Table S2. Representative examples of heavy metals in fish muscle samples (mg/kg) from different lakes

Sampling sites / Time / species / As / Cd / Cr / Cu / Hg / Ni / Pb / Zn / References
Atatürk Dam Lake, Turkeya / 1997 / Cyprinus carpio / - / nd / - / 2.23 ±1.23 / nd / nd / nd / 9.72±2.02 / (Karadede and Ünlü, 2000)
Acanthobrama marmid / - / nd / - / 0.81 ±1.11 / nd / nd / nd / 8.71 ±4.70
Chondrostoma regium / - / nd / - / 2.29 ±1.25 / nd / nd / nd / 7.93 ±3.41
Enne Dame Lake, Turkeya / July 2005 / Carassius carassius / - / 0.16 / 0.39 / 1.51 / - / nd / - / 30.06 / (Uysal et al., 2009)
Condrostoma nasus / - / 0.07 / 0.54 / 0.27 / - / 6.21 / - / 6.96
Leuciscus cephalus / - / 0.07 / nd / 0.87 / - / 1.11 / - / 16.31
Lake Balaton, Hungaryb / September 1999 / Abramis brama / - / 0.61 / - / 2.22 / 0.10 / - / 1.63 / 14.5 / (Farkas et al., 2003)
May 2000 / - / 0.42 / - / 1.77 / 0.19 / - / 0.44 / 10.9
Danube River, Serbiab / October and November 2010 / Sander lucioperca / 0.17±0.10 / 0.005±0.001 / 0.043±0.04 / 0.75±0.69 / 1.32±0.47 / - / - / 15.14±11.53 / (Subotic et al., 2013)
Silurus glanis / 0.22±0.14 / 0.01±0.001 / 0.08±0.07 / 1.42±1.79 / 1.63±0.51 / - / - / 20.81±10.07
Cyprinus carpio / 0.66±0.28 / 0.005±0.0005 / 0.01±0.02 / 1.30±0.98 / 0.89±.022 / - / - / 59.01±23.94
Yangtze River, Nanjing, Chinab / June-July, 2011 / Hypophthalmichthys molitrix / 3.85 / 0.49 / 1.61 / 12.06 / 0.36 / 0.33 / 4.58 / 54.09 / (Fu et al. 2013)
Aristichthys nobilis / 3.05 / 0.50 / 3.90 / 2.39 / 0.33 / 0.92 / 5.16 / 73.92
North Taihu Lake, Chinab / - / Cyprinus carpio / - / 0.021±0.008 / nd / nd / - / - / 0.177±0.030 / 25±4 / (Chi et al., 2007)
Carassius auratus / - / 0.013±0.008 / 0.387±0.109 / 1.890±0.301 / - / - / 0.287±0.010 / 130±7
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix / - / 0.003±0.001 / nd / 0.331±0.072 / - / - / 0.179±0.046 / 21±2
Aristichthys nobilis / - / 0.004±0.001 / nd / 0.228±0.088 / - / - / 0.177±0.031 / 16±2
Taihu Lake, Jiangsu, Chinab / In September
2009 / Hypophthalmichthys molitrix / 0.166 / 0.011 / 0.400 / - / 0.073 / - / 0.047 / 24.4 / (Hao et al. 2013)
Hypophthalmichthys nobilis / 0.135 / 0.02 / 0.320 / - / 0.092 / - / 0.043 / 21.5
East Lakeb / June 2013 / Aristichthys nobilis ( Bighead carp) / 0.3±0.07 / 0.0029±0.0020 / 1.55±1.14 / 0.84±0.35 / 0.01±0.01 / 0.15±0.06 / 0.06±0.15 / 1.66±1.85 / This study
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver carp) / 0.47±0.18 / 0.0024±0.0021 / 1.16±0.84 / 1.07±1.13 / 0.01±0.03 / 0.28±0.33 / 0.14±5.63 / 3.9±8.29

aThe concentrations were listed in wet weight.

bThe concentrations were listed in dry weight.


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