NAMI 6th Annual Breakfast, May 6, 2016

The Antlers, downtown Colorado Springs

7am – Early Riser Special (coffee, pastries and entertainment)

7:30-8:30 am – breakfast and program

Goal: To fill a table of 10 (9 guests plus you) who want to learn more about NAMI-CS and who may be willing to support NAMI-CS’ work in the community through a donation, volunteering, and/or advocacy. The breakfast is NAMI-CS’ largest annual fundraiser and accounts for approximately 30% of the annual budget.

Task: Make a list of friends and business associates who may be interested in supporting NAMI-CS in our mission to educate, support and empower individuals and families living with mental illness through our ALWAYS FREE programs and services.

Between now and April 29:

1.  Invite your guests by telephone, email, or in person.

2.  As soon as someone accepts your invitation, please e-mail them a personal confirmation and thank you note.

3.  By Friday, April 29, email your guest list to Lisa Hawthorne () or deliver it to the NAMI office (510 E. Willamette Ave., CS, 80903).

·  Please make sure the basic contact information is complete and legible.

·  We realize changes will occur after this date and welcome additional guests, but please provide as complete a list as possible by April 29 to ensure adequate time for processing information.

4.  If individuals you invite are unable to attend but express interest in learning about NAMI, please pass along their name and contact information so we can provide information to them.

On May 4 and 5:

1.  Call or email each of your guests to remind them about the breakfast and confirm the following: time (7:30 -8:30 am, Early Riser Special -- coffee, pastries, entertainment -- begins at 7:00 am), location (The Antlers), free parking (in the Antlers garage located on W. Pikes Peak Ave.).

2.  If anyone cannot attend, please call Lisa Hawthorne (237-8839) or email () so we are able to fill the seat prior to the breakfast.

3.  You and your guests will receive an email from NAMI with your table number assignment, room map and directions to the Antlers.

On May 6:

Please try to arrive by 7:00 am. Locate your table where your table captain packet will be waiting for you. Your table captain packet will include nametags, pens, pledge cards and envelopes.

1.  Visit the information table if you have any last minute changes regarding your guests.

2.  Greet your guests as they arrive at your table, give them a name tag (included in your packet) and record who is in attendance at your table.

3.  Give directions to the restrooms and confirm any food allergies or dietary restrictions for your guests. There will be a list at your table of any guests who requested a special meal. The hotel will provide markers for their place settings.

4.  Near the end of the program, the speaker will let you know when to pass out the pledge cards, envelopes and pens from your packet. PLEASE WAIT FOR THESE INSTRUCTIONS.

5.  Fill out a pledge card yourself, and put it in the envelope and then place it back into your packet envelope. Collect the other completed pledge cards at the end of the event and put them in the packet envelope.

6.  Volunteers will collect your packets as you leave the ballroom.