Rules and Regulations
2013 (Revised July 1, 2013)

These are the rules of the Gander Ladies Softball League. Anything not covered here, is covered in the SPN rule book available on our league site. In the case of a discrepancy between SPN rules and the GLSL rules, the ones contained in this rulebook will take precedence. These rules have been agreed upon by the executive and representatives from each team. Any concerns should be brought to your team captain. They will be addressed ASAP and rules will be amended if necessary. New and amended items are highlighted in RED.

1.  Teams must pay registration in full by JUNE 11th.

2.  Fees are as follows: $840 per Team. This amount will cover use of the fields, equipment, SPN insurance, umpires, etc.

3.  SPN: The Gander Ladies Softball League is a SPN affiliated league. Prior to playing with the league, teams must fill out the league registration form and the SPN waiver form and SPN fees must be paid. Membership with SPN comes with a secondary insurance policy provided by SPN. See your team captain for more info and/or visit :

4.  Adding New Players: New players can be picked up at any time. In order for a new player to play in the GLSL, they must fill out the SPN Team Waiver form and the League Registration form and the forms must be handed into a league executive member. Deadline for the paperwork to be passed in is the night before the new player’s first game.

5.  Players MUST play a minimum of 6 GAMES to be eligible to play in the playoffs, no exceptions.

6.  Scheduling: There are 2 scheduled games per night on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Schedules will be distributed at the beginning of the first game. Home team will be indicated on schedules. League co-coordinators will contact team captains with the time of the first game. If there are any changes to the schedule, team captains will be notified.

7.  Home teams are to use the home team bench.

8.  Time Restrictions: All games will start promptly at 5:45pm and 7:15 unless otherwise notified by the league executive. Games are allotted 1.5 hours. No new innings are to begin after 1 hour and 15 minutes after the scheduled start time. It is VERY important that games start on time, and that teams hustle between innings, as delays can cause the second game to run into darkness.

9.  Grace Periods + Defaults: There is no grace and captains are not to ask for one. This rule shall be enforced by the umpire. If any team does not have the required amount of players at game time, the game shall be ruled defaulted or double default as the case may be, and a loss awarded to any team with less than 8 players at game time

10.  Rained out Games Policy: Team Captains will be notified by league co-coordinators at least 30 minutes before the start time of the game if it is not going ahead. If there is no call made, teams should consider the game as scheduled with the playing/delay/postponement being at the umpire’s discretion once arriving at the field. In order for a rained out call to be made, both teams must have at least 8 players at the field at start time. If one or both teams does not have the required amount of players, the game will be ruled a default, regardless of weather. Rescheduling of rained out games will be taken care of by league co-coordinators.

11.  When to end a game:
I. A game may end if after completion of the top of the last inning, the visiting team has not scored a greater number of runs than the home team. Or if in the bottom of the last inning, the home team has scored the winning run.

II. Mercy Rule: If one team is leading by 10 runs or more after 5 innings of play, the game will be called. (THIS IS AN AMMENDMENT FROM SPN RULES).

12.  Suspended Game: A game called by the umpire, which cannot be resumed within 30 minutes, may be regulation if: 5 or more innings have been played or if the home team has scored the winning run during the uncompleted 5th inning; or, after 4 full innings, than the visiting team has scored in their 5 compete innings. (SPN Rule 4, Sec. 4C) (In simple terms, if the game is called due to rain or darkness etc. during the bottom of the 5th inning and the home team has more runs than the visiting team, the game is over, the home team wins and the game counts. Or after the top of the 5th, if the visiting team has not scored more runs than the home team, and the game has to be called then the home team does not have to play the bottom of the 5th inning and they win and the game counts.)

13.  When a suspended game is resumed, it must be started at the point of interruption with the identical situations and line-ups as when the game was suspended. (SPN Rule 4 – Sec 10 EFFECT.)

14.  Minimum Players Required: Each team must have 8 players on the field in order to start a game. In the interest of good sportsmanship the team with 8 players will have a player from the opposing team play the catcher position. The opposing team will only play the catching position and will be expected to play to the best of their ability. (THIS IS AN AMMENDMENT FROM SPN RULES.)

15.  Once a team has gone through the line-up, new players cannot be added. (The league will be looking into implementing the SPN substitution rules in the future, so that late players can be added but for now, this is our leagues amendment).

16.  5 Run Rule + Last Inning: Maximum runs per inning are 5 runs. Runs are unlimited in the last inning. If the umpire states at the beginning of the 5th or 6th inning that this will be the last inning, this rule still applies.

17.  Score Sheet Policy: Teams are responsible for keeping score when it is their turn at bat. In the interest of fairness, at the end of each inning, team captains should agree on the score and move into the next inning. No amendments to past innings will be accepted after a new inning is started. Teams must hand in all game score sheets to the umpire or league co-coordinators.

18.  Standings will be recorded as Games Won, Games Lost, Games Tied and Points.

19.  ABSOLUTELY NO metal spiked shoes will be permitted.

20.  Anyone who throws the bat will be automatically out. Runners will not advance.

21.  APPEALS: The umpire makes the final judgement call. Protests are allowed if interpretation of a rule or regulation of the league is in question. If your team wishes to appeal a play call “Time out” immediately. The appeal must be made prior to the next batter receiving a pitch. Appeals may be made by the captain or one other designated team representative if captain is absent. Appeals must be done respectfully and it is not appropriate for the players at the bench to yell at the ump. Let the Captains do the work. Judgement calls by the umpire (balls, strikes, fairs, fouls, safes, outs) will not be accepted as a protest. Harassment of the umpire can result in a player/team being ejected from the game. There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy in harassment/backtalk of umpires.

