Table of Policies
This is a Table of Policies set by EUSA's Finance Committee that the Development Fund Committee abides by when awarding grants. Please ensure that you read it carefully and if you have any questions please contact the Societies Co-ordinator in the EUSA Connect office at Potterrow, or at
Societies are reminded that the society’s office bearers are responsible for any shortfall in the society’s finances
Social Functions
All social functions, including Freshers’ membership parties, must be totally self-financing. The Development Fund cannot subsidise social functions. Details of activities should be itemised to avoid them being labelled as social functions.
Society Rooms
a) The Development Fund Committee will consider applications for grants for furnishing and equipping university premises such as society rooms, but each application will be considered on its own merits.
b) Such applications must include a breakdown of estimated costs for the items proposed, together with a reasoned statement in support of the application.
Guest Speakers
a) Applications relating to the costs of guest speakers should include the following information:
· Name of speaker
· Date of event
· Origin and cost of travel, only second class fares will be met for guest speakers and societies must make this clear when issuing invitations
· Cost of accommodation
· Hospitality costs included in the hosting of the speaker
b) The Development Fund Committee will establish guidelines at the beginning of each session on the limits of expenditure for guest speaker’s accommodation and hospitality. This year the maximum bed and breakfast subsidy for guest speakers is £50.00. Hospitality costs should be a maximum of £7.50 for lunch and £20.00 for an evening meal.
c) If this information is not available, then details from the previous year in which a grant for speakers’ expenses was applied for should be supplied.
Where it is not possible to present exact details, the estimates of the numbers of speakers and the likely total expenditure should be submitted.
Conferences, Training Conferences & Competitions
All applications for grants which include conference expenditure must be submitted well in advance of the event.
Grants for Conferences/Training Conferences in Edinburgh
Consideration will be given to all such applications, but the Development Fund Committee will decide each case on its merits. The benefit should be for Edinburgh University students and other society members.
Any application for such a conference must be accompanied by:
A full budget, which should indicate that the organisers intend to raise a sum (at least half – in special circumstances more) elsewhere
A full provisional programme
A full explanation in support of the application
It is unlikely that the Development Fund Committee could grant more than a small contribution
Grants for Conferences/Training Conferences outside Edinburgh
Grants can be made to delegates attending conferences outside Edinburgh.
The maximum per capita grant to such delegates will not exceed half of the total cost being charged per delegate, except in special circumstances. Please discuss this with the Societies' Treasurer or VPSA before handing in an application.
Except in special circumstances, the maximum number of delegates to any one conference, in respect of whom such grants may be payable, will not exceed eight, all of whom should be members of the society.
Again, a budget for the delegation, the nature, location, date of conference(s) and explanatory notes in support of the application must be made to the Development Fund Committee before the proposed conference.
Grants for Competitions outside Edinburgh
Grants may be made to team members participating in inter-university competitions at the highest levels.
Funding will normally be granted in respect of a maximum of six players per team, all of whom should be members of the society.
The maximum per capita grant to such team members will not exceed half of the total cost being charged per team member except in special circumstances.
A budget for the participants, the nature, location, date of competition(s) and explanatory notes in support of the application must be made to the Development Fund Committee before the proposed competition.
Tours and Visits
The same regulations for conferences apply to expeditions, tours and visits, with the exception that the Development Fund Committee shall normally subsidize no more than half of the cost per capita.
Such expeditions, tours and visits must be within the aims of the society.
The number of members to be subsidized on such expeditions, tours and visits shall be judged by the Development Fund Committee on the merits of each application.
Cultural and Academic Exchanges
The Development Fund Committee is prepared to consider applications for such projects provided that:
The society is contributing an amount equal to the grant requested.
A detailed budget for the project is submitted.
A detailed explanation of the project is included in the notes in support of the claim.
Such applications should be made well in advance of the start of any proposed project – the committee will not consider any retrospective claims.
Ad Hoc Expeditions
The committee is not prepared to consider grants for ad hoc expedition groups - , or for outside scientific societies and organisations. Such groups should apply to the University Court or for a University Small Project’s Grant.
Defunct Societies
When a society becomes defunct, EUSA will close the bank account and any money left in the account will be dealt with in one of two ways, according to the declaration located on the most recent registration form, signed by the society office bearers.
Money received from the Development Fund Committee in the academic year leading up to the society becoming defunct must be returned to the Development Fund Committee before the funds are relocated.
Any remaining funds will either be distributed as specified on the most current registration form, or kept in a EUSA account for three years in case the society is recognized again. After three years, the money is returned to the EUSA Finance Committee
Performing Societies
The Development Fund Committee cannot fund societies’ performances; all such events must be budgeted to break even. The budget should include all costs relating to the performance, including rehearsal costs, promotional costs and administration costs specific to the performance. This includes theatre and musical performances and also radio broadcasts.
This policy is to avoid the development of a culture of societies running loss-making shows and expecting the Students’ Association to cover the costs. The Students’ Association suggests that societies seek funding through sponsorship, advertisements in programmes and other fund raising events; the Students’ Association can help suggest possible events, please contact the VP Societies and Activities () for details.
The Development Fund Committee will however consider capital grant applications for props, costumes, sets and other items that will last longer than any one show and can be re-used.
