The 4473 (Special) meeting of the Brisbane City Council,
held at City Hall, Brisbane
on Thursday 25 June 2015
at 6.07pm
Prepared by:
Council and Committee Liaison Office
Chief Executive’s Office
Office of the Lord Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer
[4473 (Special) meeting – 25 June 2015]
CONSIDERATION OF NOTIFIED MOTION – Investment Policy, DebtPolicy, Revenue Policy: Partial Remission of General Rates (Not-For-Profit Organisations), Partial Remission of Rates and Charges for Pensioners Policy, Brisbane Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution and Special Report of the Establishment and Coordination Committee: 1
[4473 (Special) meeting – 25 June 2015]
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The Right Honourable the LORD MAYOR (Councillor Graham QUIRK) – LNP
The Chairman of Council, Councillor MargaretdeWIT (Pullenvale Ward) – LNP
LNP Councillors (and Wards) / ALP Councillors (and Wards)Matthew BOURKE (Jamboree)
Amanda COOPER (Bracken Ridge)
Vicki HOWARD (Central)
Steven HUANG (Macgregor)
Fiona KING (Marchant)
VACANT (The Gap)
Kim MARX (Karawatha)
PeterMATIC (Toowong)
Ian McKENZIE (Holland Park)
David McLACHLAN (Hamilton)
Ryan MURPHY (Doboy)
Angela OWEN-TAYLOR (Parkinson) (Deputy Chairman of Council)
Adrian SCHRINNER (Chandler) (Deputy Mayor)
Julian SIMMONDS (Walter Taylor)
Andrew WINES (Enoggera)
NormWYNDHAM (McDowall) / Milton DICK (Richlands) (The Leader of the Opposition)
Helen ABRAHAMS (The Gabba) (Deputy Leader of the Opposition)
PeterCUMMING (Wynnum Manly)
KimFLESSER (Northgate)
SteveGRIFFITHS (Moorooka)
VictoriaNEWTON (Deagon)
ShayneSUTTON (Morningside)
Independent Councillor (and Ward)
Nicole JOHNSTON (Tennyson)
The Chairman, Councillor Margaret de WIT, opened the meeting with prayer, and then proceeded with the business set out in the Agenda.
An apology was submitted on behalf of Councillor Krista ADAMS, and she was granted leave of absence from the meeting on the motion of LORD MAYOR Graham QUIRK, seconded by Councillor Ryan MURPHY.
CONSIDERATION OF NOTIFIED MOTION – Investment Policy, DebtPolicy, Revenue Policy: Partial Remission of General Rates (Not-For-Profit Organisations), Partial Remission of Rates and Charges for Pensioners Policy, Brisbane Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution and Special Report of the Establishment and Coordination Committee:
The Chairman of Council (Councillor Margaret de WIT) then drew the Councillors’ attention to the notified motion listed on the agenda, and called on the LORD MAYOR to move the motion. Accordingly, the LORDMAYOR moved, seconded by Councillor Julian SIMMONDS, that—
CoUNCIL Resolves:
(1) to adopt the Investment Policy at Attachment “A”;
(2) to adopt the Debt Policy at Attachment “B”;
(3) TO ADOPT the Revenue Policy: Partial Remission of General Rates (Not-for-profit Organisations) at Attachment “C” with effect from 1 July 2015;
(4) TO REVOKE the “Partial Remission of Rates & Charges for Pensioners Policy” previously adopted by Council Resolution number 784/2013-14 on 26June2014;
(5) TO ADOPT the “Partial Remission of Rates & Charges for Pensioners Policy” (“thepensioner policy”) at Attachment “D” with effect from 1 July 2015;
(6) THAT IN RELATION TO eligible pensioners complying with the criteria set out in column level A within Attachment 1 of the pensioner policy, the remissions specified by the table shown at section 3.1.1 of that pensioner policy shall be:
(a) for Group 1, the lesser of 40% or $924.00 per annum, and
(b) for Group 2, the lesser of 40% or $472.00 per annum;
(7) THAT IN RELATION TO eligible pensioners complying with the criteria set out in column level B within Attachment 1 of the pensioner policy, the remissions specified by the table shown at section 3.1.1 of that pensioner policy shall be:
(a) for Group 1, the lesser of 20% or $431.00 per annum, and
(b) for Group 2, the lesser of 20% or $236.00 per annum;
(8) TO REVOKE the Brisbane Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.4) 2014 with effect from 30 June 2015;
(9) TO ADOPT the Brisbane Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.5) 2015 at Attachment “E” with effect from 1 July 2015;
(10) TO APPROVE the Special Report of the Establishment and Coordination Committee dated 22 June 2015 at Attachment “F”.
