Closing the gap: Research and Practice on Black and Minority Ethnic Student Attainment in Higher Education
Monday 27th June, University of Kent, Canterbury Campus (Grimond Building)
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Morning Presentation: Session A Session B Session C (Please only choose 1)
Afternoon Presentation: Session A Session B Session C(Please only choose 1)
Enhancing BME Student Skills and employabilitySession A
Exploring ethnic inequalities in university graduate destinations.LaurenceLessard-Phillips, University of Birmingham, Viki Boliver, University of Durham and Daniel Swain, University of Manchester
Improving the employability of black and minority ethnic students: a comparative international research study. Andrew Harvey, La Trobe University (Australia), Julia Clarke, Manchester Metropolitan University and Kimberley Reyes, University of Michigan (US)
The Access to HE diploma:A sustainable model for promoting black and ethnic minority student participation in higher education. Julie Farmer and Joanna Parr, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
The role and effectiveness of career coaching in increasing self-efficacy, outcome expectancies and employability efforts of higher education students
Joanna Molyn, University of Greenwich
Chair/discussant: Duna Sabri / What works: university interventions (A)
Session B
The ‘wicked’ problem of BAME student attainment: a critique of attempts to implement collaborative approaches to learning. Liz Austen and Caroline Heaton, Sheffield Hallam University
SharedThinking as a social-belonging intervention
Nicholas Bowskill, University of Derby
Initiating the conversation.Anjum Anwar, Gai Murphy and Pradeep Passi, University of Central Lancashire
BMEmentor's experience of mentoring.Louise Frith University of Kent
Chair/discussant: Deborah Cureton / Research and race in higher education (A)
Session C
Challenging deficit theories of black students in Higher Education
Mary Andall-Stanberry, Canterbury Christchurch University
Challenging exclusion and creating a sense of belonging for black and ethnic minority postgraduate students
Akhil Ahmet and Caroline Howarth, London School of Economics
I amnot White, will I make it? Studying the University Gap at Birmingham City University. Tiyannah Alexander, Alicia Donaldson, Daniel Jones, James Maidment, Monique Price, Latifa Shtta – Undergraduates at Birmingham City University
The endurance of academic capital in higher education: how cultural and institutional factors maintain the white BME attainment gap. Alexander Hensby and Lavinia Mitton, University of Kent
Chair/discussant: Robbie Shilliam
The attainment gap: re-thinking university policySession A
How can Race Equality Charter impact on degree awarding rates? Claire Herbert, ECU Race Equality Charter
The negotiation of ethics and communication in institutional research about inequality in students’ outcomes. Duna Sabri,, Kings College London
Why education won't solve the BME gap until it catches up with its sister disciplines. And how it could do both. Theo Gilbert, Hertfordshire University
The Leeds Beckett Deep Dive Project: actions to address home BME undergraduate students’ degree attainment.
Susan Smith, Leeds Beckett University
Chair/discussant: Miri Song / What works: university interventions B
Session B
Why creating an inclusive environment, curriculum and approach to learning and teaching will improve the performance of BAME students and close the attainment gap. Winston Morgan, University of East London
Profiling progress and navigating university resources: the development and optimization of a succinct academic progression management system and resource finder. David Atkins, University of Kent
Widening participation whilst closing attainment gaps between student groups: a realistic objective for higher education? Richard McManus and Moira Mitchell, Canterbury Christchurch University
The 'Just-ness' of our teaching practice: issues of normative practice, social justice and inclusion
Annie Huhes and Nona McDuff, Kingston University
Chair/discussant: Uvanney Maylor / Research and race and culture in higher education (B)
Session C
Exploration of current IAG practices towards improved student outcomes for students from BAME
Graeme Atherton and Alex Hall, Access HE
Exploring the experiences of BME students on undergraduate Social work and adult nursing programmes
Dave Marland, Gloria Likupe, Sarah Donkin, Grace Nambozi, University of Hull
Race inequality in HE: complexities of researching educational debt. Manny Madriaga, Sheffield Hallam University
Roma Students' Experiences in European Higher Education: Exploringgender, identity andmarginalisation
Tamsin Hinton-Smith, University of Sussex
Chair/discussant: Kehinde Andrews