I have taken the time to search all the statutes on the fact that 28 USC is in fact where all the Admiralty Rules lie, not just the supplemental Rules as 99 percent of people think. Title 28 IS the statute for admiralty when to read the intro chapters in the very beginning of Title 28. So here are the Admiralty Rules and the Title 28 Rule where they now lie.
The Informer 5-20-06



I ...... As to commencement of action see FRCP 3;as to
service of process see FRCP 4(c).
2...... As to summons, see FRCP 4; as to arrest of the
person, see /Note to Supplemental Rule A; as to
attachment and garnishment, see Supplemental
Rule B(1).
3 ...... See Note to Supplemental Rule A.
4 ...... See Note to Supplemental Rule A. As to summary
procedure against surety, see FRCP 65.1 (Pro-
posed ).
5 ...... See Supplemental Rule E(5). As to summary pro-
cedure against surety, see FRCP 65.1 (Proposed
6 ...... See Supplemental Rule E(5).
7 ...... See FRCP 54(d).
8 ...... See Supplemental Rule E(6)
9 ...... See Supplemental Rule C(5).
10 ...... See Supplemental Rules C(3), C(4), E(4)
11 ...... See Supplemental Rule E(9).
12 ...... See Supplemental Rules E(5), E(9)
16 ...... See Supplemental Rule C(1).

19 ...... See Supplemental Rule 1).
20 ...... See FRCP 69-71
21 ...... See FRCP 8; Supplemental Rule C(2)
22 ...... See FRCP 8; Supplemental Rules B(1) C(2), F(2)
23 ...... See FRCP 15
24 ...... See Supplemental Rules E(2), F(1)
25 ...... See Supplemental Rule C(6)
26 ...... See FRCP 7-12
27 ...... See FRCP 12, 55
28 ...... See FRCP 55, 60.
29 ...... See FRCP 12(f), 26 et seq.
30 ...... See FRCP 26, 33, 37; 4 Moore's Federal Practice
1282, 2337
30A ...... See FRCP 26
30B ...... See FRCP 27
30C ...... See FRCP 28

34 F.R.D.--24 pg. 369


30D ...... See FRCP 29
30E ...... See FRCP 30
30F ...... See FRCP 31
3OG ...... See FRCP 32
31 ...... See FRCP 33
32 ...... See FRCP 34
32A ...... See FRCP 35
32B ...... See FRCP 36
32C ...... See FRCP 37
32D ...... See FRCP 45
33 ...... See FRCP 33 and 30 (b)
34 ...... See FRCP 24(a)
35 ...... See FRCP 11 and 12(f)
36...... See Supplemental Rules B (3) (a), E (4)
37 ...... See Supplemental Rule C (3)
38 ...... See FRCP 41(b)
39 ...... See FRCP 55(c), 60(b)
40...... See Supplemental Rule E(9)
41 ...... Superseded; covered by 28 U.S.C. 2041, 2042
42 ...... See FRCP 24
43...... See FRCP 53
431/2...... See FRCP 53
44...... See FRCP 83
441/2...... See FRCP 16
45...... Omitted because the practice of taking further proof on appeal is virtually obsolete, and also because regulation of the practice on appeal seems beyond the scope of rule making power conferred by 28 U.S.C. 2073
46 ...... See FRCP 43 ans 28 U.S.C. 753
461/2 ...... See FRCP 52
46A ...... See FRCP 43(b)
46B...... See FRCP 43(c)
47...... See FRCP 54(d)
48...... See FRCP 7(a), 8(d),and 12(a) (b)
49 ...... See FRCP 75, 76
50 ...... See Supplemental Rule E(7)
51 ...... See Supplemental Rules F(1), F(2), F(3), F(4)
52 ...... See Supplemental Rules F(5), F(6), F(7), F(8)
53 ...... See Supplemental Rules F(2), F(5)
54 ...... See Supplemental Rule F(9)
55 ...... Omitted as obsolete. A temporary provision designed to give the benefit of limitation to owners in cases pending on appeal when the limitation Rules were promulgated
56 ...... See FRCP 14
57 ...... See Supplemental Rule E(5).
58 ...... See FRCP 56
59 ...... See FRCP 57