Table e-1: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion criteria:
- MS by McDonald’s criteria(12), EDSS 0-7.5
- Age 18 to 65 years,
- A score one or more standard deviations below the mean in one or more of the cognitive tests in the battery
- No Ginkgo use in preceding 30 days
- Native English speaker
Exclusion criteria:
- Substance abuse, psychosis, or significant depression (Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) greater than28)
- Any uncontrolled medical problemsuch as unstable angina, stage IV hypertension, cancer undergoing chemotherapy etc.
- MS relapse within 30 prior to screening
- Abnormalities of coagulation or current use of drugs that affect coagulation except for aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
- Surgery planned for four months after screening.
- Epilepsy.
- Use of nifedipine, nicardipine, Saint John’s Wort, papaverine, or mono-amino oxidase inhibitors.
- Pregnancy
- Women not using reliable contraception
- Corrected binocular visual acuity worse than 20/50
- More than one error on binocular color vision testing
- Sustained nystagmus or diplopia on primary gaze
- Inability to complete the neuropsychological test battery at screening
Table e-2: Adverse events with higher incidence in the Gingko group
Placebo / Gingko / p∫Urinary tract infection / 7/59 / 10/61 / NS
Dyspepsia / 0/59 / 3/61 / NS
Flu like symptoms / 2/59 / 3/61 / NS
Back pain / 0/59 / 2/61 / NS
Conjunctivitis infective / 0/59 / 2/61 / NS
Headache / 0/59 / 2/61 / NS
Worsening EDSS / 10/59 / 14/61 / NS
∫Fischer’s exact test
Table e-3: Distribution of baseline Z-scores
Zscore / Gingko / Placebo / TotalPasat / >= -3 < / 1 (2%) / 0 (0%) / 1 (1%)
>= -2 <-3 / 13 (21%) / 11 (19%) / 24 (20%)
>= -1 <-2 / 30 (49%) / 29 (49%) / 59 (49%)
>= -0.5 <-1 / 11 (18%) / 7 (12%) / 18 (15%)
>= 0 <-0.5 / 6 (10%) / 12 (20%) / 18 (15%)
Stroop / >= -3 < / 6 (10%) / 7 (12%) / 13 (11%)
>= -2 <-3 / 5 (8%) / 7 (12%) / 12 (10%)
>= -1 <-2 / 15 (25%) / 14 (24%) / 29 (24%)
>= -0.5 <-1 / 7 (11%) / 7 (12%) / 14 (12%)
>= 0 <-0.5 / 28 (46%) / 24 (41%) / 52 (43%)
COWAT / >= -2 < / 7 (11%) / 9 (15%) / 16 (13%)
>= -1 <-2 / 28 (46%) / 21 (36%) / 49 (41%)
>= -0.5 <-1 / 7 (11%) / 11 (19%) / 18 (15%)
>= 0 <-0.5 / 19 (31%) / 18 (31%) / 37 (31%)
CVLT-II / >= -3 < / 2 (3%) / 2 (3%) / 4 (3%)
>= -2 <-3 / 6 (10%) / 6 (10%) / 12 (10%)
>= -1 <-2 / 3 (5%) / 5 (8%) / 8 (7%)
>= -0.5 <-1 / 16 (26%) / 13 (22%) / 29 (24%)
>= 0 <-0.5 / 34 (56%) / 33 (56%) / 67 (56%)
Table e-4: Post-hoc subgroup analyzes for the mean z-scores for each neuropsychological test limited to participants scoring less than one SD below the mean on each test.
