Table S2: Questionnaire
Stool frequency- How often do you pass stool?
More than 2-3 time daily / 2-3 times daily / 1 time daily / Ever 2-3 days / Less frequent / Large variation (diarrhea to obstipation)
If large variation, please specify……..
Appearances and quality of faeces
- General Quality
Hard / Soft / Pasty or watery / Can`t tell , varies a lot
- Do you sometime have to clear out stool manually?
Always / Mostly / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
- Do you suffer from constipation? Def.: infrequent bowel movements (three times or fewer per week) or difficulties during defecation (straining during more than 25% of bowel movements or a subjective sensation of hard stools), or the sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation
Always / Mostly / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
Do you use blistered / laxative agents?
Always / Mostly / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
If yes, which type and quantity …………
Do you use agents against constipation?
Yes / Sometimes / No
If yes, which type and quantity …………
Are those methods successful?
Yes / Sometimes / No
- Do you have diarrhea? Def.: three or more loose or liquid stools per day, or as having more stools than is normal the patient
Always / Mostly / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
Do you use agents against diarrhea?
Always / Mostly / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
Do you use conservative methods for treating diarrhea?
Yes / Sometimes / No
If yes, which type and quantity …………
Are those methods successful?
Yes / Sometimes / No
Stool Incontinence
- Do you suffer from stool incontinence?
Always / Mostly / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
If stool incontinence…….
What kind of stool incontinence do you suffer from?
Always / Mostly / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
Incontinence for solid stool
Incontinence for liquid stool
Incontinence for gas
Amount of stool incontinence?
Stool smear / Loss of small amount / Loss of larger amounts
Which methods do you use to cope with faecal incontinence? (select one or more answers)
Frequent change of underwear: ………….. times per day
Pads (or toilet paper-“pads”)
Always / Mostly / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
If yes, average pads per day ………..
Always / Mostly / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
If yes, average pads per day ………..
Is incontinence an impairment of your quality of life?
Always / Mostly / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
- Are you content with your present situation of bowl control?
Yes / No
Which problems do you have considering bowl movement at present?
- Are you a vegetarian?
Yes / No
Drink and Tobacco
- Do you smoke?
Yes / No
- How many cigarettes do you smoke daily ………..
How many glasses of wine do you drink daily ………..
Do you drink hard liquor, too?
Yes / No
General data
- Please fill in your weight and height
History of disease
- Do you suffer from one of the following bowel disease?
Hemorrhoids / Diverticulitis / Polyps / Colitis ulcerosa / Crohn`s Disease
- Do you suffer from other disease of the stomach, bowel or esophagus?
- Do you suffer from one of the following metabolic disorders?
Diabetes / Yes / No
If yes, do you have to inject insulin? / Yes / No
Thyroid hyperfunction / Yes / No
Thyroid hypofunction / Yes / No
Medication and Operations
- Which medication do you take at present?
Medication / Yes / No / Time / Frequency
Uralyt U
Other (please name)
- Did you ever take any medication over a longer period? If yes, which and for how long?
- Did you have any other operation after your urinary diversion?
Date / Type of operation
Comparison to the time before the urinary diversion
- If you look back, did you experience any change in bowel movement (habits) after the urinary diversion? (select one or more answers)
Yes in frequency
If yes, currently:
More frequent / Less frequent
Yes in quality:
If yes, currently:
More harder / Less softer / more watery
Other changes: ……………………………………………………………
- Did you change your diet after the operation?
If yes, what did you change? …………………………………………………….
Quality of life
- How would you rate your quality of life regarding bowel habits after the operation?
Delighted (+3)
(Very satisfied) / Pleased(+2)
(satisfied) / Mostly satisfied (+1) / Mixed (0) / Mostly dissatisfied (-1) / Unhappy (-2) / Terrible (-3)
- How would you rate your quality of regarding bowel habits before the operation?
Delighted (+3) / Pleased(+2) / Mostly satisfied (+1) / Mixed (0) / Mostly dissatisfied (-1) / Unhappy (-2) / Terrible (-3)
If you have any question about the survey or the urinary diversion please write it down here. We are happy to call you back.