To: All Members of the County Council
All Chief Officers All Chief Officers / From Legal, Member & Statutory Services
Ask for Elaine Shell
Ext. 25565
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My Ref. ES/CAB
Your Ref.


20 FEBRUARY 2012




D A Ashley, F Button, R I N Gordon (Chairman), D E Lloyd, S J Pile, R A C Thake,

C B Wyatt-Lowe

Deputy Executive Members attending on behalf of an Executive Member

D Andrews (for C Hayward), S M Holmes (for R M Roberts)

Other Members Present:

N Bell, K F Emsall, T W Hone, R G Tindall

Upon consideration of the agenda for the Cabinet meeting on 20 February 2012 as circulated, copy annexed, executive decisions were reached and are recorded below:

Note: No conflicts of interest were declared by any member of the Cabinet in relation to the matters on which decisions were made at this meeting.

The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 23 January 2012 were confirmed as a correct record.
(Forward Plan ref: A069/11)
1.  Cabinet agreed the transfer of referral management, service finding, scheduled care review, and housing adaptations processes to Serco from 2 April 2012 as part of its Shared Managed Services contract; the terms of such transfer to be determined by the Director Health and Community Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Health and Adult Care.
2.  Cabinet agreed proposals for joint commissioners to work with Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust (HPFT) to transfer back social work functions relating to assessment and care management of people with organic mental health problems, as set out in section 5.8 of the report; the terms of such transfer to be determined by the Director Health and Community Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Health and Adult Care.
3.  Cabinet agreed that appropriate arrangements be made by the Director Health and Community Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Health and Adult Care, for the proportion of the care purchasing budget associated with functional mental illness (and associated financial risk and accountability) to be transferred annually to Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust through a variation to the current contractual arrangements.
Reasons for the decision
The strategic partnership with Serco will provide the County Council with an opportunity to make significant efficiencies through better ways of working; building on the progress the Council has already made on keeping service users as independent as possible; and using innovative technology to improve the choice and control which individuals and their family carers have over their care and support.
The transformation programme for Health and Community Services approved by Cabinet reflects both the Council’s own ‘Council for the Future’ approach to service development and improvement, and the national policy context; the Government’s vision for adult social care ‘Capable Communities and Active Citizens’; and its national dementia strategy ‘Living well with Dementia’.
In reaching its decisions Cabinet considered the national context, service enhancements achievable through the transformation, the extensive consultation with employees and service users whose input helped shape the proposals, the equalities implications for each project within the programme, and the recommendations of the Health and Adult Care Cabinet Panel.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
4. /

Transformation of Day Opportunities provided by Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT)

(Forward Plan ref: A055/11)
Cabinet agreed the implementation of a personal budget led model of provision for adult mental health day opportunities, and that commissioners work with Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust (HPFT) to safely manage the transition from the current service model to the new model, over an extended period; implementation to be taken forward by the Director Health and Community Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Health and Adult Care.
Reasons for the decision
The changes to provision for adult mental health day opportunities approved by Cabinet will enable the Council and its partners to meet the changing demands on mental health care for the future.
The new model will deliver a more responsive service with greater choice and variety; services and support will remain high quality but will be better tailored and targeted to individual needs, will be provided closer to where people live, will be more recovery focused, will promote greater independence and resilience, and will be more effective and efficient. Cabinet’s decision will also ensure that the new model of support is implemented within a timeframe that provides support to service users and which recognises the complexities of their individual needs.
In reaching its decision Cabinet considered the views of the Joint Commissioning Team and the Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust, the results of public and stakeholder engagement which informed the proposals and improved the plans for transition, the equalities implications, and the recommendations of the Health and Adult Care Cabinet Panel.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
(Forward Plan ref: A004/12)
Cabinet agreed that:
(i)  the re-provision of the residential care home places at Jane Campbell House, St Albans to the extensions to the residential care homes at Fosse House, St Albans and Willow Court, Harpenden should proceed and that on completion and registration of those additional places, Jane Campbell House be declared surplus to requirements and available for disposal; and
(ii)  the Director Health & Community Services and the Director Resources & Performance, in consultation with the Executive Member for Health and Adult Care and the Executive Member for Resources and Economic Well-Being, make the appropriate arrangements with Quantum Care to implement the decision in (i) above.
Reasons for the decision
In arriving at its decision to re-provide the places at Jane Campbell to extensions at alternative care homes in St Albans and Harpenden, Cabinet noted that the property is considered in building condition terms to be obsolete; and that, with increasing demands for high specification rooms, the home no longer meets expectations and is running at a financial loss. Cabinet also considered the outcome of consultation with families from Jane Campbell House, the equalities implications of the proposals, and the recommendations of the Health and Adult Care Cabinet Panel.
Members were pleased to note that the move will be handled as smoothly as possible and in line with guidance issued from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, the Social Care Association, and best practice guidance on home closures published by the University of Birmingham in 2011. The health, safety and wellbeing of residents are a priority; this solution addresses the challenges at Jane Campbell House whilst ensuring continuity of care for its residents.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
6. / proposals to change the type of special educational needs FOR WHICH 15 special schools ARE ORGANISED TO MAKE PROVISION
(Forward Plan ref: A071/11)
Cabinet agreed:
1.  That, based on the outcome of public consultation on unrelated proposals to add to the type of special educational needs for which 15 special schools are organised to make provision, the Director Education & Early Intervention be authorised to publish a statutory notice to add to the type of special educational needs at the special schools indicated in the table below from 1 September 2012:-

