GSA Memoir 207


Guest editors

DD van Reenen: Department of Geology, the University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, South Africa

J Kramers: Department of Geology, University of Johannesburg, and School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

S McCourt: Department of Geology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa

L.L. Perchuk: Department of Petrology, Moscow State University, and the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow District, Russia



1. Microstructures of melt-bearing regional metamorphic rocks (R. Vernon).

2. Petrological and experimental application of REE- and actinide-bearing accessory

minerals to the study of Precambrian high-grade gneiss terrains (D. Harlov).

3. Fluids in granulites (J. Touret & J.M. Huizenga).

4. Fluid-absent melting versus CO2 streaming during the formation of pelitic granulites: review of insights from the cordierite fluid monitor (M. Rigby & G. Droop).

5. Local mineral equilibria and P-T paths: fundamental principles and their application for high-grade metamorphic terrains (L.L. Perchuk).

6. The geochronology of the Limpopo Complex: a controversy solved (J. Kramers and H. Mouri).

7. High-pressure and ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism of Precambrian high-grade terranes: Case study of the Limpopo Complex (T. Tsunogae and D.D. Van Reenen)

8. Granite emplacement and the retrograde P-T-fluid evolution of Neoarchean

granulites from the Central Zone of the Limpopo Complex (South Africa) (J.M. Huizenga, L.L. Perchuk, D.D. Van Reenen, Y. Flattery, Varlamov, T. Gerya, & C.A. Smit).

9. Intracrustal radioactivity as an important heat source for Neoarchean metamorphism in

the Central Zone of the Limpopo Complex (M.A.G. Andreoli, G Brandl, H. Coetzee, J. Kramers, & H. Mouri).

10. A review of Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope studies in the Limpopo Complex and adjoining

cratonic areas, and their bearing on models of crustal evolution and tectonism

(J. Kramers and A Zeh).

11. Thrust exhumation of the Neoarchean UHT Southern Marginal Zone, Limpopo

Complex: convergence of decompression-cooling paths in the hanging wall and

prograde P-T paths in the footwall (D.D. Van Reenen, C.A. Smit, L.L. Perchuk, C. Roering, and R Boshoff).

12. Neoarchaean=>Paleoproterozoic evolution of the polymetamorphic Central Zone of the

Limpopo Complex (C.A. Smit, D.D. van Reenen, C. Roering, L.L. Perchuk, & R. Boshoff).

13. Archean magmatic granulites, diapirism, and Proterozoic reworking in the Northern

Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt (T. Blenkinsop)..

14. Heterogeneous strain and polymetamorphism in high-grade terranes: Insight into crustal processes from the Athabasca Granulite Terrane, western Canada and Limpopo Complex, southern Africa (K. H. Mahan, C.A. Smit, M.L. Williams, G. Dumond, and D.D. van Reenen).

15. Formation and evolution of Precambrian granulite terranes: a gravitational

redistribution model(L.L. Perchuk & T.V. Gerya).

16. Tectonic models proposed for the Limpopo Complex, mutual compatibilities and

constraints (J. Kramers, S. McCourt, C. Roering, C.A. Smit, and D.D. van Reenen).