

Liz Hunter, Director of Equalities, Social Inclusion and Sport, Scottish Government

Lindsay McGregor, Team Leader of Community Resourcing, COSLA


Peter Kelly, Director, The Poverty Alliance

Jim McCormick, Scottish Adviser, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Alastair MacDonald, Head of Jobcentre Plus Scotland

Wai-Yin Hatton, Chief Executive of NHS Ayrshire and Arran

Jane Cook, Chief Executive, Scottish Business in the Community

Hugh McAloon, Head of Employment and Skills, Scottish Government

Kay Barton, Deputy Director of Health Improvement Strategy, Scottish Government

Val Cox, Deputy Director of Positive Futures, Scottish Government

Dominic Munro, Deputy Director of Communities Analytical Services, Scottish Government

Margaret Dunne, Service Manager, Environmental Health, Shetland Islands Council

Robert McGregor, Sustainable Communities Programme Manager, Fife Council

James Arnott, Development and Regeneration Services, Glasgow Council

In attendance

Frances Wood, Sam Coope, Social Inclusion Division, Scottish Government


Laura Ross, Social Inclusion Division, Scottish Government

Draft Remit of the Tackling Poverty Board

To oversee and drive forward policy and practice to reduce poverty in Scotland.

  • To scan the horizon so that new challenges and opportunities are identified as early as possible.
  • To monitor and challenge how partners are implementing the key actions in Achieving our Potential, and the action being taken to meet the child poverty targets and the solidarity purpose target.
  • To identify and promote the actions that can make a real impact on tackling inequality, poverty and the drivers of low income.

This will all be set firmly within the context of the additional challenges and opportunities created by the economic downturn.

The Board will do this by:

  • Drawing on members’ local and national perspectives, and their thematic responsibilities and experiences.
  • Collaborating directly with lead contributors and key forums to improve our understanding of opportunities and issues and drawing in representatives of the ‘pivotal’ partners to discuss progress where appropriate.
  • Learning from other ‘Board’ experiences on what works.

The Board will commit to ensuring that they operate in an open and transparent manner.