non-Partisan Citizens calling for election integrity 2004

Dear fellow citizen,

Are you aware that across America, there is a groundswell of citizen concern, outrage and activism over the many irregularities and yes, illegalities of the recent election?

Millions of Americans are refusing to accept the result of an election process with verifiably problematic, but unverifiable accurate results. The truth is, we don’t yet know, and we may never know who really voted how in the 2004 Presidential election.

What can we do to prevent business as usual inaugurating a President on a questionable premise? Read on…

This is not a partisan concern, this should be a concern of all Americans who care that the very foundation of democracy, a just election, occurs here.

We taxpayers are paying unknown millions if not billions of dollars in a campaign to bring an election to Iraq and yet we do not even meet the necessary qualifications here at home to have a just election as determined by internationally respected election monitoring agencies. We are paying to export an election to Iraq when we have our own citizens standing in line for 9 hours to vote in Ohio? Does something here sound wrong to you?

If you wish to be more informed, this page is a primer for you to use and share with others. The following is a list of sources of information and organizations and activists for you to connect with. What can you do? Spread awareness, take action, contribute time and money.

Why haven’t you heard and seen this on the mainstream media? Because of it’s volatile nature, there has been a verified corporate “lock-down” of the mainstream media preventing coverage of this vital issue, until enough citizens demand coverage.

Thank you for taking the time to become a more informed American about this important issue. Time is of the essence – get informed, get involved, get others informed and involved, and act now!

Progressive News and Media Sources – The Top 2 Things To Do Right Away –

Get online (go to a library if you have to) and view and tell everyone else you know about:

  • - view the eye-opening 30 minute non-partisan documentary by British filmmaker Russell Michaels on election machine failures from 2000 to present.
  • - the people on the front lines researching and documenting the problems with the voting machines. They are supplying compelling, convincing evidence. Keep up with and support them.

Other resources:

  • is mainstream but look up one reporter - nationally prominent, respected and progressive political reporter – Keith Olbermann
  • - some of the site is definitely partisan, but much of it is a vital compendium of up to the moment factual election illegalities and news breaking coverage.
  • Air America Radio nationwide – am 960 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Randi Rhodes political commentary show 3:00pm – 7:00pm in the SFBay Area.
  • For humor, the Jon Stewart Daily show on Comedy Central cable tv


  • Call/fax/email local, state and national media and elected representatives. Hold Kerry/Edwards accountable for their promise to “count every vote”. Get involved in concerned citizens voting action organizations such as and and (site coming soon).Contribute time and money. Be a new patriot.