Tackling Your K-2 Writing TEKS with Technology – TSRA November 2005Page 1 of 14

Vickie McQueen, Denton I.S.D. Kindergarten Teacher and Lisa Syler, ESC XI Technology Integration Specialist

Tackling Your K-2 Writing TEKS

With Technology

Presented By:

Vickie McQueen

Kindergarten Teacher – Denton I.S.D


Lisa Syler

Technology Integration Specialist – ESC XI

Tackling Your K-2 Writing TEKS with Technology – TSRA November 2005Page 1 of 14

Vickie McQueen, Denton I.S.D. Kindergarten Teacher and Lisa Syler, ESC XI Technology Integration Specialist

Writing/spelling/penmanship. The student develops the foundations of writing. The student is expected to:

write his/her own name and other important words (K-1)
TA TEKS: 2.A,C,D,E /
  • AlphaSmart – word wall, write the room; students work in pairs where one calls out the word and the other one types the word
  • Word Processing – type word wall words in a list and have students change font name, size, and color for each word
  • Large keyboard template – student “types” word wall word during calendar time or word wall activities
  • Word Processing – fill in the blank of missing word wall words (songs and poems)
  • Digital Camera – take a picture of each student then students can match names to pictures
write each letter of the alphabet, both capital and lowercase (K)
TA TEKS: 2.A,C,D,E 5.A,B 7.A,B /
  • AlphaSmart – first AlphaSmart lesson, learn how to use the Shift key (see AlphaSmart keyboard template); write word wall words that include students’ names and use Shift key
  • Document Camera – place AlphaSmart or computer keyboard under Document Camera to show where the keys are located; teach handwriting using DC
  • Video Streaming – numerous United Streaming videos covering alphabet
  • Keyboard template – play Bingo using upper and lowercase letters with paper templates
  • Web resources
  • Big Comfy Couch: Letter Match
  • Starfall.com: ABC’s
  • CPS – Which one matches? Two pairs of letters upper/lower
  • KidPix – stamp letters in ABC order
phonological knowledge to map sounds to letters to write messages (K-1);
2.A,C,D,E 7.A,B 8.B 10.A,B 11.A /
  • Word Processing –Initial consonants table with clipart
  • KidPix – letter templates and stamp pictures of initial consonants; Students will draw a picture at the end of a unit of study of what they have learned and then write a sentence describing their picture. (dinosaur)
  • AlphaSmart or Word Processing – compose sentences using word wall words and picture cards with or without proper spelling (one side with other without) (Be sure to turn off Check Spelling and Grammar as you type.)
  • Kidspiration – Students select images and place into proper SuperGrouper categories, switch to write mode and write a sentence about the word.
write messages that move left-to-right and top-to-bottom on the page (K-1)
TA TEKS: 2.C,D,E /
  • Word Processingor AlphaSmart– make picture/word cards for students to use to write high frequency word sentences

Writing/composition. The student composes original texts. The student is expected to:

dictate messages such as news and stories for others to write (K-1);
1.B 2.D 7.A,B 9.B 10.A,B 11.A,B /
  • PowerPoint - Create a class book sequencing events using digital pictures, teacher writes what students dictate
  • Print slides and bind for literacy center
  • Print handouts 6 per page, cut and bind/staple for each student
  • KidPix – Students paint picture, student dictates or write story about picture
write labels, notes, and captions for illustrations, possessions, charts, centers (K-1);
TA TEKS: 1.B 2.C,D,E 7.A,B /
  • Word Processing – research/theme book (see K.15.C, F; 1.18.C, 1.19.E; 2.14.A, 2.18.E)
  • KidPix – label parts (have a word list prepared ahead of time)
write to record ideas and reflections (K-3);
TA TEKS: 1.B 2.C,D,E 7.A,B 8.B 11.B /
  • Word Processing – journal, theme/research book
    Students research an animal from web and print resources and fill in information and pictures to create a multiple page book.
  • AlphaSmart - journal
  • KidPix - Students will draw a picture at the end of a unit of study of what they have learned and then write a sentence describing their picture. (See K.16.B; 1.23.B; 2.20.B)
  • Kidspiration – Story Web
Web – publish student work on the web /
generate ideas before writing on self-selected & assigned topics (K-1) & use prewriting techniques such as drawing & listing key thoughts. (2-3)
TA TEKS: 7.A,B /
  • Kidspiration – templates give ideas and help organize ideas.
  • Digital microscope or document camera zoomed in to show details of writing topic (snail, seed, flower, lady bug, ant, tarantula, etc.)
  • Digital Camera – take picture of creation/building students have made, write about the creation/building
use available technology to compose text (K-3)
TA TEKS: 8.B 11.A,B /
  • Word Processing, Kidspiration, AlphaSmart,
  • PowerPoint, KidPix – Students researched ocean animal using Internet resources and printed material thenwrote a paragraph about specific topic and illustrated each topic using KP. KidPix drawings were exported as JPG files and inserted on slides. The presentation was created in Power Point and printed six slides per page and bound to create a mini book. Students gave oral reports to classmates and parents using their PowerPoint presentation.

