State Managed Shelter
Tabletop Exercise and Drills
After-Action Report
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Administrative Handling Instructions
1.The title of this document is the Bulldog’s Revenge 2009 State Managed Shelter Tabletop and Drills After-Action Report (AAR) and Improvement Plan (IP).
2.The information gathered in this AAR/IP is classified as For Official Use Only (FOUO) and should be handled as sensitive information not to be disclosed. This document should be safeguarded, handled, transmitted, and stored in accordance with appropriate security directives. Reproduction of this document, in whole or in part, without prior approval from the Planning Committee is prohibited.
3.The attached materials will be disseminated only on a need-to-know basis and when unattended, will be stored in a locked container or area offering sufficient protection against theft, compromise, inadvertent access, and unauthorized disclosure.
4.Points of contact:
Exercise Planning
Ms. Patricia Snead
Manager, Office of Emergency Management
VirginiaDepartment of Social Services (VDSS)
Phone: (804) 726-7174
Ms. Michelle Pope
Emergency Planner for the State Shelter Program
Phone: (804) 726-7806
Ms. Amy Ettinger
Pet Sheltering Manager
VirginiaDepartment of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS)
Phone: (804) 371-4430
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Table of Contents
Administrative Handling Instructions
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Major Strengths
Primary Areas for Improvement
Section One: Exercise Overview
Exercise Details
Exercise Name
Type of Exercise
Exercise Start Date
Exercise End Date
Scenario Type
Exercise Planning Team
Participating Organizations
Observing Organizations
Number of Participants
Section Two: Exercise Design Summary
Exercise Purpose and Design
Exercise Objectives, Capabilities, and Activities
Registration and Intake Drill
Pet Sheltering Drill
Unified Command, Command and General Staff Tabletop
Registration and Intake Scenario Summary
Pet Sheltering Scenario Summary
Unified Command, Command and General Staff Tabletop Scenario Summary
Shelter Activation
Finance and Administration
Section Three: Analysis of Capabilities
Registration and Intake Drill
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding and Related Services)
Public Safety and Security
Pet Sheltering Drill
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding and Related Services)
Public Safety and Security
Unified Command, Command and General Staff Tabletop
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding and Related Services)
Public Safety and Security
Section Four: Conclusion
Appendix A – Improvement Plan
Appendix B – Participant Exercise Rating
Appendix C – Tabletop Minutes
Appendix D – Acronyms
Table of ContentsPage 1
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Executive Summary
The purpose of the James Madison University (JMU) State Managed Shelter (SMS) Exercise or Bulldog’s Revenge 2009 was to assess the preparedness, effectiveness, and efficiency of the JMU SMS (including the Rockingham County Fairgrounds pet sheltering site) in response to an event that causes a State-level sheltering need in the Commonwealth. The concept of the exercise was to initiate the shelter incident management team to the JMU SMS Plan and determine issues, needs and concerns that need to be addressed in the plan; practice the acquired shelter management tool; and test the pet sheltering capabilities at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds.
The exercise planning team was comprised a representative group of stakeholders within the JMU SMS and associated Rockingham County Fairgrounds Pet Shelter. They discussed how best to introduce JMU SMS management to role and function of the JMU SMS and prompt discussion regarding known issues and concerns that they may face during an event. The planning team also offered suggestions on how to test those services and equipment already contracted or procured for the JMU SMS. The planning team met two times before the exercise—the initial planning conference (IPC) on April 6, 2009 and the final planning conference (FPC) on June 8, 2009.
Thetabletop and drills included participants and observers from various State and local agencies, JamesMadisonUniversity, Noah’s Wish, and private companies. A large number of those present were observers, either providing subject-matter expertise to those participating or gathering intelligence about the SMS site for integration into their own agency or locality plan.
The exercise planning team selected the following objectives, capabilities, and activities to be discussed during the tabletop (TTX), and the objectives, capabilities, activities, and tasks to be practiced during the drills.
BULLDOG’S REVENGE ’09Registration and Intake Drill
Strategic Objectives / Capabilities / Activity. Task
1. Demonstrate the JMU SMS Human Registration and Intake Group’s ability to conduct registration and intake at the JMU SMS during an event. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) / 4.1, 5.1
2. Demonstrate the capability of EWA Phoenix to assign location of pets and their owners. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) / 6.1, 6.3
3. Demonstrate the capability of EWA Phoenix to support reunification of pets and their owners. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) / 6.1, 6.3
4. Demonstrate the ability of VSP to maintain order and discipline at the human sheltering site. / Public Safety and Security / 4.2 (adjusted)
5. Demonstration the ability of VDH to utilize the Special Medical Needs decision matrix to direct shelterees to the proper location. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) / 4.1
Pet Sheltering Drill
Strategic Objectives / Capabilities / Activity. Task
1. Demonstrate the ability of VDACS to set up the Rockingham County Fairgrounds pet sheltering site to receive pets. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) / 6.2
2. Demonstrate the ability of VDACS to conduct registration and intake using EWA Phoenix at the pet sheltering site during an event. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) / 6.1, 6.3
3. Demonstrate the capability of EWA Phoenix to assign location of pets and their owners. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) / 6.1, 6.3
4. Demonstrate the capability of EWA Phoenix to support reunification of pets and their owners. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) / 6.1, 6.3
5. Demonstrate the ability of VSP to maintain order and discipline at the pet sheltering site. / Public Safety and Security / 4.2 (adjusted)
Unified Command, Command and General Staff Tabletop
Strategic Objectives / Capabilities / Activity. Task
1. Orient JMU Unified Command, Command and General Staff to SMS positions. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
2. Assess the ability of the JMU SMS UC to support and conduct general, special medical needs and pet sheltering operations. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) / 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.13, 4.2 (adjusted), 4.4 (adjusted), 4.5, 5.2 (adjusted), 5.3, 5.4 (adjusted), 6.4, 6.5 (adjusted), 6.6 (adjusted)
Public Safety and Security / 4.2 (adjusted)
3. Establish Incident Command/Unified Command. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) / 1.1
Public Safety and Security / 1.2
4. Direct tactical operations. / Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) / 1.1, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.13
For those tasks that have been adjusted, the adjustments are below. All other tasks are as listed within the Exercise Evaluation Guides.
Public Safety and Security
Task 4.2 (adjusted):Conduct police operation in accordance with established policy, procedure and rules of engagement.
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
Task 4.2 (adjusted): Discuss the provision of medical care to special-needs population.
Task 4.4 (adjusted): Discuss needed resources and equipment needed to support special-needs population.
Task 5.2 (adjusted): Discuss the provision of mass care services to general populations in the shelters.
Task 5.4 (adjusted): Discuss the coordination environmental health assessment of mass care operations.
Task 6.5 (adjusted): Discuss the provision of feeding services that ensure adequate nutrition for companion animals.
Task 6.6 (adjusted): Discuss the coordination and provision of veterinary medical services with appropriate agencies.
Major Strengths
- Coordination and cooperation between the participating State Managed Shelter support agencies, institutions and organizations is exceptional.
- Use of the EWA Phoenix system provided a user-friendly, comprehensive and rapid tracking system for use within the State Managed Shelter.
- Noah’s Wish demonstrated their capability to provide an appropriate and skilled team of volunteers to facilitate the operation of the pet shelter.
Primary Areas for Improvement
- A solution needs to be found to address internet and communications connectivity at both sites that is robust enough to handle the communications needs of the State Managed Shelter.
- Standard Operating Procedures, Job Action Sheets and other documentation needs to be developed to guide shelter operational, planning, command, administrative and logistical tasks.
- Local jurisdictions need to be invited to participate in the State Managed Shelter planning and implementation process.
Executive SummaryPage 1
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Section One: Exercise Overview
Exercise Details
Exercise Name
Bulldog’s Revenge 2009 State Managed Shelter Exercise
Type of Exercise
Tabletop and Drills
Exercise Start Date
June 29, 2008
Exercise End Date
June 29, 2008
2 hours for drills, 3 hours for tabletop, 30 minutes for hotwash, 30 minutes for debriefing
- Registration and Intake Drill:JamesMadisonUniversityConvocationCenter in Harrisonburg, VA
- Pet Sheltering Drill:RockinghamCounty Fairgrounds in Harrisonburg, VA
- Tabletop:JamesMadisonUniversityConvocationCenter in Harrisonburg, VA
VirginiaDepartment of Social Services (VDSS)
VirginiaDepartment of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS)
State Homeland Security Grant Program
X Response
●Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
●Public Safety and Security
Scenario Type
Chemical release or threat (C)
Biological release or threat (B)
Radiological release or threat (R)
Nuclear detonation or threat (N)
Explosive detonation or threat (E)
Cyber (Y)
X Other/specify (O): Response to and recovery from major weather events and other incidents requiring State Managed Shelters
Exercise Planning Team
Name / Organization / Phone Number / EmailChristy Cook / VDACS / (804) 371-4331 /
Roger Cooper / VDH / (434) 972-6234 /
Dennis Cupp / RCFG / (540) 434-0005 /
Steve Davis / VDH / (540) 921-1335 /
Amy Ettinger / VDACS / (804) 371-4330 /
Jonathan Falk / VDH / (540) 332-7830 /
Kenneth Flick / VDH / (540) 332-7830 x 311 /
Mike Gray / VDEM / (804) 674-2740 /
Donna Harper / JMU / (540) 568-3705 /
Steven Harrison / VDH / (804) 864-7033 /
Dale Hulvey / JMU / (540) 568-3904 /
Bryan Hutcheson / VSP / (540) 434-8593 /
David Lamm / JMU / (540) 568-2379 /
Michael Nelson / VDEM / (804) 674-2749 /
Michelle Pope / VDSS / (804) 726-7806 /
Lt. William Reed / VSP / (804) 674-6719 /
Barbara Rustin / VDSS / (804) 726-7128 /
Capt. Anita Sedillo / VSP / (804) 674-3096 /
Tricia Snead / VDSS / (804) 726-7174 /
Chris Wickman / EWA / (703) 904-5056 /
Frank Williamson / VDSS / (804) 726-7108 /
Participating Organizations
- VirginiaDepartment of Social Services
- JamesMadisonUniversity
- VirginiaDepartment of Health
- VirginiaDepartment of Agriculture and Consumer Services
- VirginiaState Police
- NOAH’S Wish
- RockinghamCounty Fairgrounds
Observing Organizations
- City of Harrisonburg
- EWA Government Systems, Inc.
- VirginiaState Animal Response Team (VA-SART)
- VirginiaDepartment of Emergency Management
- RockinghamCounty
- VirginiaDepartment of Health – Richmond Health District
- VirginiaDepartment of Social Services
- JamesMadisonUniversity
- VirginiaDepartment of Health
- VirginiaDepartment of Agriculture and Consumer Services
- VirginiaState Police
Number of Participants
Exercise OverviewPage 1
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- Registration and Intake Drill – 28
- Pet Sheltering Drill – 37
- Unified Command, Command Staff and General Staff Tabletop Exercise – 39
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Section Two: Exercise Design Summary
Exercise Purpose and Design
The purpose of the James Madison University (JMU) State Managed Shelter (SMS) Exercise or Bulldog’s Revenge 2009 was to assess the preparedness, effectiveness, and efficiency of the JMU SMS (including the Rockingham County Fairgrounds pet sheltering site) in response to an event that causes a State-level sheltering need in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The concept of the exercise was to initiate the shelter incident management team to the JMU SMS Plan and determine issues, needs and concerns that need to be addressed in the plan; practice the acquired shelter management tool; and test the pet sheltering capabilities at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds.
Bulldog’s Revenge 2009 was initially discussed when Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) set up a weekend training event at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds to allow Noah’s Wish to train volunteers in pet sheltering. Since this team would be in place, James Madison University (JMU) was contacted to assess their interest in participating in an exercise that would integrate both sites. JMU immediately obliged and Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS), in coordination with VDACS, set up the Initial Planning Conference (IPC).
The IPC was held on April 6, 2009, at the VirginiaEmergencyOperationsCenter in Richmond, VA. The conference included representatives from VDSS, VDACS, VDEM, VSP, JMU and VDH. When discussing exercise design, it was decided that the exercise should incorporate multiple activities into a single day. The exercise would consist of two consecutive drills (one at the pet shelter location, RCFG, and one at the human shelter location, JMU) followed by a tabletop exercise to be held at JMU. The tabletop exercise would be tailored to the unified command, command staff and general staff for the JMU SMS.
At the FPC on June 8, 2009, all documents were delivered to the planning team for final review. Layout arrangements were made for both exercise locations and for all exercise activities. All documents were finalized for print on June 12, 2009.
The scenario was scripted to be loosely-based on the hurricane event in the 2008 VECTOR exercise, but the information in the situation manual (SITMAN) pertains to the JMU SMS Plan and potential situations and scenarios that could occur during a SMS activation.
Exercise Objectives, Capabilities, and Activities
Capabilities-based planning allows for exercise planning teams to develop exercise objectives and observe exercise outcomes through a framework of specific action items that were derived from the HSEEP Target Capabilities List (TCL). The capabilities listed below each objective form the foundation for the organization of all objectives and observations in this exercise. Additionally, each capability is linked to several corresponding activities and tasks to provide additional detail. Based on the identified exercise objectives below, the exercise planning team decided to demonstrate specific capabilities during this exercise, also listed below.
Registration and Intake Drill
Objective 1:Demonstrate the JMU SMS Human Registration and Intake Group’s ability to conduct registration and intake at the JMU SMS during an event.
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
- Activity 4: Shelter Special Needs
- Task 1
- Activity 5: Shelter General Population
- Task 1
Objective 2:Demonstrate the capability of EWA Phoenix to assign location of pets and their owners.
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
- Activity 6: Shelter Companion Animals
- Tasks 1 and 3
Objective 3:Demonstrate the capability of EWA Phoenix to support reunification of pets and their owners.
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
- Activity 6: Shelter Companion Animals
- Tasks 1 and 3
Objective 4:Demonstrate the ability of VSP to maintain order and discipline at the human sheltering site.
Public Safety and Security
- Activity 4: Conduct Law Enforcement Operations
- Task 2
Objective 5:Demonstrate the ability of VDH to utilize the Special Medical Needs decision matrix to direct shelterees to the proper location.
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
- Activity 4: Shelter Special Needs
- Task 1
Pet Sheltering Drill
Objective 1:Demonstrate the ability of VDACS to set up the Rockingham County Fairgrounds pet sheltering site to receive pets.
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
- Activity 6: Shelter Companion Animals
- Task 2
Objective 2:Demonstrate the ability of VDACS to conduct registration and intake using EWA Phoenix at the pet sheltering site during an event.
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
- Activity 6: Shelter Companion Animals
- Tasks 1 and 3
Objective 3:Demonstrate the capability of EWA Phoenix to assign location of pets and their owners.
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
- Activity 6: Shelter Companion Animals
- Tasks 1 and 3
Objective 4:Demonstrate the capability of EWA Phoenix to support reunification of pets and their owners.
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
- Activity 6: Shelter Companion Animals
- Tasks 1 and 3
Objective 5:Demonstrate the ability of VSP to maintain order and discipline at the pet sheltering site.
Public Safety and Security
- Activity 4: Conduct Law Enforcement Operations
- Task 2
Unified Command, Command and General Staff Tabletop
Objective 1:Orient JMU Unified Command, Command and General Staff to SMS positions.
Objective 2:Assess the ability of the JMU SMS UC to support and conduct general, special medical needs and pet sheltering operations.
Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services)
- Activity 1: Direct Mass Care Tactical Operations
- Tasks 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13
- Activity 4: Shelter Special Needs
- Tasks 2 (adjusted), 4 (adjusted) and 5
- Activity 5: Shelter General Population
- Tasks 2 (adjusted), 3 and 4 (adjusted)
- Activity 6: Shelter Companion Animals
- Tasks 4, 5 (adjusted) and 6 (adjusted)
Public Safety and Security