Chairman: Is there any debate?
LORD MAYOR: Thanks, Madam Chairman. A lot of these are obviously machinery motions, they are things that we do annually as part of the budget to give effect to—well, pensioner remissions for one, Madam Chairman. It also puts in place the new AdoptedInfrastructure Charges Resolution. Madam Chairman, I do want to comment though in regards to Item 10 and to say that there are two parts to that.
Going to Part B firstly, Madam Chairman, it is a recommendation to replace on Committees that of Councillor Geraldine KNAPP—the former Councillor, GeraldineKNAPP—and with the replacement of the incoming Councillor,StevenToomey. Madam Chairman, I would like to, as part of that special E&C report in Part A, make reference to Steven Toomey, the new Councillor for The Gap Ward as recommended by this Chamber today.
Madam Chairman, Steven Toomey is in every respect a representative familiar with The Gap. He is one who has had so much of his history in The Gap Ward. By way of education, Madam Chairman, he holds a Trade Certificate of Electronics; he has a Diploma of Business Management and Advanced Diploma of Business Management, and also a Bachelor of Construction Management.
His most recent employment has been by way of a Pre-Sales Application Engineer with Siemens Limited, Australia. In that role with Siemens, he has also held the role of Equipment and Software Specialist with Siemens Hearing Instruments, MadamChairman. So he's had in that sense a lot of dealings with the public—people in special need in that particular area.
Over time, Madam Chairman, he's been engaged in community affairs, quite obviously. One aspect of those community affairs which has taken him internationally was with work with his wife, Melinda, on one site in a remote village in Panama in 2009, as one example of his commitment to helping those in need. Madam Chairman, it is a privilege for our team on this side to welcome the new Councillor, Steven Toomey, through this recommendation. We trust that it will have the support of the Chamber, Madam Chairman.
Again, while we say goodbye to now Mrs Geraldine Knapp, we also open our arms and welcome the new Councillor, Steven Toomey.
Chairman: Further debate?
Councillor DICK.
Councillor DICK: Thanks, Madam Chairman, I rise briefly to speak on Item 10 on behalf of LaborCouncillors, which is of course to deal with the appointment of MrStevenMichaelToomey as the Councillor for The Gap Ward. I would like to say being elected or appointed to this place is a huge honour and indeed a privilege. I know listening to the LORD MAYOR, the qualifications and obviously his commitment to the local community will serve him well. There are very big or small shoes to fill, as might be the case with Councillor KNAPP.
I know that he has a big job ahead of himself as he heads towards the next election. Labor, of course, will be contesting The Gap Ward and we look forward to a spirited and strong campaign to give the people of The Gap a strong choice. But tonight is about acknowledging him and in recognising that he has clearly the Liberal National Party's support and contested a pre-selection some time ago, and is now being appointed.
I understand Item B, as part of the E&C report, is the alteration to the membership of Council's Standing Committees. We have no objection to that. It was remiss of me in the last meeting, Madam Chair, to acknowledge the clerks and the attendants for all the work that they have done as part of the budget. It's not an easy job listening to all the Councillors. I like to think sometimes some of us—they love hearing what we have to say. But I'm not sure. I can't read minds.
But I do want to thank them for their diligence and attendance. I do want to thank all the Council officers and I acknowledge the Chief Executive Officer here tonight, for all of the work that they've done. Whilst we may not agree with everything within the budget, we understand it is a huge, gruelling process, nomatter who is in Administration. I know the LORD MAYOR, CouncillorSIMMONDS and Councillor OWEN-TAYLOR and the work that they've done in putting together the budget.
