Meeting of Takeley Parish Council
held on Wednesday, 2nd December 2015, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.
Present: / Cllr Carol PrattCllr Pat Burnett
Cllr Jackie Cheetham
Cllr David Daykin
Cllr Sue Sprules
Cllr Trevor Allen / Cllr Tricia Barber
Cllr Richard Cheetham
Cllr Tina Domigan
Cllr Linda Steer
Cllr Geoff Bagnall (arrived 8.50pm)
Clerk Jane Heskey
Asst Clerk Jane Bridgeman
Apologies: / Cllr Natalie Sullivan Smith, Cllr John Green, ECC Cllr Sue Barker &
District Cllr Derek Jones,
Visitors: / Martin Peachey - Community Speed Watch, District Cllr Howard Ryles &
District Cllr Jim Gordon.
15/257 / Welcome and apologies
Chairman Cllr Carol Pratt opened the meeting, welcomed members and visitors, and received apologies as above. / All note
15/258 /
Declarations of Interest
Cllr Tricia Barber declared a non-pecuniary interest re agenda item no.8 Holy Trinity Church as she is a member of the PCC.Members were reminded that they should declare relevant interests at each meeting for items on the agenda and to request a replacement form if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amending. / All note
15/259 / Minutes
(previously circulated)
The minutes of the Council meeting 4th November 2015, which had been circulated previously, were approved as a true record and signed by Chairman Cllr Carol Pratt. / All note
15/260 / Matters arising from the minutes
15/246 Tidy Takeley. The Simply Carpets site has seen a slight improvement. The owner of Takeley Business Park has informed the tenant that if the site is not kept clean he will arrange a clean-up himself on a regular basis and will then invoice the tenant.
15/251 Priors Green Hall update should read 'T&C’s for the single user have been signed off'.
15/250 A Celebration of Youth Work in Uttlesford, Cllr Linda Steer attended and gave a short presentation. Takeley Youth Club was praised as “being one of the most inspiring”. Cllr Linda Steer will speak to the club committee regarding a press release.
15/250 Request for a Defibrillator. TPC are gathering information. This will be added to an agenda in 2016. / All note
15/261 / Open Forum
Mr. Martin Peachey reported: He will be coordinating a survey on the recently completed traffic calming scheme on Takeley Street. Any comments should be fed back to Martin. Essex Highways will be conducting their own review within the next 6-12 months.
Martin also reported on Stansted Airport's Departure Route Trials. The consultation ended on 27th November. Not all flights/carriers are part of the trial. The trial is ongoing. It is hoped that Ryanair will be able to join at some point. If the 04 Dover route is no longer used it would benefit Takeley greatly.
Cllr Howard Ryles reported: Complaints received from residents of Garnetts regarding taxi’s using the road for parking. DCllrs will investigate further.
Cllr Jim Gordon reported: Residents from Priors Green have contacted him regarding the parking situation on the development. Some residents have asked about the group conducting the survey & data protection. He will forward the comments on to the Clerk. The Clerk confirmed that the reason feedback was being collected by TPC was to ensure that peoples data was protected. personal details will not be passed beyond TPC without permission. / All note/ Clerk
15/262 / November 2015 Finance Report
(previously circulated)
Includes an adjustment of -10p for October report for expenses - printer & paper. The figure listed was £45.97 but should be £45.87.
Financial transactions for November 2015 were tabled & agreed.
TPC noted a completed bank reconciliation. / All note
15/263 / Finance Committee Report & Recommendations 11/11/15
(previously circulated)
TPC approved the following recommendations:
§ Dog waste & litter bin collections: Lt. Canfield PC has contributed £343 for additional collections (6 bins).
§ Precept 2016/17 to be reduced by £7546 CT Grant (error). Request UDC Comment on C. Tax bills - Clerk to ask if this is possible?
§ 2015/16 Actuals v Budgets (to Oct. 2015):
Budget (£) / Actual (£) / Var
(£) / Comment
Total Income / 102250 / 103296 / + 1046 / Precept error £7546 to correct
Employees / 35005 / 18821 / 16184
Administration / 23250 / 6087 / 17163 / Station House Expenses c/fwd £7704
Election Expenses saving £5000
Insurance saving £797
Parish Services / 23050 / 9621 / 13429 / Rec Ground tree work £1800 tbc
Professional Advice Fund / 1000 / 150 / 850 / £300 School House Structural Survey outstanding
Youth/Community Projects / 10000 / 0 / 10000
S137 / 10000 / 3070 / 6930
VAT / 1000 / 1868 / -868
Total Expenditure / 103305 / 39617 / 63688
2015/16 Actuals v Budgets Actions:
§ Employee Costs: Pay in line with NALC 2014 guideline. No 2015 salary review. Review workload v contracted hours & advise.
