Chapter 13

Take Home Essay Test

Answer ONE of the Following Four essays in a FOUR paragraph response then answer TWO of FOUR short answer Questions in a ONE paragraph response. DUE Friday April25th, 2014. (50 Points)

ESSAY: CHOOSE ONEand Answer in a FOUR paragraph response for EACH question.

1. Explain the importance of fur trade to western settlement. Then explain how Santa Fe and Oregon were settled and the hardships that the early settlers endured.

2. Explain the early Settlement of Texas including how it was founded, the early battles in Texas and who won them, and how Texas finally gained their independence from Mexico.

3. Explain Manifest Destiny and how it led to war with Mexico. Explain how the United States defeated Mexico focusing on the invasion and defeat of Mexico. Then explain what each side gained, or lost, with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

4. Explain Life in California before the gold rush. Then explain how the gold rush changed California using examples from the book, and then explain the life of both an American and Foreign miner?

SHORT ANSWER: CHOOSE TWOand Answer in a ONE paragraph response.

1. Explain how, and why, the Mormons benefited from westward expansion. (381)

2. Explain why the Battle of the Alamo was Both a Negative and Positive defeat for America. (386-388)

3. Explain the Importance of Capturing New Mexico and California for manifest Destiny. (393)

4. Explain the Impact of the Gold Rush on California and the United States. (400-401)

Chapter 13

Take Home Essay Test

Answer ONE of the Following Four essays in a FOUR paragraph response then answer TWO of FOUR short answer Questions in a ONE paragraph response. DUE Friday April25th, 2014. (50 Points)

ESSAY: CHOOSE ONEand Answer in a FOUR paragraph response for EACH question.

1. Explain the importance of fur trade to western settlement. Then explain how Santa Fe and Oregon were settled and the hardships that the early settlers endured.

2. Explain the early Settlement of Texas including how it was founded, the early battles in Texas and who won them, and how Texas finally gained their independence from Mexico.

3. Explain Manifest Destiny and how it led to war with Mexico. Explain how the United States defeated Mexico focusing on the invasion and defeat of Mexico. Then explain what each side gained, or lost, with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

4. Explain Life in California before the gold rush. Then explain how the gold rush changed California using examples from the book, and then explain the life of both an American and Foreign miner?

SHORT ANSWER: CHOOSE TWOand Answer in a ONE paragraph response.

1. Explain how, and why, the Mormons benefited from westward expansion. (381)

2. Explain why the Battle of the Alamo was Both a Negative and Positive defeat for America. (386-388)

3. Explain the Importance of Capturing New Mexico and California for manifest Destiny. (393)

4. Explain the Impact of the Gold Rush on California and the United States. (400-401)