Dance Societies
Societies that provide dance classes should note that the Development Fund will not support the full costs of such classes, and members of the society are expected to contribute towards the costs of providing these classes.
Publication and Broadcasting
Societies producing a publication as part of their activities should not normally expect to receive a grant subsidy for publication.
In exceptional circumstances such an application might be considered but would require a full business plan. The Development Fund Committee is prepared to consider applications for one-off publications aimed at the Edinburgh University market, but would expect the majority of the costs to be raised through the sale of advertising, sponsorship and publication sales.
Societies for whom the production of a publication is the primary activity are eligible. However the society must generate its own income which is equal to its direct printing costs.
Societies for whom the production of a radio station or program is their primary aim are eligible.
However, the society must generate its own income, equal to its broadcasting costs.
Sports Equipment
Funds will not be provided for sports equipment for society teams. Any sporting activities must be shown to be self-financing. Societies wishing to participate in the intramural leagues or other sporting activities should approach the Sports Union.
Room Hire
Any claims for room/hall hire, including any servitors' expenses, must be accompanied by details of each event for which the claim is made.
Societies are expected to make use of EUSA premises and any claims for the use of non-EUSA premises will only be accepted where suitable premises are not available.
When assessing the grant application, the Development Fund Committee shall expect the membership charge to be set at a level similar to societies of similar purpose, details of which can be obtained from the Societies Administration Office. This charge should reflect the aims of the society, and the benefits obtained by members.
Affiliation Fees
In the event of a society wishing to pay affiliation fees to an outside body the following should be considered:
The Development Fund Committee feels that every member of a society should make a minimum £3 contribution to society funds each year.
If the society pays a flat affiliation fee, the society should spread this cost across all members ie:
Cheese Lovers’ Society has 60 members
Cheese Lovers’ International Organisation affiliation cost = £120
Cheese Lovers’ Society membership = £3 (min) + £120/60 = £2 + £3 (min membership) = £5
If the society pays an affiliation based on the number of members, the society should increase the individual membership by the cost of affiliation per member, ie:
Cake Lovers’ Society membership has 120 members
Cake Lovers’ International Organisation affiliation cost = £100 for <100 members, £120 for >100 members hence:
Cake Lovers’ Society membership = £3 (min) + £120/120 = £1 + £3 (min membership) = £4 membership fee
Mobile Phone Charges
The Development Fund Committee will not provide monies to reimburse society members for calls made on personal mobiles, unless in exceptional circumstances. Furthermore it is felt that society communication should not depend on mobile calls.
Legal constraints
Education Act and Charity Regulations (in respect to donations)
EUSA is restricted by law in its expenditure of grant money such as the Societies Disbursement Fund. EUSA and recognized societies are not allowed to use Development money to make donations to external causes. The following are two explicit examples.
The Development Fund Committee will not subsidize contributions to, or participation in outside charities, including Edinburgh Student Charities Appeal.
Donations from a society to any political party must not be funded by EUSA Grant-Aided Expenditure. Should any donation be made from funds awarded by the Development Committee, consideration of the grant may be denied.
Societies are at liberty to donate net proceeds of fundraising activities specified for that purpose after all expenses for the event are covered. This should be clearly explained in the society accounts and budgets.
Charitable Societies
Societies should be wary about allowing their name to be associated with an individual collecting for charity, whether a society member or otherwise. Societies and individuals collecting for charity should familiarise themselves with the legal and licensing position in respect of charitable collections. Any society breaching this position is putting in jeopardy their registration as a society by the Societies Council and the ability to receive a grant from the Societies Development Fund.
Disability Discrimination Act
If a society requires extra money to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act, such matters will be looked on sympathetically by the Development Committee.
Data Protection Act
If societies are holding information about members they must state that it will be held under the boundaries of this law and used responsibly.
Ultra Vires
The principle of ultra vires is that an organisation such as a society cannot use its funds or resources to support or promote activity further to its stated aims. For example a Bridge Society, which is set up to promote an interest in, and to play, the game of Bridge cannot use its funds to fund a guest speaker on “The History of Ancient Greece”. The speaker would rather have to address the issue of playing Bridge in Ancient Greece.
The principle of ultra vires will be considered with respect to any grant application.
Student Association Elections
Societies are not permitted to use their own funds to produce literature supporting any candidate in the EUSA Elections. Any society contravening this policy will not be eligible to receive monies from the Development Fund Committee in the two sessions immediately following the said elections.
Bank Charges
Societies Development will not cover the cost of avoidable bank charges incurred by a society, e.g. if bank statements are lost by the society and have to be replaced.
Final Year Clubs
Final Year Clubs are not eligible for grants from the Societies Development Fund.
Capital Grants
Societies receiving capital grants must hand in the receipts for equipment purchased to the Societies Administrative Office within two weeks of purchase.
Balance at end
Societies are reminded that money from the disbursement fund cannot be used to fund an increase in the society’s balance at the end of the year. Such increases are only considered if the society is budgeting over more than one year (a record/budget of income and expenditure for the whole term concerned is required).
Carrying forward an increase in funds to cover expenditure for next years Freshers’ Week is only permitted where a detailed note of expenditure is provided.
Applying for a Development Fund Grant Page 1 Session 2013/2014