January 14, 2015
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the West Kern Community College District was called to order at 5:03 p.m. by President Billy White. Trustees Emmanuel Campos, Dawn Cole, Michael Long and Kal Vaughn were also present. Superintendent/President Dr.Dena Maloney and Executive Secretary Shelley Klein were also in attendance.
No comments were heard.
At 5:04 p.m. it was moved by Trustee Cole seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried, that the Board convene in Closed Session to discuss the District’s position regarding the following matters:
A. Public Employee Appointment/Employment, Government Code Section 54957
B. Public Employee Performance Evaluations, Government Code Section 54957
C. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment, Government Code Section 54957
D. Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Property: APN #031-101-18
Agency Negotiator: Superintendent/President
E. Conference with Legal Counsel – Potential Litigation, Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9 – One Case
F. Conference with Labor Negotiators, Government Code Section 54957
Agency Designated Representative: Superintendent/President
Employee Organizations: TC Faculty Association, CSEA Chapter #543 &
Management /Supervisory/Classified Confidential Employees
At 6:05 p.m., it was moved by Trustee Vaughn seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, to reconvene in Public Session. President White reported that no action was taken during Closed Session.
President White led the pledge of allegiance.
No comments were heard.
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Superintendent/President Dr. Dena Maloney announced that the California Community College Trustees Board elections will take place between March 10 and April 25. Nominations of interested trustees are to be made by their boards and are currently being accepted January 1 through February 15. Interested trustees are requested to contact Dr. Maloney for further information.
Dr. Maloney also announced that the CCLC Effective Trusteeship and Annual Legislative Conferences are scheduled for January 23 – 26, 2015, in Sacramento. On a motion by Trustee Cole, seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried, the travel expenses associated with the conferences were approved for interested trustees.
President White was presented with many thank you notes written by Lincoln Junior High School students by Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams. The notes were received by STEM Outreach Activities Coordinator Rachel Belden in appreciation of the TC-sponsored STEM Day.
Athletic Director Kanoe Bandy presented a review of fall sports – men’s soccer, women’s soccer and volleyball – including the outcome of team competition and the overall academic success of the athletes. Volleyball and softball players Tara Kelley and Halle Neher both shared the reasons they chose to attend Taft College and their personal experiences as student athletes. Ms. Bandy reviewed a PowerPoint presentation that included the academic achievement of the fall athletes and photos of the fall sports activities including community service events (copy attached to official minutes). Highlights include a total of 111 fall athletes carrying an average load of 17.26 units earned an average grade point average (GPA) of 2.91. Of those, 48% of the students earned a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Women’s soccer exceeded that by achieving an average of 3.2.
The volleyball team finished fourth in with a conference record of 7-7 and a season record of 11-16. The men’s soccer team finished their season with a record of 21-1-2 and a final ranking of third in the state and fourth in the nation! This was their third straight year as Central Valley Conference Champions! The women’s soccer team completed their season with a record of 13-8-1 and 4-2-0 in the conference. They ranked 12th in the North Region and finished second in the Central Valley Conference. Congratulations to our fall sports athletes for stellar success both on the field, court and classroom!
On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried, the minutes of the Special and Regular Meetings held December 10, 2014 were approved.
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Second Reading – Board Policy #1200 – Taft College Mission, Vision and Values Statement
Dr. Maloney reported that Board Policy #1200 was presented for a first reading at the meeting held December 12, 2014. The Mission, Vision and Values Statement was developed through a collaborative, campus-wide process. The new Statement defines who we serve and is the basis for all planning at the College. On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried, Board Policy #1200 was approved (copy attached to official minutes).
2015/16 to 2017/18 WKCCD Strategic Plan
Dr. Maloney noted that the proposed Strategic Plan is part of the District’s integrated planning process which was developed during the fall 2014 semester. The Plan reflects the broad recommendations identified in the Educational Master Plan developed in 2013/14. She introduced Dr. Eric Bérubé, Institutional Development, Research and Planning Coordinator, who presented the PowerPoint presentation on the proposed 2015/16 to 2017/18 Strategic Plan (copy attached to official minutes). Dr. Bérubé noted that the Educational Master Plan focuses on the community and the College service area. It is developed using a significant amount of data and establishes a number of recommendations. The Strategic Plan is part of our integrated planning model with a shorter timeline and moves the Educational Master Plan recommendations ahead by establishing objectives, action steps and “champions” who will ensure that the objectives are completed and progress is made. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, the Plan was approved.
Constitution and Bylaws for the Taft College Hall of Fame
Vice President of Student Services Darcy Bogle reported that there has been a long-standing interest to organize a Hall of Fame Program at Taft College. A taskforce consisting of faculty, classified staff and administrators met on a regular basis to develop the proposal including by-laws and a constitution. The proposal, which also includes a draft budget, was reviewed an endorsed by the Governance Council. With approval, the first Hall of Fame induction could be held in the 2015/16 academic year. On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, the constitution and by-laws for the Taft College Hall of Fame was approved (copy attached to official minutes).
Agreement to Purchase a 2014/15 GMC 4500/Glaval Titan II Body 25-Passenger Activity Bus
Director of Maintenance and Operations Mike Capela reported that the Glaval 25-passenger bus currently owned by the College is fourteen years old with 180,000 registered on the odometer. The bus is utilized to transport students on field trips
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NEW BUSINESS (continued):
and athletes to sporting events. The age and condition of the bus indicates the need for replacement. After researching options the purchase of a 2014/15 GMC 4500/Glaval Titan III bus from A-Z Bus Sales in the amount of $84,093.66 is being proposed. Funding for the purchase will include budgeted District funds and the Foundation Athletic account. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, the purchase was approved (copy of documentation attached to official minutes).
Proposition 39 Measure A General Obligation Bonds Audit Report for Year Ended
June 30, 2014
Director of Fiscal Services Jim Nicholas introduced Rex Phinney, CPA, whose firm conducted the financial and performance audit for the WKCCD Proposition 39 Measure A General Obligation Bonds for the year ended June 30, 2014 as required by Education Code Sections 15278-15282. Mr. Finney reported that the District is in full compliance with all standards for the 2013/14 year and reviewed highlights of the audit report including the independent auditor’s report; balance sheet; commitments and contingencies; maturity dates of investments; investment credit ratings; and supplemental information. Following brief discussion, on a motion by Trustee Cole, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, the Prop 39 Measure A Audit for 2013/14 was approved (copy of audit attached to official minutes).
Five-Year Agreement with the Kern County Children and Families Commission to Administer the Kern County Children’s Dental Health Network, $5,450,000.00
Dr. Maloney reviewed that through contracts awarded by the Kern County Children and Families Commission (First 5 Kern), Taft College has partnered with the KC Superintendent of Schools Office to form the KC Dental Health Network (KCCDHN) over 13 years ago. During this time, the KCCDHN has successfully provided early childhood dental services to children age 0-5 and their family members throughout Kern County. This past year First 5 Kern issued a request for proposals for the next five-year period for administrative and healthcare services in connection with the program. Dr. Stacy Eastman, Director of the TC Dental Hygiene Program, submitted an excellent proposal which was selected for the period 7/1/15 – 6/30/20. The Kern County Children and Families Commission awarded Taft College an aggregate amount of $5,450,000 based on annual budgets of $1,090,000. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried, the contract with the Kern County Children and Families Commission was approved (copy of contract attached to official minutes).
