Tablets Lesson – Maths Trail


  • To provide an opportunity for pupils to learn collaboratively.
  • To engage pupils in fieldwork and to introduce to them the skills needed to use the tablets.
  • To revise mathematics completed so far in an interesting and stimulating way.
  • To motivate pupils to observe, to recognise and to be critically aware of what is in the immediate school environment.
  • To stimulate research.

Class Level: Second Class


The children will have an opportunity to use various mathematical skills to complete a maths trail in their own school environment using digital cameras and tablets to record answers, information, photographs and videos.

Step by step guide


  • Pupils will be divided into mixed ability group for the trail.
  • The teacher will ensure that all cameras and tablets are in working order and fully charged.
  • The teacher will discuss basic safety rules with the pupils – safety contract.

Lesson Activity:

  • The children will spend a lesson discussing what can be seen in their own school environment.
  • The teacher divides the pupils into their groups.
  • Each group is assigned a digital camera and a tablet/s.
  • The teacher reads through the maths trail booklet with the pupils ensuring they all understand the questions on the trail.
  • The teacher explains to the children that they may record their answers in the trail booklet, as a photograph or using the video function on the tablet.
  • Each group will have a different starting point to avoid all the pupils working at the same station.


  • Pupils return to the classroom and discuss their answers.
  • Pupils share their photographs/videos and compare how other group chose to answer the same questions.
  • Photographs and videos will be compiled and used as a class blog on the school website.

Hints and Tips:

  • Ensure that there is adequate supervision of pupils while exploring the maths trail.
  • Remind the children that they must respond immediately to a whistle or another signal.
  • Ensure the tablets/cameras are fully charged.
  • Pupils need to be aware of safety when using the equipment.
  • Teacher should check the weather forecast.


  • Groups will have mixed ability.
  • Pupils will have different tasks, e.g. recorder, photographer, videographer.


  • The teacher will observe the pupils as the complete their maths trail.
  • The teacher will assess the answers given by each group.
  • Using the Socrative app, the teacher will design a quiz to assess how much information the pupils retained from the trail.

Extension Activities:

  • Find our school on the Scoilnet map and compare the school environment they investigated.
  • Draw a sketch of the school grounds.

Useful Websites: