Tablet Acceptable Use and Security Policy 1 of 3
TMAM Tablet
Acceptable Use and Security Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish the rules for use of the tablet device issued to you.You have been issued this tablet to enable you to send and receive work-relatedemail messages and conduct other company business.
User Responsibility
User agrees to a general code of conduct that recognizes the need to protectconfidential data that is stored on, or accessed using, the tablet. This codeof conduct includes but is not limited to:
- Doing what is necessary to ensure the adequate physical security of thetablet
- Maintaining the software configuration of the tablet – both the operatingsystem and the applications installed.
- Preventing the storage of sensitive company data in unapprovedapplications on the tablet.
- Ensuring the tablet’s security controls are not subverted via hacks,jailbreaks, security software changes and/or security setting changes
- Reporting a lost or stolen tablet immediately to supervisor
This tablet is owned and centrally managed by TMAM. The user is responsible for:
- Installation of software updates and apps
- Reporting lost or stolen tablet immediately
Security Policy Requirements
The user is responsible for securing their tablet to prevent sensitive data from being lost orcompromised and to prevent viruses from being spread. Removal of security controls isprohibited.
User is forbidden from copying sensitive data from email, calendar and contactapplications to other applications on the tablet or to an unregistered personally owneddevice.
Security and configuration requirements:
- Sensitive data will not be sent from the tablet.
- The tablet operating system software will be kept current.
- No personal information should be stored on the tablet
- User agrees to random spot checks of tablet configuration to ensure compliance
with all applicable Corporate information security policy.
Loss, Theft or Compromise
If the tablet is lost or stolen, or if it is believed to have been compromised in some way, theincident must be reported immediately by contacting the Director of Maintenance and your Regional Property Manager.
Company’s Right to Monitor and Protect
The Company has the right to, at will:
- Monitor Corporate messaging systems and data including data residing on theuser’s mobile tablet
- Modify, including remote wipe or reset to factory default, the registered mobile
- tablet configuration remotely
Privacy of our Residents
At no time may the user down load any social media apps to this tablet such as Facebook or Twitter.
- We respect our resident’s right to privacy.
- Any photos or recording that occur on a TMAM property will only be shared with your direct supervisor.
- Any release of resident information over this tablet may result in disciplinary action.
- Any information stored on this tablet may be reviewed by the site manager at any time.
Any user found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, includingbut not limited to:
- Account suspension
- Revocation of tablet access to the Company System
- Data removal from the tablet
- Employee termination
Receipt for Company-owned Tablet
I, ______have received the item listed
(print first and last name)
below as part of my employment responsibilities. By signing this form, I agree to the following:
- I am responsible for the tablet issued to me and I will use it in the manner intended;
- I will be responsible for any damage done (excluding normal wear and tear);
- Upon separation from the Company, I will return the tablet issued to me in proper working order (excluding normal wear & tear);
- I authorize a payroll deduction to cover the replacement cost of any item issued to me that is not returned for whatever reason, or is not returned in good working order.
Received items:
Tablet ______
Charger ______
Print Employee Name:______
Signature: ______
Date: ______
Print Witness Name: ______
Signature: ______
Date: ______
TM Associates Management, Inc. 0316