hold a trial within the 100 mile radius. LL Bean logo clothing ; Bob and Lynette brought up the LL Bean logo clothing looking for a final go ahead to order .

·  Pam made a motion for Bob and Lynette to go ahead and place the order not to exceed $450. These will be raffled off at the banquet. LL Bean logo clothing may be ordered with 2 for 1 worker hours with a cap of 100 hours. Bob seconded. Motion was passed.

July 15, 2014

·  Motion to transfer the Web site from Bill to Chris at Sharp Web Service.

·  motion to spend close to $30 per person on an item including logo.

·  motion for Louise Traska to offer a variety of different items and colors that would be sent to Fit to a Tee. Service hours could be used on a 2 for 1 basis where up to 100% could be paid for from service hours.

·  amended this to include LLBean Direct to Business at the same rate of 2 for 1.

·  motion to make the fee for Novice A Handlers and Junior Handlers $10 for each run.

·  motion to have special ribbons for QQ’s and rosettes for advanced titles.

May 20, 2014

·  motion to send $1000 to AKC Canine Health Foundations. Bob seconded.

April 15, 2014

·  motion to raise the worker hour to be a member in good standing from 4 to 8. Family would be raised from 8 to 16...

·  Volunteer Awards: After working on these quickly at the March meeting, we reviewed and revised the compensation for different key position jobs. It will be added as an attachment.

·  Eileen made a motion to up worker tickets from 4 to 8 for the first and last classes of the day. Steve seconded. Motion passed.

March 11, 2014

·  motion regarding the Care of Judge(s). It is the Chairman(s) responsibility to either take the judge out to dinner following trial on Saturday or to find someone(either the co-chair or President of TMAC) to go with them. The judge should always feel that we would gladly take them to dinner if they so choose.

·  Steve made a motion that the Cluster remains a 4 day trial. Bob Young seconded. This passed with one opposed.

·  motion that if someone would organize and run a seminar then TMAC would pay the entrance fee for that person.

Jan 28, 2014

·  bring signs to explain what worker tickets can be used for; food, vendors or paw print certificates.

·  motion to put $5000 in a CD.

October 15, 2013

·  Pam contacted Mark Gary in Westfield to let him know that for the immediate future, we would not be holding our trials there. We decided to send him a $100 gift certificate

·  motion to donate $1000.00 to Chase Away Canine Cancer.

September 17, 2013

·  to have the window blocked from sun coming and causing a potential problem on the course. motion that we buy foam board and made them to fit the individual windows.

·  Motion that earned hours can be spent on clothing, seminars and certificates with a maximum redemption of 100 hours for 2013. This was amended to include the end of January 2014.

·  After thought and a good night’s sleep, amended the motion via e-mail to reduce the number of hours back to 50 redeemable for 2 for 1 and $100. This would be in effect until Jan 31, 2014.

·  For donations motion to buy 10 more sets of pet oxygen masks. These will be distributed to fire stations in several surrounding towns.

·  Digitized logo… motion that we go with LL Bean and that TMAC pay the set- up fee of $195 for the regular sized logo and an extra $45 set-up for the larger logo.

·  On the shirt order, TMAC will pick up the tax.

·  Annual banquet - motion that we get treat bags with the Digitized logo on them for member gifts.

Aug 20, 2013

·  motion to allow raffles by outside clubs. These can be approved on a case by case basis.

·  Whistler Web Design is retiring. motion to accept Sharp Web Service as our new web coordinator and take over the TMAC account.

·  After discuss of redeeming service hours… motion that service hours be redeemable on a 2 for 1 basis capped at 50 hours .

May 21, 2013

·  motion that there be NO chairs allowed in the front crating area in Hamden. And anyone wanting to have chairs can crate in the back area This will be stated in the premium.

·  There was discussion of Westfield Vs Tolland for holding trial. motion to stay with Tolland..

March 26, 2013

·  motion to buy a version of MS word to make the editing of the secretary's report easier.

·  More container for storage will be purchased to make storage of tarps easier and more efficient. Eight baby gates are necessary and will be bought. This will make practice jump set up easier.

·  motion that TMAC workers for the Fall trial will receive a free TMAC logo t-shirt.

·  motion that TMAC pay for the set up fee for creating a logo that can be embroidered on any piece of clothing.

·  motion to donate $1000 to "Chasing Away Canine Cancer'

October 23, 2012

·  the special raffle for workers who signed up in advance was a success.. The consensus of the Board was to try it again at the Winter 2013 trial.

·  motion to accept Shari as chair for Summer Trial

·  Fall 2013: Lynette Bresnahan will chair and Elaine Dabrowski has will vice chair.

September 11, 2012

·  Fall 2012: Raffle will consist of 30 cash prizes of $10. Water bottles commemorating TMAC’s 10th anniversary will be distributed.

·  motion to have birthday cake each day. A fullsheet on Saturday and a half sheet on Sunday with a full color graphic by Mike Mancini.

·  motion to purchase another $5K CD..

·  Allison Vicuna has resigned for medical reasons. Mike Dabrowski to be Vice President to finish Allison’s term

·  Motion to donate $50 to sponsor any TMAC member participating in the Walk for Fidelco.