Ginkgo / Placebo / Ginkgo-Placebo*∫N / Test / Baseline / Exit / N / Baseline / Exit / Exit / p
Subgroup / Mean±SD / Mean±SD / Mean±SD / Mean±SD / Mean(95%CI)
COWAT Z-score <=-1 / 35 / 30
COWAT / -1.5±0.4 / 0.4±-1.2 / -1.2±0.7 / -1.2±0.7 / 0.0(-0.4,0.3) / NS
CVLT-II / -0.7±1.1 / 1.1±-0.4 / -0.4±1.2 / -0.4±1.2 / 0.4(-0.2,0.9) / NS
PASAT / -1.5±0.9 / 0.9±-1.5 / -1.5±0.8 / -1.5±0.8 / -0.3(-0.7,0.1) / NS
Stroop / -1.2±1.6 / 1.6±-1.2 / -1.2±2.0 / -1.2±2.0 / -0.6(-1.3,0.2) / NS
COWAT Z-score <=-2 / 7 / 9
COWAT / -2.2±0.1 / 0.1±-1.9 / -1.9±0.9 / -1.9±0.9 / 0.1(-1.0,1.1) / NS
CVLT-II / -1.1±1.4 / 1.4±-0.6 / -0.6±0.9 / -0.6±0.9 / -0.1(-1.3,1.1) / NS
PASAT / -1.4±0.7 / 0.7±-1.8 / -1.8±0.7 / -1.8±0.7 / 0.0(-0.5,0.4) / NS
Stroop / -1.3±0.9 / 0.9±-1.8 / -1.8±2.1 / -1.8±2.1 / -0.3(-2.6,2.0) / NS
CVLT-II Z-score <=-1 / 11 / 13
COWAT / -0.7±1.2 / 1.2±-0.6 / -0.6±1.2 / -0.6±1.2 / 0.3(-0.3,1.0) / NS
CVLT-II / -2.3±0.8 / 0.8±-1.9 / -1.9±0.7 / -1.9±0.7 / 0.5(-0.5,1.5) / NS
PASAT / -1.8±0.7 / 0.7±-1.7 / -1.7±1.0 / -1.7±1.0 / 0.2(-0.6,1.0) / NS
Stroop / -2.2±1.9 / 1.9±-1.7 / -1.7±2.7 / -1.7±2.7 / 0.7(-0.5,1.9) / NS
CVLT-II Z-score <=-2 / 5 / COWAT / -1.1±1.0 / 1.0±-0.9 / 3 / -0.9±1.2 / -0.9±1.2 / -2.9(.,.) / NS
CVLT-II / -2.9±0.7 / 0.7±-1.9 / -1.9±1.0 / -1.9±1.0 / -3.8(.,.) / NS
PASAT / -1.9±0.8 / 0.8±-1.5 / -1.5±1.2 / -1.5±1.2 / -3.4(.,.) / NS
Stroop / -2.2±2.3 / 2.3±-1.8 / -1.8±3.7 / -1.8±3.7 / -4.8(.,.) / NS
PASAT Z-score <=-1 / 44 / 40
COWAT / -0.8±1.1 / 1.1±-0.6 / -0.6±1.1 / -0.6±1.1 / 0.1(-0.2,0.4) / NS
CVLT-II / -0.4±1.4 / 1.4±-0.3 / -0.3±1.3 / -0.3±1.3 / 0.2(-0.2,0.6) / NS
PASAT / -1.8±0.6 / 0.6±-1.6 / -1.6±0.8 / -1.6±0.8 / -0.1(-0.4,0.2) / NS
Stroop / -0.9±1.7 / 1.7±-0.7 / -0.7±1.8 / -0.7±1.8 / -0.4(-0.9,0.1) / NS
PASAT Z-score <=-2 / 13 / 9
COWAT / -1.4±0.7 / 0.7±-1.0 / -1.0±0.9 / -1.0±0.9 / -0.1(-0.8,0.5) / NS
CVLT-II / -1.1±1.1 / 1.1±-0.6 / -0.6±1.4 / -0.6±1.4 / 0.4(-0.6,1.5) / NS
PASAT / -2.6±0.4 / 0.4±-2.2 / -2.2±0.6 / -2.2±0.6 / 0.0(-0.7,0.8) / NS
Stroop / -1.7±1.7 / 1.7±-1.7 / -1.7±2.4 / -1.7±2.4 / -1.4(-3.1,0.3) / NS
Stroop Z-score <=-1 / 26 / 28
COWAT / -1.1±0.9 / 0.9±-0.8 / -0.8±1.0 / -0.8±1.0 / 0.1(-0.2,0.5) / NS
CVLT-II / -1.0±1.2 / 1.2±-0.6 / -0.6±1.3 / -0.6±1.3 / 0.1(-0.4,0.6) / NS
PASAT / -1.5±0.9 / 0.9±-1.5 / -1.5±0.9 / -1.5±0.9 / -0.3(-0.7,0.0) / NS
Stroop / -2.4±1.4 / 1.4±-1.5 / -1.5±2.0 / -1.5±2.0 / -0.3(-0.9,0.3) / NS
Stroop Z-score-2 / 11 / 14
COWAT / -1.1±1.0 / 1.0±-0.8 / -0.8±0.9 / -0.8±0.9 / 0.4(-0.3,1.0) / NS
CVLT-II / -1.0±1.0 / 1.0±-0.9 / -0.9±1.3 / -0.9±1.3 / 0.3(-0.7,1.2) / NS
PASAT / -1.5±1.0 / 1.0±-1.4 / -1.4±0.9 / -1.4±0.9 / -0.2(-0.6,0.2) / NS
Stroop / -3.6±1.3 / 1.3±-2.8 / -2.8±2.3 / -2.8±2.3 / -0.8(-1.9,0.4) / NS
*Least square means adjusted for baseline performance; larger values indicate better performance.
