Project 4, Page 1
Project 4
Tables andColumns
Duke City Gateway Travel offers a unique program to its customers called the Preferred Traveler Program. The program provides special services and discounts for an annual fee. Members of the Preferred Traveler Program receive information sheets that keep them informed of special vacation packages and travel tips.
Create a three-panel brochure that includes an application form to promote the Preferred Traveler Program. Prepare an information sheet for members of the program about car rentals.
1.Start a new document.
2.Change the document orientation to landscape and change all margins to 0.5 inch.
3.Format the document as three columns of equal width with 0.5inch spacing between columns.
4.Key the text shown in Figure 4-1 in the first column. Use 11point Arial, single spacing, and left alignment, except where other formatting is indicated.
5.Change the paragraph spacing for the text “Passport Information,” “Credit Card Information,” and “Authorization” to 36 points before.
Figure 4-1
Passport Information
Passport Number:
Issue Date:
Expiration Date:
Country of Citizenship:
Name on Passport:
Credit Card Information
Credit Card:
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date:
The undersigned traveler hereby authorizes Duke City Gateway Travel to charge to the credit card account on file any personal or business travel arrangements.
Signature of Traveler
6.Change the spacing for the text from “Passport Number” through “Name on Passport” to 6.5 points before. Set a right tab for this text with a solid-line leader at the column’s right margin (at approximately 2.88 inches).
7.Insert a tab character after each colon to create a solid line.
8.Repeat the formatting applied in steps 6 and 7 to the text from “Credit Card” through “Expiration Date.”
9.Change the spacing for the paragraph that begins “The undersigned” to 6.5 points before.
10.Insert a blank line before “Signature of Traveler.” Change the spacing of the blank line to 24 points before.
11.Set a right tab with a solid-line leader at the column’s right margin for the blank line. Insert a tab character to create a signature line.
12.Repeat steps 10 and 11 for the “Date” line.
13.At a new paragraph below the word “Date,” insert a column break.
14.Format the text in the first column with a 1.5-point double-line box border positioned 6 points from text (all sides).
15.In the second column, key the text shown in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2
For More Information
Duke City Gateway Travel
15 Montgomery Boulevard
Albuquerque, NM 87111
TELEPHONE: (505) 555-1234
FAX: (505) 555-1244
16.For the center panel all information should be center—horizontally. In addition, apply the following formatting to the line “For More Information”:
- Centered
- Small caps
- 1.5-point bottom border adjusted to fit the length of the text
- 72-point spacing before and after
17.Change the spacing for the text “Contact” to 72 points after.
18.Change the spacing for the telephone number to 36 points before.
19.Insert a column break below the Web address; then key the text as shown in Figure43. Center all text horizontally
Figure 4-3
Duke City
Gateway Travel
New Mexico
20.Add 72-point spacing before “Preferred” and 72-point spacing before and after “from.” Select all text on this panel and set at Brittanic Bold, small caps.
21.Insert a column break below “New Mexico,” and then insert the file Preferred (use the Insert, Oject from filecommand). Format the text using 11point Arial, left alignment, 6-point spacing after paragraphs. Include additional formatting for the text shown in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4
As a Preferred Traveler member, you will receive the following:
Quarterly newsletter
Special promotion faxes
Service-charge waiver for:
Airline tickets
Car/hotel reservations
Lower airfares
Fare-comparison shopping
50% off the service charge for promotion tickets, discount coupons, frequent flyer reservations
One FREE consultation
One FREE reissue per ticket
$25 gift certificate with the purchase of a $500 vacation package
Eligibility to win a three-night vacation package
22.Center the heading “Preferred Traveler Program” and format it as 14-point Arial bold, small caps. Add 6-point spacing before the paragraph.
23.Format the headings “Free Services” and “Services for a Fee” as 12-point bold with 6-point spacing before and 0-point spacing after.
24.Find the phrase “Preferred Traveler Program” and format each occurrence of the text as bold italic (do not format the heading).
25.Insert a column break at the paragraph that begins “As a Preferred Traveler.” Add 6-point spacing before this paragraph.
26.Change the spacing for the text from “Quarterly newsletter” through “Special promotion faxes” and from “Fare-comparison shopping” through “$25 gift certificate” to 0-point spacing before and 2-point spacing after.
27.Change the spacing for the text from “Service-charge waiver” through “Refunds” to 0 points before and after.
28.Insert a column break at the end of the column, after the text “in our office.”
29.Key the text shown in Figure 4-5. Use single spacing and 0-point spacing before and after. Apply formatting as indicated.
Figure 4-5
Preferred Traveler Program
Membership Application
Home Phone Number:
Business Phone Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail address:
Car Rental Preferences
First Choice ID No.
Second Choice ID No.
Third Choice ID No.
Special Request:
Hotel Preferences
First Choice ID No.
Second Choice ID No.
Third Choice ID No.
Special Request:
Airline Preferences
First Choice FT No.
Second Choice FT No.
Third Choice FT No.
Special Request:
30.Change the spacing for the heading “Preferred Traveler Program” to 6 points before.
31.Change the spacing for the paragraph “Membership Application” to 6 points before and after.
32.Change the spacing for the text from “Name:” through the last line of text to 6.5 points before. For the selected text, set a right tab with a solid-line leader at the right margin.
33.Insert a tab character after each line ending with a colon.
34.Change the spacing for the text “Car Rental Preferences,” “Hotel Preferences,” and “Airline Preferences” to 24 points before.
35.Change the spacing of each line that begins “First Choice” to 0points before.
36.For the text in this column that begins “First,” “Second,” and “Third,” set a second right tab with a solid-line leader at 1.5 inches, and set a left tab at 1.63 inches.
37.Insert three tab characters—two tab characters after “First Choice” and one tab character after “ID No.”
38.Add tab characters as described in step 37 for each of the lines beginning with “First,” “Second,” and “Third.”
39.To all text in the third column, apply a 1.5-point double-line box border positioned 6 points from the text.
40.Center the document vertically and check it in Print Preview.
41.Spell-check the document.
42.Save the document as [your initials]Proj4a.
43.Print and close the document.