August 7, 2012

·  (Daisy Peel) seminar will cost around $3,500 to run inclusive of travel, hotels, food, Tails rental, etc. motion for:

·  Saturday – half day of excellent and half day of open/novice. Members pay $75 and Non members pay $90.

·  Sunday – full day of excellent. Members pay $150 and non members pay $180.

·  Each class will hold a maximum of 10 dog/handler teams. Auditors are also allowed for 50% of the standard price. Members can use their service hours to offset up to 50% of the cost. The seminar will be open to Members only until October 3rd. It will be open to everyone else at that time.

·  Oxygen masks and Loomis Check – the Board decided the best way to proceed here is to order the oxygen masks and give them to members who are residents of the various towns to deliver to their local Fire Department.

·  Early Volunteer Signup –the Board decided that we will offer a special incentive for volunteers (members & non members) who sign up early (online) and actually work. We are going to try this for the Fall 2012 Trial and see how it works.

·  Trailer repair – Mike provided the Board with an extensive list of the various repairs he made and the various parts that needed to be bought in order for the Trailer to operate safely. Board voted to award mike a $100 gift certificate and 25 service hours for the time and effort he has put in on the trailer.

June 19, 2012

·  Westfield or Tolland- Tolland was agreed upon and the arrangements will go forward with asking Mark at Westfield if he would agree to hold Westfield open as a back-up site for us if arrangements with Tolland fall through There was a unanimous vote to choose Tolland for the May 2012 trial

·  Trailer repair - $400.00 was voted to fix

May 15, 2012

·  motion to have Steve review Checking account monthly as an audit / backup to the process.

·  The Board voted to authorize Bob to upgrade the QuickBooks software for approximately $300

·  Using service hours for Tails seminars – the Board agreed to allow members to use up to 20 service hours (increments of 5) to subsidize the cost of any seminar at Tails U Win.

·  Plates – motion to use our jazzier recently purchased MACh or PACh / PAX ribbons” to go along with the MACh / PACh / PAX plates.

·  Loomis Check – TMAC was given a $120 check from the Loomis family who was not able to attend the banquet due to a death in the family. The Board felt that this money should be applied to something special. the Board decided to purchase 2 sets of “animal oxygen masks” for the hometown Fire Department of the Loomis / Wilkinson Families (Hampden, Mass), with those families given due credit.

March 20, 2012

·  Motion to allocate $1,000 to up-date the website.

·  Plates: One plate per dog to be presented at the annual banquet to any TMAC member

·  in good standing whose dog has earned its first MACH or a PACH at a non-TMAC trial

·  in the previous membership year which begins February 1. [After the meeting it was discovered that TMAC also has PAX plates so this earning this title will also be honored.]

February 21, 2012

·  Motion to purchase at least10 kits to be given towns with the highest

·  concentrations of TMAC members. To ask for a quantity discount and spend up to $1,000.

January 17, 2012

·  May 2012 updates: Barb Wierzbicki is the trial chair and Mike Dabrowski is the assistant chair.

·  The Board agreed at the previous meeting that only AKC achievements/titles would be listed.

·  Donations - motion for Pam to Reopen the Rescue Masks for Dogs idea Pam had previously presented to the Board.

·  Next day mail: motion that TMAC will reimburse couriers $20 for any single ring TMAC trial out of which the courier will pay for postage. Entries can be mailed to the courier or brought to Tails.

December 5, 2011

·  Fall 2012: The fall trial will be chaired by Gretchen Weide and assistant chaired by Janet Belval.

·  End of year service hour redemption: motion that all club members in good standing may redeem up to 50 hours for Clean run or Paw Prints.

October 18, 2011

·  Motion to hold the Fall 2012 trial in Tolland,

·  Motion that TMAC only use licensed food vendors. Barb Wierzbicki seconded.

·  Legacy Memberships motion to waive dues for the Carlsons,

September 27, 2011

·  Going forward the board agreed to change the wording on all membership applications to read, “Applications will be presented to the Board upon receipt of the first year’s dues.”

·  Nominating Committee: Pam volunteered to chair the nominating committee and the Board unanimously approved the slate of candidates for the committee.

July 19, 2011

·  Winter 2012: Shari King will chair the winter trial price structure to be $27/16/15.

·  motion that we add the run order to all future premium listings.

·  Survey Discussion: should move the Spring trial to Tolland? 5 votes for Westfield, 4 votes for Tolland, 1 vote abstained. Westfield will remain the site for the 2012 Spring trial. The Board will revisit the issue next year.

·  Motion to give Mike permission to purchase a microphone to test our existing speaker.

May 17, 2011

·  Fall 2011 Trial - Was scheduled for Shallowbrook. We will move this trial to the Tolland Soccer Dome. The fee for the soccer dome is $3000

·  Tarps for Tolland – sharing w/ LEAP : about $200 worth of tarps and fasteners are needed to augment the tarps and fasteners already purchased by LEAP and SBGR club to fully screen the rings at the Tolland soccer facility.

April 19, 2011

·  motion to have the Fall Trial stay at Shallowbrook providing Gretchen gets clarification on what would happen if the location were sold.

·  additional details of the “Fit to be Tricked” - motion to move forward with the seminar for January/February 2012.

·  Cards and Donations: Motion we should simplify the process. Going forward all donations will be made to the Canine Health Foundation in honor of a loved one’s passing.