§ Admin Costs: Split subscriptions & annual memberships from office expenditure on budget planner.
§ £130 cost of new printer to be allocated from ICT Reserve (£500)
§ Re-allocate £5k saving from saving on 'Election Expenses' to 'Legal/ Professional Advice Funds'
§ Recommend allocation of approx. £1800 spend to complete tree pruning in Recreation Ground (quote to confirm).
§ Re-allocate £1500 from 'Village maintenance' to ' Rec. Ground' to accommodate tree work at an estimated cost of £1800
§ Contracts:
Reviewed list of current contracts. Agreed to review 'Village Services' strimming contract in Jan. 2016
§ Gladman /Gt Canfield Planning Appeal/Inquiry:
Total cost estimate = £18350 (plus vat)
Paid to date = £ 1500 (plus vat)
Balance = £16850 (plus vat)
TPC share outstanding approx £12k (£1070 paid to date)
§ Neighbourhood Development Plan: TPC Workshop 18/11/15. Cost estimate to be prepared as part of consideration.
§ 2016/17 budget proposals & precept: draft budgets tbc.
UDC to provide info re precept mid December for submission 29th Jan. 2016. Finance Committee to reconvene to consider 2016/17 budgets & precept Wed. 23ed Dec. 2015 @ 10am & report to TPC 6/1/16 meeting
TPC agreed to defer the decision on the recommended allocation of reserves until items 9 & 11 of the agenda are discussed.
£ / Budget 2015/16
School House Fund / 30000 / Plus £18k S106 monies - subject to ECC accepting offer.
Include legal costs
Silver Jubilee Hall Development - Phase 2 / 35000 / Plus £15k S106 monies
Community Projects Reserves / 15000
Community Projects / 70000 / 10000 / 80000
Station House / 29860 / 7704 / 37564 / Backdated rent & utilities - approx £30k
Sports Field & Rec. Grd Equipment / 5645 / 0 / 5645
Legal/Professional Advice / 15875 / 1000* / 15805 / +£5k from Election Expenses' saving.
To cover Gladman appeal costs estimated £12k outstanding. £1070 spent *
ICT / 500 / 500 / £130 - new printer
Clerks Pension Fund / 5170 / 1050 / 6220
Youth Club Fund / 8464 / 8464
Morrells Green S106 / 29243 / 29243
TOTAL / 164757 / 19754 / 183441
/ All note
15/264 / Holy Trinity Church - Churchyard Maintenance
The PCC has requested a grant towards the maintenance of the churchyard at Holy Trinity Church. Cllr Trevor Allen proposed £1200 and Cllr Sue Sprules proposed £1000.
TPC approved an award of £1200 (5 votes to 4) / All note/
15/265 / Silver Jubilee Hall Development - Phase 2
(previously circulated)
TPC will consider whether to apply for a Public Works Loan Board loan for £150k to fund the shortfall for this phase.
TPC reviewed the up to date schedule of costs and funding submitted by SJH Management Committee.
Total cost £288k (inc vat)
* TPC reserves / 50000
SJH Funds / 60000
Grants / 41000
TOTAL / 151000
Shortfall = £137k
Request TPC fund shortfall via PWLB loan for £150k .
· SJH proposal to provide funds to TPC for repayments referred to EALC
Legal Team & RCCE.
· RCCE have no objection to SJH & TPC entering into a local arrangement
· Still awaiting confirmation from EALC’s legal team.
· TPC requested that a legal document be drawn up confirming contributions to TPC for duration of TPC loan & a first charge on SJH should the village hall not meet their obligations. Clerk to refer to legal advice.
· Clerk to request accounts for SJH be made available
TPC agreed to defer the decision on the loan until further information is available.
* TPC agree to allocate £35k from TPC 'Community Project ' reserves plus £15k S106 funds / All note/
15/266 / Station House Lease (2011-2017)
(previously circulated)
(Cllr Geoff Bagnall arrived 8.50pm)
The lease has yet to be signed. TPC has been waiting for confirmation of any outstanding bills/costs and evidence building maintenance complies with legal requirements.ECC has responded to provide the requested information.
ECC are now also suggesting TPC should pay towards the cost of the weekly property inspections (2/3rds of £611 per month). TPC disputes this charge. This has not previously been included in the negotiations and TPC are not obligated to continue with the inspections.