∫Positive values indicate a beneficial effect from Ginkgo.
Table e-5: Post-hoc subgroup analyzes: Z-scores on the neuropsychological tests sub-grouped by type of MS
Ginkgo / Placebo / Ginkgo-Placebo*∫N / Test / Baseline / Exit / N / Baseline / Exit / Exit
Type of MS / Mean±SD / Mean±SD / Mean±SD / Mean±SD / Mean(95%CI)
PPMS / 5 / COWAT / -1.2±0.5 / -1.2±0.6 / 4 / -1.4±1.3 / -1.6±1.0 / -0.4 (-0.9,1.7)**
5 / CVLT-II / -0.6±0.9 / -0.8±0.8 / 4 / -1.1±0.5 / -0.9±0.9 / -0.1 (-1.2,1.3) **
5 / PASAT / -2.1±1.0 / -1.7±0.6 / 4 / -1.2±0.5 / -0.8±0.6 / -0.9(-1.8,0.1) **
5 / Stroop / -1.8±1.7 / -1.0±1.6 / 4 / -0.8±1.5 / -0.8±1.4 / -0.2(-2.6,2.1) **
RRMS / 42 / COWAT / -0.8±1.0 / -0.6±1.0 / 35 / -0.9±0.8 / -0.7±0.9 / 0.1 (-0.2,0.5)
42 / CVLT-II / -0.5±1.2 / -0.5±1.2 / 35 / -0.3±1.3 / -0.1±1.2 / -0.2 (-0.6,0.2)
42 / PASAT / -1.3±0.7 / -1.4±0.8 / 35 / -1.0±0.9 / -0.9±1.1 / -0.2 (-0.6,0.1)
42 / Stroop / -0.7±1.5 / -0.7±1.7 / 35 / -0.8±1.4 / -0.1±0.9 / -0.6 (-1.2,0.0)
SPMS / 14 / COWAT / -1.0±1.2 / -1.0±1.2 / 19 / -0.9±1.2 / -0.8±1.2 / -0.2 (-0.7,0.2)
14 / CVLT-II / -0.6±1.3 / -0.2±1.4 / 19 / -0.7±0.9 / -0.8±1.0 / 0.5 (-0.3,1.2)
14 / PASAT / -1.5±0.9 / -1.2±1.1 / 19 / -1.4±1.0 / -1.1±1.2 / 0.0 (-0.5,0.5)
14 / Stroop / -1.3±1.8 / -0.9±2.4 / 19 / -1.4±1.3 / -0.6±1.3 / -0.5 (-1.4,0.3)
*Least square means adjusted for baseline performance; larger values indicate better performance.
∫Positive values indicate a beneficial effect from Ginkgo.*For PPMS subgroup no baseline adjustment was used due to small sample size.
Table e-6: Secondary and exploratory outcomes
GinkgoN=59 / Placebo
N=61 / Ginkgo-placebo*∫
Mean±SD / Exit
Mean±SD / Baseline
Mean±SD / Exit
Mean±SD / Exit
Mean (95%CI)
FSS / 47.6±12.8 / 47.0±13.1 / 51.3±9.2 / 45.5±14.1 / -0.1 (-7.2,7.2)
MFIS / 46.9±15.5 / 43.2±13.7 / 50.3±13.5 / 42.9±16.1 / -3.1 (-9.6,3.4)
PDQ / 37.2±11.5 / 31.7±11.1 / 38.2±13.8 / 33.4±15.7 / -0.5 (-5.7,4.7)
CIQ / 23.0±3.7 / 23.1±4.4 / 23.0±4.5 / 22.9±4.4 / -0.2(-1.3,0.8)
MSNQ / 25.2±11.1 / 24.5±11.1 / 27.8±12.5 / 27.0±11.1 / 0.8(-3.2,4.8)
BDI-II / 9.0±7.2 / 6.8±7.0 / 10.7±6.2 / 8.1±7.4 / 0.3(-2.0,2,7)
*Least square means adjusted for baseline performance; larger values indicate better performance.
∫Positive values indicate a beneficial effect from Ginkgo.