Writing/inquiry/research. The student uses writing as a tool for learning and research. The student is expected to:

Record/write or dictate questions for investigating (K-1)
TA TEKS: 7.A,B /
  • Kidspiration – graphic organizer; science fair scientific process
record or dictate his/her own knowledge of a topic in various ways such as by drawing pictures, making lists, and showing connections among ideas (K-3)
TA TEKS: 7.A,B 8.B /
  • KidPix - Students draw a picture at the end of a unit of study of what they have learned and then write a sentence describing their picture.
  • Word Processing – theme/research books (see K.15.C, F; 1.18.C, 1.19.E; 2.14.A, 2.18.E)
  • Kidspiration – Use SuperGrouper or Venn Diagram to have students compare attributes
  • Kidspiration – Create a story web to show connections among ideas
use word and letter spacing and margins to make messages readable (1-2)
TA TEKS: 2.E /
  • Document Camera – use document camera for students to see how they will write in their journal
use basic capitalization and punctuation such as capitalizing names and first letters in sentences, using periods, question marks, and exclamation points (1-2)
TA TEKS: 2.D /
  • Word Processing or AlphaSmart – Correct sentences that have been already typed. Fix That Sentence activity has sentences prepared for correction of capitalization, puctuation and sight words. Students may change fonts and colors when complete.

Writing/purposes. The student writes for a variety of audiences and purposes and in a variety of forms. The student is expected to:

write to communicate with a variety of audiences (1-3)
TA TEKS: 1.B 2.D, E 7.B
9.B 10.B /
  • PowerPoint – slide show of findings from research or pages of story (see K.15.C, F; 1.18.C, 1.19.E; 2.14.A, 2.18.E)
  • Word Processing – class book, individual book
  • Word Processing – Who Am I?
    Students start with a Who Am I? template that contains exaggerated or silly information describing themselves. Students will change the incorrect information to describe themselves and change text formatting and colors. The second page will have a digital picture of the student and their name. This is a great activity to have at the beginning of school or out in the hall for an open house activity.
write in different forms for different purposes such as lists to record, letters to invite or thank, and stories or poems to entertain (1-3)
TA TEKS: 1.B 2.C,D,E 7.B 8.A 10.A,B /
  • KidPix – write poems or stories, use pictures & stamps to illustrate
  • Word Processing – Create a speech bubble for characters from a book, ex. The Ant Bully by John Nickle
  • Digital Camera – take picture of class, write note, invitation

Writing/writing processes. The student selects and uses writing processes to compose original text. The student is expected to:

develop drafts (1-3)
TA TEKS: 1.B 2.A,C,D,E
8.B /
  • Kidspiration – Use concept map, story web to organize ideas, switch to writing mode and write sentences
  • Word Processing – complete story started with Kidspiration
revise selected drafts for varied purposes, including to achieve a sense of audience, precise word choices, and vivid images (1-3)edit for appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and features of polished writings (2-3)
TA TEKS: 1.B 2.A,C,D,E 5.B /
  • Word Processing – complete story started with Kidspiration
  • Web – Use on-line dictionary
  • Enchanted Learning’s Little Explorers English Picture Dictionary
  • Mirriam-Webster’s Word Central Student Dictionary
  • Word Processing – Use spelling and grammar feature. Teach students to right-click on red or green squiggly in Word.

Writing/spelling. The student spells proficiently. The student is expected to:

write with more proficient spelling of regularly spelled patterns such as consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) (hop), consonant-vowel-consonant-silent e (CVCe) (hope), and one-syllable words with blends (drop) (1-3)
TA TEKS: 2.C,D,E 7.B 8.A,B /
  • AlphaSmart – Teacher calls out words, students spell the words or students work in pairs each calling out a word for the other to type.
  • CPS – Choose correct spelling. Which word follows the rule?
write with more proficient spelling of inflectional endings such as plurals and verb tenses (1-2)
TA TEKS: 2.C,D,E 7.B 8.A,B /
  • Word Processing or AlphaSmart – Correct sentences that have already been typed. (See 1.17.G; 2.15.B)
  • CPS – Choose word with correct ending
  • Web - The Plural Girls at Fun Brain
spell single syllable words that have r-controlled vowels such as in burn or star; that have the final consonants f, l, and s such as in miss or doll; and that have ck as the final consonants such as in buck (1)
TA TEKS: 2.C,D,E 7.B 8.A,B /
  • Word Processing or AlphaSmart – Correct sentences that have already been typed. (See 1.17.G; 2.15.B)
  • CPS – Choose word with correct ending
  • Kidspiration – Use SuperGrouper tool to create two groups: words with the sound you want and Other. Students will drag pictures of words that match into the appropriate group. Switch to the Writing mode and write a sentence with the word.

