Take a Leap for EBM!

In Association with Moonjumper Charity Sky Diving

Thank you for your interest in taking a leap for East Belfast Mission!

On a daily basis we ask people to take a leap for East Belfast Mission- by asking them to take a leap of faith and trust us to get them back on their feet, to take a leap out of homelessness and into a new life or to take a leap out of unemployment and into a new future. Can you take a leap to help those who are most vulnerable in East Belfast?

Should you accept- this challenge of a lifetime is brought to you by MoonJumper International Sky Centre who will facilitate you in completing a Tandem SkyDive. Using a dual harness, you will exit the aircraft at 13,000ft attached to the instructor, you then freefall for 7000ft at which point the instructor opens the canopy and steers you both to the ground.

The Sky Dive will take place on Saturday 14th April at MoonJumper’s Airfield in Garvagh. Once you have signed up you will receive a time slot on this date during which you will complete your jump.

If you would like to accept this once in a lifetime challenge you must complete a sign up form and return a £40 sign up fee to East Belfast Mission.

Our fundraiser will then offer you dedicated help and support to help you to reach your fundraising goal of £500! This support includes fundraising hints & tips, fundraising materials and any advice and assistance that you may need.

All MoonJumper courses require a £40 supplement payable on morning of jump date. This supplement includes B.P.A insurance for one year (and covers any amount of jumps throughout the year) and also includes fuel supplement for aircraft.

Sponsorship money you raise through your challenge will be used by East Belfast Mission to help the most vulnerable people living in East Belfast through our services such as our Hosford project for helping the homeless, our Social Enterprise projects which help people back to work and of course our thriving church community which offers pastoral care to those who need it. As a non-profit organisation holding fundraising events to fund our projects is key for allowing them to continue.

To take on this once in a lifetime challenge to change lives in East Belfast, please get in touch using the details below

Go on, we dare you to take a leap!

Lianne Mulholland

Fundraising Officer

T: 028 9045 8560 E:

Registered Charity Number: Cancer Focus NI - NIC 101307