As I said, we may not support it but we recognise the work that they have done and particularly all of the Council officers and through the work that they've done. They retain our utmost support and respect and I would hope that the CEO would be able to convey that on behalf of Labor Councillors tonight.
Chairman: Further debate?
Councillor FLESSER.
Seriatim – Clauses 2, 8 and 9
Councillor Kim FLESSER requested that Clauses 2, 8 and 9, be taken seriatim en bloc for voting purposes.
Chairman: Further debate?—I'm not the only one making mistakes, Councillor DICK. Any further debate? No.
LORD MAYOR, if you want to close the debate.
LORD MAYOR: Well thanks very much, Madam Chairman. I just want to thank CouncillorDICK for the generosity of his words. Look, I certainly thank again all Councillors for their participation in the debate over the last week and a half. I want to also join with Councillor DICK in thanking the clerks, very much. All those that have assisted in this Chamber over the course of that time. They too probably are grateful that it's only two days and not five days in terms of duration of debate.
Madam Chairman, in conclusion I want to thank you, also, for your patience and tolerance with us all, and to wish everybody well, thank you.
Motion for Adoption of Clauses 2, 8 and 9 put:
As there was no further debate, the Chairman submitted the motion for Clauses 2, 8 and 9 in a block to the Chamber and it was declared carried on the voices.
Thereupon, Councillors Milton DICK and Helen ABRAHAMS immediately rose and called for a division, which resulted in the motion being declared carried.
The voting was as follows:
AYES: 17 - The Right Honourable the LORD MAYOR, Councillor Graham QUIRK, DEPUTYMAYOR, Councillor Adrian SCHRINNER, and Councillors MatthewBOURKE, Amanda COOPER, Margaret de WIT, Vicki HOWARD, StevenHUANG, Fiona KING, Kim MARX, Peter MATIC, Ian MCKENZIE, DavidMcLACHLAN, Ryan MURPHY, Angela OWEN-TAYLOR, JulianSIMMONDS, Andrew WINES and Norm WYNDHAM.
NOES: 8 - The Leader of the OPPOSITION, Councillor MiltonDICK, and Councillors HelenABRAHAMS, Peter CUMMING, Kim FLESSER, Steve GRIFFITHS, Victoria NEWTON, Shayne SUTTON and Nicole JOHNSTON.
Chairman: I will now put the motion for Items 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10.
Motion for Adoption of Clauses 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 put:
As there was no further debate, the Chairman submitted the motion for Clauses 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 to the Chamber and it was declared carried on the voices.
Thereupon, Councillors Ryan MURPHY and Julian SIMMONDS immediately rose and called for a division, which resulted in the motion being declared carried unanimously.
The voting was as follows:
AYES: 25 - The Right Honourable the LORD MAYOR, Councillor GrahamQUIRK, DEPUTYMAYOR, Councillor AdrianSCHRINNER, and Councillors MatthewBOURKE, Amanda COOPER, Margaret de WIT, Vicki HOWARD, StevenHUANG, Fiona KING, Kim MARX, Peter MATIC, Ian McKENZIE, DavidMcLACHLAN, Ryan MURPHY, Angela OWEN-TAYLOR, JulianSIMMONDS, Andrew WINES, and NormWYNDHAM; and the Leader of the OPPOSITION, Councillor Milton DICK, and Councillors HelenABRAHAMS, Peter CUMMING, Kim FLESSER, Steve GRIFFITHS, VictoriaNEWTON, ShayneSUTTON and Nicole JOHNSTON.
NOES: Nil.
Chairman: Before I close the meeting, can you all make sure that you sign the attendance book please? It is a separate meeting. Thank you.
As that concludes the business of the special meeting, I declare the meeting closed.
Council officers in attendance:
James Withers (Senior Council and Committee Officer)
Shivaji Solao (Council and Committee Officer)
Jahnee Cannings (Acting Council and Committee Officer and Acting Council Orderly)
[4473 (Special) meeting – 25 June 2015]