22.  There will be a home plate umpire at every game and one at 1st base when possible.

23.  An OVERTHROW is a ball thrown from one fielder toward another and for whatever reason, goes into “out of play territory”. If this occurs, all baserunners will be awarded two bases from the last base touched at the time of the throw. (SPN Rule 3 – Sec. 65). On an overthrow which stay in bounds the ball is alive and the runner may take as many bases as possible. If the ball hits the out of bounds marker/pylon/fence, the ball is alive and the runner can advance at their own risk. (If you are standing on a base you get two, if you are running towards a base, you get that base and 1 other base.)

24.  A FOUL TIP is any tipped ball that is caught by the catcher. (SPN Rule 3 – Sec. 37). A foul ball that is caught by the catcher is an out. There is no height limit the ball has to be tipped.

25.  Scoring Line: A scoring line will be drawn at home plate. To score a run the runner must cross the line without touching or jumping over the plate. Touching or jumping over the plate will result in an automatic out and the run does not count.

26.  Commitment Line: The commitment line is marked 21 feet from the back of home plate along the 3rd base line. Once the line is crossed by the runner placing one foot over the line, the runner is now obligated to continue home with no option to return to 3rd base. If the line is not crossed, the runner may return to 3rd base.

27.  TAG is the act of a fielder touching a base with any part of his body while holding the ball firmly and securely in his hand or glove or touching the baserunner with the ball, or with the glove holding the ball, while continuously holding the ball firmly and securely during and immediately following the tag. A player may be tagged between the “Commitment Line” and the “Scoring Line (SPN Rule 3 – Sec. 78)

28.  First Base/Orange Bag: The batter can overrun 1st base. However if a player runs to the left side of the foul line, she is live, and can be tagged out. Where a safety bag is in use, the 1st base player must never touch the orange bag on a forced out play. If the first baseman is touching the orange bag when making a play at 1st, it is the same as not touching the white at all: missed base. A batter must never touch the white bag while attempting to overrun 1st base. (Further rules regarding the orange bag is available in the SPN rulebook Rule 2 – Sec. 5)

29.  Forced Outs: A runner may only be forced out if compelled to advance by the batter or the occupants of the previous base. If a runner is not forced to advance, they must be tagged to be called out. If the 3rd out is the result of a force out, any run scored on that play will not be counted.

30.  Courtesy Runners: Each team is allowed a maximum of 3 courtesy runners per game. A batter must reach a base on their own accord prior to being replaced with a courtesy runner. When courtesy runners are used the same runner cannot be used more than once and there is no longer a restriction to only use courtesy for injuries. (Please see SPN Rule 8 – Sec. 15 for more information.)

31.  The third strike foul ball rule will be in effect.

32.  There will be NO forced walks. It is up to the umpire to determine if a player is being intentionally walked.

33.  A batter will automatically advance to 1st base after 4 balls are called.

34.  Arc Rule: For pitching – the rule is that the pitch must be 6-12 feet high. If the pitch is too low or too high it is considered an illegal pitch and is treated as a ball. However, the batter may swing/hit if desired.

35.  If the ball hits the ground before reaching the plate or hits the plate it is dead and considered a ball.

36.  Strike Zone Mat: We will be using the strike zone mat to determine strikes and balls. Any pitch that has the appropriate arc and hits the strike zone mat should be deemed a strike. (Calls of balls and strikes are at the discrepancy of the umpire.)

37.  A batter DOES NOT get a base when hit by a pitched ball.

38.  An ILLEGALLY BATTED BALL is one batted fair or foul by the batter when either one or both of her feet are in contact with the ground, COMPLETELY outside the lines of the batter’s box, or when her foot is in contact with Home Plate. SPN Rule 3 – Sec. 43.

39.  Lead off Rule: An anticipation step is allowed only when the ball passes the plate.

40.  No base stealing. If a runner advances illegally to the next base, she is declared out.

41.  In Field Fly Rule: an infield fly is a fair fly ball (not including a line drive or bunt) that can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort when first and second, or first, second, and third bases are occupied before there are 2 outs. The pitcher, catcher, and any outfielder that positions herself in the infield on the play shall be considered infielders for the purpose of this rule. When it seems apparent that a batted ball will be an infield fly, the umpire will call: “Infield fly – the batter is out”. For the benefit of the runners. The ball is alive and runners may advance at the risk of the ball being caught, or retouch (tag up) and advance after the ball is touched, the same as on any fly ball. If the hit becomes a foul ball, it is treated as any foul ball.

42.  The Gander Ladies Softball League will NOT be implementing SPN rules regarding score cards, bat restrictions or substitutions. Players will also be allowed to leave the game for injuries or other reasons without penalty.


The consumption of alcoholic beverages is STRICTLY PROHIBITED at the playing field and considered an offence under the criminal code as “Drinking in Public”.

As well there is NO SMOKING in public areas in the Town of Gander. This includes the dugouts and fields and stands of the ballfield.
The SPN Rule book, Schedules, Standings, Photos, this Document and any other applicable info will be made available on our league Facebook page and/or The League website at:

Announcements will be made through our website, Facebook page and through team captains. Please keep all comments on the Facebook page clean and respectful. Any abuse observed on our site will be reviews and if necessary, the person will be removed from the site.

The Most Important thing to remember – RESPECT EACH OTHER AND HAVE FUN!!!!!!