Notice is hereby given that the April Monthly Meeting of the Council will take place on Tuesday12th April, 2011 at 7.00 p.m. in the new Windtown Resource Centre, Windtown, Navan, Co Meath to discuss the Agenda as set out hereunder.

You are hereby requested to attend.

Iarrthar ort bheith I láthair.

Is mise le fior-mheas,


Shane Donnelly

Cleireach an Bhaile


Navan Town Council

1.Confirmation of Minutes

(a)Confirmation of Minutes of the March Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council held on 1stMarch 2011 at 7pm in the Town Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath.

2.Correspondence and Reports

3.To resolve to fill by co-option the casual vacancy which has arisen in the Membership of Navan Town Council, in accordance with Section 19 Local Government Act 2001, as amended, following the election of Peadar Toibin to Dail Eireann.

4.To elect Deputy Mayor for the remainder of the year

5.Following consideration of the Manager’s Report on submissions and observations received in respect of the Draft Navan Local Area Plan 1 2001-2017, if thought fit in accordance with Section 20 (3) (d) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 – 2010, as amended, to resolve to accept the Manager’s report, or to resolve to make or revoke the plan, or to resolve to amend the Local Area Plan otherwise than as recommended in the Manager’s Report.

6.To receive a presentation on Sustainable Navan - A Strategic Overview

7.To receive a report on a new fixed term tenant purchase scheme for long standing tenants of Local Authority houses and to resolve if thought fit to adopt the new scheme as required under the Housing (Sale of Houses to Long Standing Tenants) Regulations 2011

8.To receive a presentation from the Rapid Co-ordinator in relation to the 2011 Navan RAPID Plan

9.To receive information on the 2011 NavanTown Pride of Place Competition

10.To consider the Local Government Statutory Audit Report for the Year Ended 31st December 2009.

11.To receive the Audit Opinion of the Local Government Auditor in respect of the Year Ended 31st December 2009.

12.Notice of Question

12.1Notice of Question – Cllr Frances Deane

What is the up-to-date report regarding roadwork repairs within the Navan town boundary.

12.2Notice of Question – Cllr Padraig Fitzsimons

“What is the position with regard to the Traffic Calming Measures commenced on the Slane Rd ?”

13.Notice of Motion

13.1Notice of Motion – Cllr Joe Reilly

“I call on Navan Town Council to prepare a brief and tender documents for the construction of a Profiling and Marketing website for the Town of Navan”.

13.2Notice of Motion – Cllr Anton McCabe

That Navan Town Council notes the campaign by workers at Dunbai, Beauparc, Navan for Union recognition. We note that the Labour Court has ruled in favour if the workers and their union Unite. We note that Dunbia recognises the union in all of it's locations in Ireland except for Beauparc.

We note that a majority of the workers live in the Town of Navan.

We wish to express solidarity and goodwill towards the workers and their families and we extend our wish that justice and fairness prevail.

13.3Notice of Motion – Cllr P Fitzsimons

“That Navan Town Council examines the possibility of providing Traffic Calming measures, in the form of rumble strips at the junction of Windtown Estate and theRathodren Rd.”

13.4Notice of Motion – Cllr. Francis Deane

I call on the new Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr. Alan Shatter, to amend legislation with immediate effect which will abolish the “upwards-only” clause in existing commercial rental leases. Numerous small and medium business owners are presently trapped in such leases. Both Fine Gael and Labour have promised to deliver on this issue within their first 100 days in office. Thousands of jobs have haemorrhaged from the retail sector. It is now time to protect the existing jobs. If it becomes possible for rents to drop significantly, it will follow that more businesses will survive, and the natural consequence will then be the creation of more jobs.

13.5Notice of Motion - Cllr Francis Deane

I call on Navan Town Council to write to Dr. James Reilly, Minister for Health, and Ms. Frances Fitzgerald, Minister for Children, in relation to the proposed location of our new NationalPaediatricHospital at the MaterHospital site, asking for a complete review of the project. There is huge public concern regarding access and other issues. Significant savings could be made by locating the new hospital on a green field site in close proximity to the national motorway network.

13.6Notice of Motion – Cllr Jim Holloway

“Navan Town Council will immediately investigate the issue of traffic congestion at car park on Boreen Keel, which congestion and poor organisation is both hazardous and deprives those residents of Emmett Terrace who are in possession of Resident's Parking Permits and who live directly opposite this parking area of convenient and safe parking”

13.7Notice of Motion – Cllr Jim Holloway

“Navan Town Council will review the operation of the Taxi Service in NavanTown, particularly in respect of congestion at Kennedy Road and investigate the possibility of providing spaces at Abbey Road”

13.8Notice of Motion – Cllr Phil Brennan

“Following on from the very successful Twinning visit, in conjunction with the Broccostella Council that Navan Town Council creates a Secondary Schools Student Exchange Programme Fund and invites the “Student of the Year” from each Secondary School to enter into an exchange programme with their Italian counterparts”.

14.Managers Orders


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Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: Email: