Table S2. Negative records of occurrence of Felimare californiensis (= Hypselodoris californiensis) at intertidal sites in California formerly known to support the nudibranch. Dates represent sampling conducted since the last known sighting of H. californiensis at each site. Unless specified otherwise in the right-hand column, all sampling conducted specifically for nudibranchs.
Locality / Lat. (N) / Long. (W) / Dates / AuthorityMonterey Peninsula / 36° 37’ / 121° 56’ / 1934–1936 (sampled 9/22 months) / Costello 1938
Monterey Peninsula / 36° 37’ / 121° 56’ / 1910–1950 / MacFarland 1966
Asilomar / 36° 37’ 38” / 121° 56’ 26” / 1969–73 (monthly) / Nybakken 1978
Nov 1976, Dec 1977, Dec 1978 / GR McDonald, unpub data
Apr 1987, May 1988, Mar 1989 / JW Nybakken, unpub data
2007–2010 (quarterly) / Schultz et al. 2011, Web Appendix, Table A2
Carmel Point / 36° 32’ 38” / 121° 56’ 02” / 1971–2010 (32 trips) / GR McDonald, unpub data
Abalone Cove and Portuguese Point, Palos Verdes Peninsula / 33° 44’ 16” / 118° 22’ 33” / Feb 2002– Feb 2012 (16 trips) / Eernisse 2012 (macro-invertebrates, including cryptofauna)
Point Fermin1 / 33° 42’ 17” / 118° 17’ 17” / Jun 2003, May 2007 / Pers. obs.
May 2012 / B Green, pers comm
Little Corona del Mar / 33° 35’ 15” / 117° 52’ 03” / 1975–1978 / Littler 1977, 1978, 1979 (macro-fauna and flora)
2002–2012 (biannual) / SN Murray, JR Smith, pers comms (macro-fauna and flora)
Jan 1999 / Goodson 2004 (macro-fauna and flora)
Feb 2012 / Pers obs
Crystal Cove, Laguna Beach2 / 33° 33’ 56” / 117° 50’ 00” / 1996–present (biannual) / JR Smith, pers comm (macro-fauna and flora)
Shaw’s Cove, Laguna Beach2 / 33° 32’ 42” / 117° 47’ 58” / 1996–present (biannual) / JR Smith, pers comm (macro-fauna and flora)
Heisler Park, Laguna Beach2 / 33° 32’ 34” / 117° 47’ 28” / Feb 2012 / Pers obs
Treasure Island, Laguna Beach2 / 33° 30’ 48” / 117° 45’ 36” / 1996–present (biannual) / JR Smith, pers comm (macro-fauna and flora)
Dana Point2 / 33° 27’ 38” / 117° 42’ 57” / 1996–present (biannual) / JR Smith, pers comm (macro-fauna and flora)
Jan 2005, May 2007 / Pers obs
South Casa Reef (Hospital Point), La Jolla / 32° 50’ 49” / 117° 16’ 45” / 1977–2001 (58 trips) / California Academy of Sciences and Goddard 2013
Apr–Jul 2012 / J Jacobs, pers comm; pers obs
Windansea Reef, La Jolla / 32° 49’ 59” / 117° 16’ 58” / 1969–1998 (11 trips), / California Academy of Sciences and Goddard 2013
Jun 2012 / J Jacobs, pers comm
Bird Rock, La Jolla / 32° 48’ 52” / 117° 16’ 26” / 1956–1998 (12 trips); / California Academy of Sciences and Goddard 2013
Jan 2000, Jun 2000, Dec 2004, Apr 2009, Sep 2010, Jun 2012 / Pers obs; J Albers-Mead, pers comm
False Point, Pacific Beach / 32° 48’ 31” / 117° 16’ 10” / Nov 1968, Jun 1971, Dec 1972, Nov 1973, Jul 1980, Aug 1983, / California Academy of Sciences and Goddard 2013
Feb 2000 / Pers obs
Hill Street, Sunset Cliffs, San Diego / 32° 43’ 34” / 117° 15’ 27” / Jun 1977; May 1979; Jun 1983; / California Academy of Sciences and Goddard 2013
Feb, Jun 2012 / Pers obs; B Green, pers comm
Ladera Street, Sunset Cliffs, San Diego / 32° 46’ / 117° 16’ / 1979–1997 (15 trips); / California Academy of Sciences and Goddard 2013
Feb, Jun 2012 / Pers obs; B Green, pers comm
Point Loma, San Diego / 32° 39’ 59” / 117° 14’ 42” / Jul 1969, Dec 1975, Feb, Nov 1976, Jul 1979, Jul 1983, Dec 2000, Aug 2001 / California Academy of Sciences and Goddard 2013
Feb 2000, Jun 2001, Jul 2004, Apr 2005, Jun 2005 / Pers obs
1 Point Fermin is the closest intact rocky intertidal site near San Pedro, which supported F. californiensis but whose original shoreline was completely altered by the development of the Los Angeles Harbor.
2 Early records of F. californiensis from Laguna Beach (e.g., Guernsey 1912; Ingram 1935) did not include precise locality information, so we have included monitoring records from sites that may have been visited by personnel from the former Laguna Marine Laboratory (Pomona College), which was located immediately behind Main Beach and just SE of what is now Heisler Park.
California Academy of Sciences, Goddard J (2013) Opisthobranch gastropods observed on the outer coast of San Diego County, California by James R. Lance, 1953–2001. knb.298.2 Accessed 15 Jan 2013
Costello DP (1938) Notes on the breeding habits of nudibranchs of Monterey Bay and vicinity. J Morphol 63:319-344
Eernisse DJ (2012) Biology 317 – Field Marine Biology, Guide to field trip localities and images. Accessed 15 Nov 2012
Goodson J (2004) Long-term changes in rocky intertidal populations and communities at Little Corona del Mar, California: a synthesis using traditional and non-traditional data. MS Thesis, California State University, Fullerton
Guernsey M (1912) Some of the Mollusca of Laguna Beach. First Annual Report Laguna Marine Laboratory. Pomona College, pp 68–32
Ingram WM (1935) Notes on egg masses associated with eight nudibranchs from Laguna Beach, California. J Entomol Zool (Pomona College, Claremont, California) 27:48–49
Littler MM (1977) Biological feature of rocky intertidal communities near Corona del Mar, California. Report 2.1, in: Littler MM (ed) Spatial and temporal variation in the distribution and abundance of rocky intertidal and tidepool biotas in the Southern California Bight. Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC
Littler MM (1978) Variations in the rocky intertidal biota near Corona del Mar, Orange County, California. Report 1.1.2 in: Littler MM (ed) The annual and seasonal ecology of southern California subtidal, rocky intertidal and tidepool biotas, Vol. III. Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC
Littler MM (1979) Assessments of the distribution, abundance, and community structure of rocky intertidal organisms at Corona del Mar, Orange County. Report 1.5 in: Littler MM (ed) The distribution, abundance and community structure of rocky intertidal and tidepool biotas in the Southern California Bight, Vol. II. Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC
MacFarland FM (1966) Studies of opisthobranchiate mollusks of the Pacific coast of North America. Mem Calif Acad Sci 6:1–546
Nybakken JW (1978) Abundance, diversity and temporal variability in a California intertidal nudibranch assemblage. Mar Biol 45:129–146
Schultz ST, Goddard JHR, Gosliner TM, Mason DE, Pence WE, McDonald GR, Pearse VB, Pearse JS (2011) Climate-index response profiling indicates larval transport is driving population fluctuations in nudibranch gastropods from the northeast Pacific Ocean. Limnol Oceanogr 56:749–763, doi:10.4319/lo.2011.56.2.0749
Table S3. Negative subtidal records of Felimare californiensis (=Hypselodoris californiensis) from Monterey and Southern California Bight (SCB).
Monterey Peninsula / Benthic macro-invertebrates / 1972–2012 / 2891 / James Watanabe, Hopkins Marine Station, pers comm to JG, 31 Aug 2012
Monterey Peninsula / Benthic macro algae and invertebrates / 1971–1973 / Approx. 75 / Pearse and Lowry 1974
Point Lobos / Nudibranchs / 2007–2011 / 4 fixed plots, sampled quarterly / BAUE 2010
Santa Barbara County mainland, plus northern Channel Islands / Benthic macro-invertebrates, including nudibranchs / 1984–20081 / 185 yr-1 / Shane Anderson, UCSB, pers comm to JG, 12 Oct 2012
Santa Barbara County mainland, plus northern Channel Islands / Benthic macro-invertebrates, including nudibranchs / 2008–2012 / 650 / Christoph Pierre, UCSB, pers comm to JG, 15 Oct 2012
Channel Islands National Park / Macro-biota, including nudibranchs / 1982–2006 / 13 to 33 permanent sites on 5 islands, sampled annually / National Park Service 1982–2006
Channel Islands, Palos Verdes Peninsula / Macro-biota, including nudibranchs / 1984–2002 / 100s / Engle 1978–2002
42 mainland reefs, Pt. Dume to Pt. Loma, with most sites off Palos Verdes Peninsula / Fishes, benthic macro-invertebrates / 2009–2012 / 77 / Vantuna Research Group, Occidental College (Jonathan Williams, pers comm to JG, 30 Aug 2012)
San Diego County, esp. Pt. Loma kelp forest sites / Kelps, benthic macro-invertebrates / 1983–2012 / 100 yr-1 / Dayton Lab, Scripps Inst. Oceanog. (Ed Parnell, pers comm to JG, 14 Oct 2011)
Lower Mission Bay, San Diego / Nudibranchs / 1965–1984 / 10 / Lance (1953–2001)
Dana Landing docks, Mission Bay, San Diego2 / Nudibranchs / 1956–1993 / 67 / Lance (1953–2001)
SCB, mainly San Diego area / Nudibranchs / Late 1980s–2009 / 2080 / Tracy Clark, pers comm to JG, 27 Aug 2012
SCB, mainly Palos Verdes Peninsula / Nudibranchs / 1989–2012 / 1950 / Merry Passage & Phil Garner, pers comm to JG, 27 Aug 2012
Los Angeles County, Laguna Beach, La Jolla / Nudibranchs / 2004–2012 / 720 / Kevin Lee, pers comm to JG, 27 Aug 2012
Laguna Beach / Nudibranchs / 1980–2010 / 400 / Bruce Wight, pers comm to JG, 28 Sept 2011
Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties3 / Nudibranchs / 1999–2012 / 200 yr-1 / Ken Kopp, pers comm to JG, 27 Oct 2011 (and see Behrens 2006)
SCB2 / Nudibranchs / 2008–2012 / 500 / Scott Geitler, pers comm to JG, 30 Aug 2012
Los Angeles County, mainly Malibu area3, 4 / Nudibranchs / 2009–present / 300 / C Hoover, pers obs
1 Last sightings by S. Anderson of F. californiensis on mainland Santa Barbara County and in northern Channel Island were, respectively, April 1975 and July 1983.
2 At Dana Landing, Lance and colleagues regularly checked ropes dangling in the water, bumpers, pilings, and sides of floating docks.
3 not including positive records from Santa Catalina Island (see Table S1)
4 not including positive record from Santa Cruz Island (see Table S1)
BAUE (Bay Area Underwater Explorers) (2010) Point Lobos nudibranch survey project. Accessed 6 Sept 2012
Behrens DW (2006) Hypselodoris californiensis (Bergh, 1879) Accessed 18 Nov 2012
Engle JM (1978–2002) Tatman Foundation Channel Islands research program. [Unpublished reconnaissance species lists]
Lance JR (1953–2001) Field accounts of opisthobranchs from California. Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Geology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco [unpublished field accounts in three binders]
National Park Service (1982–2006) Inventory and monitoring program: Mediterranean coast network: kelp forest communities: Annual reports [with Species Lists] Accessed 7 Oct 2012
Pearse JS, Lowry LF (1974) An annotated species list of the benthic algae and invertebrates in the kelp forest community at Point Cabrillo, Pacific Grove, California. Technical Report Number 1, Coastal Marine Laboratory, University of California, Santa Cruz