A. Request for Approval – Change of Grade Mode for all Industrial Safety Courses from Pass/No Pass Basis to a Letter Grade
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CONSENT AGENDA (continued):
B. Request for Approval – Course Updates:
Applied Technology Division
BUSN 1051 – General Accounting
IES 1100 – Basic Employee Safety for General Industry
IES 1125 – Passport and Medic First Aid Refresher
C. Request for Approval – Resolution 2014/15-09 Authorizing the Kern County Auditor Controller to Impound Local Tax Revenues to Anticipate Pending Assessment Appeals and Superior Court Cases ($3,268,960.74)
D. Request for Approval – Nonresident Tuition for 2015/16, $200.00/Unit
(Increase from $193.00/Unit in 2014/15)
E. Request for Approval – Residence Hall/Dormitory and Meal Plan Fee Adjustments for 2015/16:
Ash Street & Cougar Dorms:
Dorms – From $1,656.00/Yr. to $1,800.00/Yr.
Meals: From $2,778.00/Yr. to $2,907.00/Yr.
TIL Program:
Dorms – From $2,475.00/Yr. to $2,750.00/Yr.
Meals: From $3,431.00/Yr. to $3,591.00/Yr.
F. Request for Ratification – Agreement to Purchase 15 Hitachi, Ltd., Data Projectors from MNJ Technologies for Classroom Use (Replacements), $20,339.99 (Instructional Equipment Funding)
G. Request for Approval – Revised Date of the Event Rental Contract with the Fort Preservation Society for Athletic Department Fundraiser – 2nd Annual Triple Play Dinner & Auction, From January 17, 2015 to January 23, 2015, $700.00
H. Request for Ratification – Agreement with QuickCaption to Provide Computer Aided Real-time Translation (CART) Services for Hard of Hearing and/or Deaf Students, 1/1/15 – 12/31/15, $63.00/Hr.
I. Ratification and Confirmation December 2014 Vendor Check & Purchase Order Registers
J. Routine Personnel Items:
1. Request for Conference Attendance and Expenses as of January 7, 2015
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CONSENT AGENDA (continued):
On a motion by Trustee Campos, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, Consent Agenda Items A– J were approved as presented (materials related to items A– J are attached to official minutes).
No comments were presented.
Financial Reports
The following financial reports were presented for information (copies attached to official minutes):
1. Revenue Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2014/15
2. Expenditure Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2014/15
3. Expenditure Detail of $10,000.00 or Greater, December 2014
4. Student Organization and Special Accounts, December 2014
5. Funds Deposited in County Treasury, December 2014
Trustee Reports
Trustee Cole reported that she had attended a STEM Day at Lincoln Junior High where her son is a student. She noted that the students where very engaged and had a lot of fun with the activities which included Bubble Wand Engineering, Alka-Seltzer Rockets, and Marshmallow Shooters. Trustee Cole commended the STEM staff for the quality event.
Academic Senate
Senate President Tony Thompson reported that the spring Inservice leadoff speaker, Victor Ojakian, presented a compelling talk on mental health issues and suicide. It was a very meaningful topic for all staff. The Academic Senate meeting held during Inservice included a presentation by Joe’ll Chaidez on the topic of AB86 – Adult Education. His message was that it is a subject that will require faculty involvement in the future. Lastly, Mr. Thompson announced that he, Dr. Maloney, Mark Williams, Dr. Bérubé and Vicki Jacobi will attend an upcoming statewide Academic Senate 2015 Accreditation Institute in February. The conference will provide information that will assist the College with the upcoming Accreditation process.
Information Services
Director of Information Services Adrian Agundez reported that he and his staff have been focused on the installation of new classroom projectors in the Science building,
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REPORTS (continued):
repairs to various classroom electronic equipment and installing extensive Banner upgrades over the break. He reported that the upgrades to Banner went smoothly and the system is much improved.
Student Services
Vice President of Student Services Darcy Bogle reported that daily enrollment totals for the spring semester is at 2,970 compared to 2,697 the same time in 2014 which represents an increase of 273. It is notable that the enrollment includes 35 additional students in the full-time category (12 units or more). Cougar Day was held January 6th at which 80 students were served by Counseling staff and 30 were served by the Testing Center.
Faculty Association
Faculty Association President Diane Jones reported that she and her colleagues are excited for the beginning of the spring semester. Faculty members will be working on SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes) and Program Reviews. She also thanked the Information Services staff for the newly installed projectors in the Science Building classrooms.