use resources to find correct spellings, synonyms, and replacement words (1-3)
TA TEKS: 2.A,C,D,E 5.B /
  • Web – Use on-line dictionary
  • Enchanted Learning’s Little Explorers English Picture Dictionary
  • Mirriam-Webster’s Word Central Student Dictionary
  • Word Processing – Use spelling and grammar feature. Teach students to right-click on red or green squiggly in Word.
use conventional spelling of familiar words in final drafts (1)
TA TEKS: 2.C,D,E /
  • Word Processing – Use spelling and grammar feature. Teach students to right-click on red or green squiggly in Word.
  • Turn off/on Check Spelling and Grammar as you type depending if you want the red and green squiggly lines to appear.
In Microsoft Word:
  • Tools, Options, Spelling & Grammar tab
  • Check/uncheck Check spelling as you type
  • Check/uncheck Check grammar as you type
  • OK
  • Turn off/on capitalization of first letter of a sentence:
  • Tools, AutoCorrect Options
  • Check/uncheck: Capitalize first letter of sentence

Writing/grammar/usage. The student composes meaningful texts by applying knowledge of grammar and usage. The student is expected to:

use nouns and verbs in sentences (1)
TA TEKS: 2.C,D,E /
  • Word Processing – Terrific Sentences (see 2.17.C)
  • Web– The Grammar Gorillas at FunBrain
compose complete sentences in written texts and use the appropriate end punctuation (1-2)
TA TEKS: 2.C,D,E 8.B /
  • CPS – Which sentence uses appropriate ending punctuation?
  • Web – First Grade Sentences

Writing/evaluation. The student evaluates his/her own writing and the writing of others. The student is expected to:

identify the most effective features of a piece of writing using criteria generated by the teacher and class and respond constructively to others’ writing (1-3);
TA TEKS: 8.A,B 9.A /
  • Document Camera - students read writing pieces to find correctly written texts
  • CPS – give samples and choose which piece was written correctly

Writing/penmanship/capitalization/punctuation. The student composes original texts using the conventions of written language such as capitalization and penmanship to communicate clearly. The student is expected to:

use more complex capitalization and punctuation with increasing accuracy such as proper nouns, abbreviations, commas, apostrophes, and quotation marks (2)
TA TEKS: 2.A.C.D,E 9.A /
  • Word Processing, AlphaSmart – Start with basic sentences and add multiple elaborations.
  • Word Processing – Use spelling and grammar feature. Teach students to right-click on red or green squiggly in Word.
  • Word Processing, AlphaSmart – Start with basic sentences and add capitalization and punctuation.

Writing/grammar/usage. The student composes meaningful texts applying knowledge of grammar and usage. The student is expected to:

compose sentences with interesting, elaborated subjects (2-3)
TA TEKS: 2.A,C,D,E 10.A,B /
  • Word Processing, AlphaSmart – Start with basic sentence and add multiple elaborations.
  • Word Processing, Digital Camera – Terrific Sentences, students write an elaborated sentence, take a picture with the digital camera acting out the sentence, use word processor to type and change fonts. Students will format the different parts of speech with different font styles and colors. Create a legend below the terrific sentence.
  • Word Processing, AlphaSmart – Start with basic sentence and add multiple elaborations.
edit writing toward standard grammar and usage, including subject-verb agreement; pronoun agreement, including pronouns that agree in number; and appropriate verb tenses, including to be, in final drafts (2-3).
TA TEKS: 2.E 5.B /
  • Word Processing, AlphaSmart – Start with basic sentence and add multiple elaborations.
  • CPS – which sentence has correct usage?
  • Web – 2Bee or NotTooBee at FunBrain

Writing/writing processes. The student selects and uses writing processes for self-initiated and assigned writing. The student is expected to:

demonstrate understanding of language use and spelling by bringing selected pieces frequently to final form and "publishing" them for audiences (2-3)
TA TEKS: 1.B 11.A,B /
  • Word Processing, AlphaSmart, KP
  • Web – publish student work on the web
    Example: Kid’s Space

Writing/evaluation. The student evaluates his/her own writing and the writing of others. The student is expected to:

use published pieces as models for writing (2-3)
TA TEKS: 2.A,C,D,E 7.B
9.B /
  • Document Camera – put student work under document camera for shared writing and class discussion
  • Digital Camera – student/class made books
  • Word Processing, PP
review a collection of his/her own written work to monitor growth as a writer (2-3)
TA TEKS: 11.B 12.A,B /
  • Web – publish student work on the web
    Example: Kid’s Space

Writing/inquiry/research. The student uses writing as a tool for learning and research. The student is expected to:

take simple notes from relevant sources such as classroom guests, information books, and media sources (2-3);
TA TEKS: 5.A,B 8.A,B /
  • Kidspiration – organize notes on story map, switch to writing mode & write summary of information
  • Web – research information from web sources
compile notes into outlines, reports, summaries, or other written efforts using available technology (2-3).
TA TEKS 10.A,B 11.A,B /
  • Kidspiration – Story Web, Venn Diagram
  • Word Processing
  • PowerPoint – slide show for presentation