TPC agreed that the Council is committed to completing the lease as soon as the building maintenance is in good order. As a landlord, ECC is obliged to maintain the fabric of the building (external & common parts) The building is inspected every week and faults/repairs are reported. These weekly inspections by a 3rd party do not result in a good state of repair. Non-statutory requirements are not being addressed however statutory requirements are up to date.
TPC agreed to pay backdated rent, utility bills (£3k) and proportion of maintenance costs (£579). / All note/ Clerk
15/267 / Purchase of Old School House, Brewers End
(previously circulated)
In Nov. TPC resolved to proceed to purchase the property for community use and requested that ECC & CDB either guarantee that the tree works required will be dealt with or apply a significant discount to the conditional offer price (£350 001).
TPC will apply for the County Council’s Assisted Purchase Scheme 25% discount to be applied to the ECC portion of the transaction (confirmed at 60%)
ECC has responded confirming that they are not prepared to reduce the price.
The Diocese has a legal obligation to correct any damage caused by a tree with a PO (preservation order) on it. The school building was fitted with crack monitors some time ago. TPC has written re-confirming the purchase price and requested a time frame for the root/tree work to be completed. A condition will be added that any works carried out will be to the satisfaction of a Structural Engineer acting on behalf of TPC.
TPC voted 11-1 to approve the recommendation of the Finance Committee meeting 11/11/15:
- Borrow up to £300k (PWLB loan) to purchase over a period of up to 50 years
- Recd commitment of £100k private donation (to be used for refurb)
- £18k S106 monies plus £30k TPC Reserves (£48k)
- Fund = £148k
- Providing ECC's accept offer, working group will work to:
(i) detail refurbishment specification & project costs
(ii) assess potential groups (income v expenditure) / All note
15/268 / Planning Committee Report & Recommendations
25th November 2015
(previously circulated)
UTT/15/3264/FUL Land West of the White House, Dunmow Road
Brief Description: Erection of 6 dwellings
Recommendation: Objection
Deadline 3/12/15
UTT/15/3069/HHF Oak Lodge, Jacks Lane
Brief Description: Proposed erection of a car port with storage area above.
Recommendation: Objection
TPC requests removal of permitted development rights as the site has already undergone significant development.
Deadline 25/11/15
UTT/15/3370/OP Land South of Sycamore Close, Sycamore Close
Brief Description: Outline application with all matters reserved for 4 dwellings (2 x blocks semi-detached) with 10 car parking spaces.
Recommendation: Objection.
Deadline 9/12/15
UTT/15/3445/AV Unit 2 Waltham Hall Bambers Green Rd, Takeley
Brief Description: Proposed erection of 2 no. Advertising signs at entrance.
Recommendation: Objection.
Deadline 16/12/15
UTT/15/2424/FUL Land North of Dunmow Rd & East of Church Lane, Brewers End
This application was refused by UDC.
Mr David Burns from Taylor Wimpy attended the meeting and explained that Taylor Wimpy intend to submit another application & requested TPC views re an acceptable scheme. Members explained that the site is outside development limits & adjacent to Church Lane which is a sensitive site. TPC/ Planning Committee will make comment once an application has been submitted.
Proposed Development of Land West of Station Road
Mr Robert McGowan gave a short presentation on the plans to develop the land. Approx. 300+ houses and a variety of community areas. The land is within the boundary of Hatfield Broad Oak but borders Takeley parish.
TPC/Planning Committee will comment on any planning application once it has been submitted.
TPC has requested that Cllr Derek Jones & Cllr Howard Ryles ask for the Weston Homes application UTT/15/2764/FUL be called in to the committee. The application has been declared invalid because UDC believed that the proposed planting at the front of the site is on Highways land. Weston Homes has confirmed that this is not the case. / All note
15/269 / Essex Rural Strategy Questionnaire
(closing date 4th December)
Members agreed that it is not feasible to produce a 'corporate' response to the questionnaire as it is aimed at individuals. TPC has issued the questionnaire to the members & previously agreed that councillors will submit responses individually. / All note
15/270 / UDC Local Plan Issues & Options Consultation
(closing date 4th December)
(previously circulated)
TPC Planning Committee met on 10th & 17th Nov. to formulate a response, all members were invited to attend/contribute. A draft response has been circulated to full Council.
TPC approved the draft response & agreed this should include point 1.10 of the 2014 UDC Local Plan Inspector's Report re his findings which says 'there does appears to be some concern that prescribed annual targets have yet to be properly evidenced and consulted on'. TPC should asks if these will be addressed in the new plan. / All note/ Clerk