Latent variable / Indicator (scale) / Item / Cronbach’s alpha / Factor loading
Perceived knowledge / Perceived understanding of motivation / I feel I understand why the heel prick is done / 0.854 / 0.916**
I feel I understand why the test is done at the time it is
I feel I understand what the test results mean
Perceived understanding of procedural aspects / I feel I understand how the test is done / 0.816 / 0.805**
I feel I understand when the test is done
I feel I understand when the results will be available
Perceived understanding of conditions / I feel I understand what the conditions are that the heel prick tests for / 0.898 / 0.744**
I feel I understand how the conditions could affect my child
I feel I understand how the condition would be dealt with if found
Attitudes toward screening / Perceived risks / The heel prick is likely to cause a lot of pain to my child‡ / 0.775 / 0.443**
The heel prick causes long lasting pain to my child‡
The heel prick is likely to have a long term impact on my child‡
The heel prick exposes my child to a risk of infection‡
Perceived benefits / The heel prick is a quick test / 0.871 / 1.000**§
The heel prick can provide useful information
The heel prick will allow treatment of an identified health problem
The conditions tested in the heel prick are serious
Testing earlier is better than testing later
Perceived choice / Ability to make a choice / I felt I had enough time to make a decision about the heel prick / 0.793 / 0.622**
I was too tired to make a decision about the heel prick‡
I was too emotional to make a decision about the heel prick‡
I did not feel able to make a decision about the heel prick‡
Availability of choice / It was expected that my child had the heel prick‡ / 0.730 / 0.593**
The heel prick was presented as an optional test
I felt I had a choice to decline the test
Attitudes toward medicine / Trust in the midwife / I want to have all the tests offered by the midwife or hospital / 0.831 / 0.659**
I completely trust my midwife’s decisions about which medical tests are best for my child
The midwife is totally honest in telling you about all the different options available
The midwife will answer my questions to the best of her abilities
I am confident in the abilities of the midwife
All in all I trust the midwife completely
Trust in the healthcare system / I am confident in the test results from the hospital / 0.629 / 0.782**
I always receive test results from the hospital
I feel like I have to double check everything the hospital does
The National Health Service (NHS) provides unbiased information
The National Health Service (NHS) ensures tests are safe
Decision quality / Uncertainty Subscale of ODCS / I am clear about the best choice for me‡ / 0.907 / 0.900**
I feel sure about what to choose‡
This decision is easy for me to make‡
Effective Decision Subscale of ODCS / I feel I have made an informed choice‡ / 0.898 / 0.935**
My decision shows what is important to me‡
I expect to stick with my decision‡
I am satisfied with my decision‡

Table S1. Results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Latent variable variances fixed to one to allow factor loadings to be freely estimated. Items marked ‡ were reverse coded. **p<0.01, § item constrained to have error variances greater than zero.

Variable / Variances (S.E.) / Residual Variances (S.E.) / R-squared (S.E.)
Extent to which the same midwife was seen / 3.585 (0.270)**
Attitudes toward medicine / 103.162 (28.318)**
Perceived choice / 120.769 (40.133)**
Perceived understanding of motivation / 60.666 (17.829)** / 0.842 (0.047)**
Perceived understanding of procedural aspects / 109.983 (23.661)** / 0.648 (0.076)**
Perceived understanding of conditions / 285.118 (36.359)** / 0.554 (0.063)**
Perceived risks / 165.463 (38.110)** / 0.196 (0.073)**
Perceived benefits / 0.002 (0.003) / 1.000 (0.000)**
Ability to make a choice / 228.591 (36.301)** / 0.346 (0.098)**
Availability of choice / 308.513 (43.076)** / 0.293 (0.080)**
Uncertainty Subscale of ODCS / 79.338 (24.670)** / 0.817 (0.058)**
Effective Decision Subscale of ODCS / 45.610 (16.142)** / 0.868 (0.048)**
Trust in the midwife / 149.702 (31.809)** / 0.416 (0.100)**
Trust in the healthcare system / 59.201 (19.938)** / 0.632 (0.124)**
Perceived knowledge / 113.599 (27.323)** / 0.649 (0.087)**
Attitudes toward screening / 27.968 (8.228)** / 0.307 (0.071)**
Decision quality / 119.052 (33.271)** / 0.664 (0.072)**

Table S2: Unstandardised variances, residual variances and R-squared values for the final iteration of the model (*= p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01,S.E. = Standard Error, N = 151)