Table 2S shows reasons for study exclusion during screening for our meta-analysis.
Study ID (Author, year) / Reason for exclusionPapp, Kim, Leonardi, Craig et al. 2014 (1) / Non-randomized clinical trial.
Horizon, Nihr Centre, Scanning 2014 (2) / Review article.
Preston, Kenzie Jobes et al. 2013 (3) / Conference abstract.
K Papp, K Reich, A Blauvelt et al. 2015 (4) / Conference abstract.
Conrad, CDomizio, J Di et al. 2014 (5) / Conference abstract.
P.J. Mease, M.C. Genovese et al. 2014 (6) / Conference abstract.
Menting.S, Lumig. P et al. 2013 (7) / Poster presentation.
Kim Papp, Kristian Reich et al. 2015 (8) / Poster presentation.
Dennis A. Revicki, Ying Jin et al. 2014 (9) / Irrelevant outcomes.
Christopher J. Endres et al. (10) / Irrelevant outcomes.
David H.Salinger et al. 2014 (11) / Irrelevant outcomes.
Hema N.Viswanathan, Dina Chau et al. 2014 (12) / Irrelevant outcomes.
Ari Waisman et al. 2012 (13) / Editorial.
Nemoto Osamu et al. 2014 (14) / Editorial.
Spuls, Ph IHooft et al. 2012 (15) / Editorial.
Mark C Genovese, Philip J Mease et al. 2013 (16) / Irrelevant outcomes.
K.B. Gordon et al. 2013 (17) / Secondary analysis of clinical trials.
Kim Papp et al. 2014 (18) / Secondary analysis of clinical trials.
1. Papp K, Leonardi C, Menter A, Thompson EHZ, Milmont CE, Kricorian G, et al. Safety and efficacy of brodalumab for psoriasis after 120 weeks of treatment. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Elsevier Inc; 2014 Dec;71(6):1183–1190.e3.
2. Horizon N, Centre S. Brodalumab for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. 2014;(May).
3. Preston K, Jobes ML, Phillips KA, Epstein DH. 2013 American College of Clinical Pharmacology Annual Meeting September 22 nd - 24 th Bethesda, Maryland. Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development. 2013 Oct;2(S1):1–47.
4. Beken S Vander. Auto-immunity, allergy and Inflammation. The Journal of investigative dermatology. 2015 Sep;135 Suppl S1–S17.
5. Conrad C, Domizio J Di, Belkhouja C, Mylonas A, Demaria O, Lapointe A, et al. 7th International Congress of Psoriasis : from Gene to Clinic The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre , London , U . K . Oral Abstracts. 2014;105–73.
6. Schafer P, Chen P, Fang L, Wang a., Chopra R. SAT0402 Apremilast, an Oral Phosphodiesterase 4 Inhibitor, in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis: Pharmacodynamic Results of A Phase 3, Randomized, Controlled Trial (PALACE 1). Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2014 Jun;73(Suppl 2):739–40.
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8. Papp K, Reich K, Leonardi C, Paul C, Blauvelt A, Baran W, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Brodalumab In Patients With Moderate To Severe Plaque Psoriasis : Results of AMAGINE-1 , a Phase 3 , Controlled Study Through Week 12. 2015;
9. Revicki D a, Jin Y, Wilson HD, Chau D, Viswanathan HN. Reliability and validity of the psoriasis symptom inventory in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. The Journal of dermatological treatment. Informa Healthcare USA on behalf of Informa UK Ltd.; 2014 Feb;25(1):8–14.
10. Endres CJ, Salinger DH, Köck K, Gastonguay MR, Martin D a, Klekotka P, et al. Population pharmacokinetics of brodalumab in healthy adults and adults with psoriasis from single and multiple dose studies. Journal of clinical pharmacology. 2014 Nov;54(11):1230–8.
11. Salinger DH, Endres CJ, Martin D a., Gibbs M a. A semi-mechanistic model to characterize the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of brodalumab in healthy volunteers and subjects with psoriasis in a first-in-human single ascending dose study. Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development. 2014 Jul;3(4):276–83.
12. Revicki DA, Jin Y, Wilson HD, Chau D, Viswanathan HN. Reliability and validity of the psoriasis symptom inventory in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. The Journal of dermatological treatment. 2014 Feb;25(1):8–14.
13. Waisman A, Ph D. edi t or i a l To Be 17 Again — Anti – Interleukin-17 Treatment for Psoriasis. 2012;1251–2.
14. Osamu N, Hirotaka N, Koji S, Kenji T. Clinical pharmacology of the anti-IL-17 receptor antibody brodalumab (KHK4827) in Japanese normal healthy volunteers and Japanese subjects with moderate to severe psoriasis: a randomized, dose-escalation, placebo-controlled study. Journal of dermatological science. Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology; 2014 Sep;75(3):201–4.
15. Spuls PI, Hooft L. Brodalumab and ixekizumab, anti-interleukin-17-receptor antibodies for psoriasis: a critical appraisal. The British journal of dermatology. 2012 Oct;167(4):710–3; discussion 714–5.
16. Genovese MC, Mease PJ, Greenwald MW, Ritchlin CT, Beaulieu A, Deodhar A, et al. in subjects with psoriatic arthritis Brodalumab Mechanism of Action Background : Brodalumab Psoriasis Phase 2 Brodalumab Psoriatic Arthritis Phase 2 Dose Ranging Study Design Primary Endpoint : 2013;(October):1–4.
17. Gordon KB, Kimball AB, Chau D, Viswanathan HN, Li J, Revicki DA, et al. Impact of brodalumab treatment on psoriasis symptoms and health-related quality of life : use of a novel patient- reported outcome measure , the Psoriasis Symptom Inventory. 2014;705–15.
18. Papp K, Menter A, Strober B, Kricorian G. Efficacy and safety of brodalumab in subpopulations of patients with difficult-to-treat moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Journal of American Dermatology. Elsevier Inc; 2014;1–5.