Region / Coordinates / T score / Z score / P value
L Fusiform G / -40 -54 -10 / 10.49 / 7.49 / 0.000
-34 -36 -26 / 6.3 / 5.10 / 0.000
L pre and postcentral G / -36 -30 64 / 10.32 / 7.42 / 0.000
L Orbito-frontal C / -44 24 -14 / 7.80 / 6.22 / 0.000
L Inf. Frontal G / -42 8 24 / 7.31 / 5.94 / 0.000
L Mid. Occipital G / -34 -86 12 / 6.38 / 5.39 / 0.000
MTL activations, FWE correction within a small volume
L Hippocampus / -24 -20 -10 / 6.38 / 5.39 / * 0.000
L Fusiform G / -40 -54 -10 / 8.76 / 6.71 / 0.000
L Precentral G / -46 8 30 / 7.24 / 5.90 / 0.000
R Sup Frontal G / 6 24 42 / 7.08 / 5.81 / 0.000
L Inf Frontal G / -46 30 12 / 6.54 / 5.48 / 0.000
R Inf Parietal Lobule / 56 20 24 / 6.34 / 5.37 / 0.000
L Inf Parietal Lobule / 30 -52 38 / 5.87 / 5.06 / 0.000
L Inf Temporal G / -42 -32 -33 / 5.54 / 4.84 / 0.000
MTL activations, FWE correction within a small volume
L Hippocampus and PHG / -12 -6 -8 / 4.97 / 4.43 / *0.000
R Hippocampus / 14 -4 -18 / 2.88 / 2.75 / *0.000
L Ant PHG and Fusiform G / -30 2 -38 / 2.68 / 2.57 / *0.05
L Mid Temporal G / -62 -10 -14 / 2.68 / 2.57 / 0.005
L Med Frontal G / -12 50 6 / 2.67 / 2.56 / 0.005
L HC body, PHG / -16 64 -2 / 2.56 / 2.46 / *0.076
R Inf Frontal G / 54 22 22 / 3.25 / 3.07 / 0.001
L Supplementary Motor C / -4 12 50 / 9.37 / 7.08 / 0.000
L Inf Temporal G / -44 -52 -14 / 9,19 / 7 / 0.000
L Orbito-Frontal C / -4 54 -20 / 6.10 / 5.25 / 0.000
R insula / 32 26 -2 / 5.8 / 5.04 / 0.000
L Inf Frontal G / -38 24 -2 / 8,11 / 6.45 / 0.000
L Precentral G / -42 8 30 / 8.24 / 6.52 / 0.000
MTL activations, FWE correction
L Hippocampus / -28 -16 -12 / 5.69 / 5.98 / 0.000
Nil significant
Nil significant

Table e-2: Coordinates, p-values T and z-scores of whole brain activations and differences in activations in controls, left (LTLE) and right (RTLE) temporal lobe epilepsy patients. * Family wise error(FWE) corrections using a small volume correction within a sphere of 12mm diameter for medial temporal lobe (MTL) activations. L (left), R (right), Inf (inferior), Mid (middle), Sup (superior), G (gyrus), C (cortex), Med (medial), PHG (parahippocampal gyrus), HC (hippocampus), Ant (anterior).

Positive Correlation of WR activations with List Learning in LTLE patients
Region / Coordinates / T score / Z score / P value
L HC / -32 -28 -14 / 3.41 / 3.01 / *0.024
L PHG / -18 -26 -20 / 3.07 / 2.76 / *0.044
L Posterior HC / -18 -36 2 / 2.66 / 2.44 / *0.07
L Orbitofrontal C / -38 42 -14 / 3.79 / 3.27 / 0.001
R Orbitofrontal C / 46 32 -14 / 4.18 / 3.52 / 0.000
Ant Cingulum / 12 40 0 / 3.57 / 3.12 / 0.001
L amygdala / -22 2 -22 / 2.56 / 2.36 / 0.01
R HC / 22 -12 -12 / 2.56 / 2.36 / 0.009
Positive Correlation of WR activations with List Learning in RTLE patients
Nil significant

Table e-3: Coordinates, p-values, T and z-scores of word remembered (WR) activations that correlated positively with list learning in left (LTLE) and right (RTLE) temporal lobe epilepsy patients. * Family wise error corrections using a small volume correction within a sphere of 12mm diameter for MTL activations. L (left), R (right), C (cortex), PHG (parahippocampal gyrus), HC (hippocampus), Ant (anterior).

Activations Predictive of Verbal Memory Decline in LTLE patients
Region / Coordinates / T score / Z score / P Value
L Inf Frontal G / -40 32 12 / 4.72 / 3.82 / 0.000
L Mid Occipital G / -32 -66 38 / 4.36 / 3.61 / 0.000
L Orbitofrontal C / -30 36 -18 / 3.92 / 3.34 / 0.000
L Mid Frontal G / -34 56 20 / 4.78 / 3.82 / 0.000
Ant. Cingulum / 8 36 0 / 3.7 / 3.19 / 0.001
L anterior PHG/ Hippocampus / -20 -12 -26 / 3.12 / 2.79 / *0.041
L PHG / -36 -30 -16 / 4.06 / 3.03 / *0.008
L Amygdala / -28 0 -28 / 3.47 / 3.03 / *0.023
R Ant PHG / 24 0 -30 / 2.86 / 2.59 / *0.06
Activations Predictive of Less Verbal Memory Decline in LTLE patients
R Post Hippocampus and PHG / 16 -36 -8 / 2.77 / 2.51 / *0.06
L Post Hippocampus / -28 -32 -2 / 1.86 / 1.77 / 0.038
Activations Predictive of Verbal Memory Decline in RTLE patients
L Mid Frontal G / -30 44 26 / 3.80 / 3.34 / 0.000
Activations Predictive of Less Verbal Memory Decline
Nil significant

Table e-4: Coordinates, p-values T and z-scores of brain activations predictive of verbal memory change in left (LTLE) and right (RTLE) temporal lobe epilepsy patients.* Family wise error corrections using a small volume correction within a sphere of 12mm diameter for MTL activations. L (left), R (right), Inf (inferior), Mid (middle), G (gyrus), C (cortex), Med (medial), PHG (parahippocampal gyrus), HC (hippocampus), Ant (anterior), Post (posterior).

Parameters / β Coefficient
95% CI / p-value / β Coefficient
95% CI / p-value
Memory LI / -18.7
-28.4 to -9.0 / 0.001 / -16.1
-28.4 to -3.9 / 0.01
Language LI / -16.7
-32.3 to -1.2 / 0.04 / -10.3
-26.6 to 5.9 / 0.2
Age at onset
(years) / -0.3
-0.8 to 0.2 / 0.2 / 0.1
-0.4 to 0.6 / 0.8
Hippocampal volume (mm3) / -2.5
-11.5 to 6.6 / 0.6 / -3.3
-12.1 to 5.4 / 0.4
Verbal Learning / -0.4
-0.9 to 0.2 / 0.2 / -0.03
-0.6 to 0.5 / 0.9

Table e-5: Regression analysis of clinical and fMRI parameters in predicting change after left anterior temporal lobe resection. Memory and language LI had an effect on predicting memory decline after surgery (unadjusted analysis). The multivariate analysis showed that memory LI had an independent effect above all other parameters (adjusted analysis). Confidence interval (CI), Lateralisation index (LI).