2. That, if there are no objections, the Director Education & Early Intervention be authorised to determine the proposals.
Reasons for the decision
Cabinet’s decision to authorise the Director Education and Early Intervention to publish a statutory notice to add to the type of special educational needs at the special schools indicated is intended to ensure that moderate learning difficulty (MLD) and severe learning disability (SLD) special schools in the County are appropriately designated for their current and future pupils’ needs. Cabinet considered the equalities implications arising from the proposals. The decision reached reflects the majority of views expressed during the consultation process and the recommendations of the Education and Skills Cabinet Panel.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
(Forward Plan ref: A003/12)
Cabinet agreed:
(i)  That the Director Education & Early Intervention be authorised to publish a statutory notice, to change the boarding provision at Heath House, Heathlands SEN School, St Albans from 40 to 25 places; and
(ii)  if there are no objections, the Director Education & Early Intervention be authorised to determine the proposal.
Reasons for the decision
Heath House based at Heathlands School in St Albans currently provides weekly boarding provision for up to 40 primary and secondary aged students.
In reaching its decision to authorise the Director Education and Early Intervention to publish a statutory notice to reduce the boarding provision at the school, Cabinet considered demand for boarding places over the last 5 years, projected demand, the need to accommodate Heathlands students currently being taught off-site, the results of consultation on the proposal, the equalities implications of the proposal, and the recommendations of the Education and Skills Cabinet Panel.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
8. /

Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education 2012- 2017

(Forward Plan ref: A070/11)
Cabinet adopted the New Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and the implementation timeline as set out in the report.
Reasons for the decision
Consultation on the existing Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education was carried out in 2010 and included questionnaires to all Hertfordshire schools, and consultation with the Hertfordshire Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) members, faith community representatives, and with inter-faith organisations represented in the County. As a result the existing Agreed Syllabus was revised.
In reaching its decision to adopt the new Agreed Syllabus, Cabinet considered the equalities implications of the proposal, and the recommendations of both SACRE and the Education and Skills Cabinet Panel.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
(Forward Plan ref: A073/11)
1.  Cabinet agreed to recommend to County Council:-
That Council confirm the earlier resolution passed at the meeting held on the 29th day of November 2011 to apply to the Secretary of State for Transport for an Order under sections 1 and 5 of the Transport and Works Act 1992 authorising the construction, maintenance and operation of a new railway comprising the extension of London Underground’s Metropolitan Line to Watford Junction.
2.  Cabinet:-
(i)  noted the preliminary agreements signed to date with Network Rail and London Underground Limited as set out in paragraph 5.2 of the report;
(ii)  delegated to the Director Environment & Commercial Services and the Director Resources & Performance, in consultation with the relevant Executive Members, the authority to finalise the agreements and any other arrangements required to complete the project;
(iii)  delegated to the Director Environmental & Commercial Services, in consultation with the Executive Member Highways and Transport and the Executive Member Resources and Economic Well-being, authority to enter undertakings and agreements with potential objectors; and
(iv)  noted the overall budget for the project of £118.1m as set out in the Integrated Plan.
Reasons for the decision
On 29 November 2011 County Council made a resolution under s239 of the Local Government Act 1972 agreeing to submit a Transport and Works Act Order application for the Croxley Rail Link. London Underground Ltd (LUL) completed its decision making process in this respect and the Mayor of London gave his approval on 12 December for LUL to submit the application jointly with the County Council.
The Secretary of State granted Programme Entry status for the scheme on 14 December 2011. This status enables the County Council to reaffirm its previous decision to pursue the TWAO application, which it is required to do under the Transport and Works Act.
Cabinet’s decision to recommend that the Council confirms its earlier resolution will be considered by County Council at its meeting on 21 February 2012. Cabinet’s decision in 2. above agrees the arrangements to finalise the necessary agreements to complete the project.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
(i) approved the release the Icelandic Bank deposit reserve (£10 million), the creation of additional specific reserves in relation to Municipal Mutual Scheme of Administration (£2 million) and Academy conversion costs (£1 million); and the increase to the General Fund Balance of £7 million (from £18 million to £25 million);
(ii)  approved the application of the 2011/12 underspend (currently £29 million) as revenue contribution to capital expenditure, reducing the need for prudential borrowing to support the 2011/12 capital programme (if the underspend is more than required to eliminate prudential borrowing then capital receipts will be carried forward to 2012/13); and
(iii)  approved the following application of £8.073 million of DSG reserve and current year underspend:-
·  additional deprivation funding for Early Years (£1.192 million)
·  local partnership funding (£1.054 million)
·  SEN exceptional needs funding of £266,000 in 2011/12
·  One-off funding for schools (£5.561 million). This one-off funding can be used at the discretion of the individual school. However, no further funding towards changes to terms and conditions will be made available.
Reasons for the decision
As set out above.
Any alternative options considered and rejected
11. / INTEGRATED PLAN 2012/13 – 2014/15
(Forward Plan ref: A059/11)
11(i) / Comments And Conclusions Of The Council’s Cabinet Panels
11(ii) / Scrutiny Of The Integrated Plan Proposals 2011/12 -2014/15: Report Of The Overview & Scrutiny Committee
11(iii) /
Integrated Plan 2012/13 – 2014/15
(a) thanked Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its contribution to the integrated planning process and specifically the recommendations which will be given proper consideration by the appropriate Executive Members;