MAPPING TEMPLATE 2 V1 Management Coaching and Mentoring 220615- AB/QA/0013c/July14/V2

NB: use of red text in this document is intended as guidance for the mapper. It should be deleted/overwritten during the mapping activity.

Organisation name: / Insert HEI name and Merlin number (if known)
Mapping Specialist / Your name
Date of Mapping / Date mapping completed
HEI Programme name: / Insert name of the programme being mapped egBA (Hons) Business and Management. If mapping more than one programme, they need to be done on separate templates.
Programme duration and mode of study: / Insert typical length of programme and mode of study i.e. full time, part time, distance learning. If not known, state ‘Not known’.
Programme Modules / List here the CORE modules of study, including the full module name and module number against the year in which it is studied.
YEAR 2 (where applicable)
YEAR 3 (where applicable)
Difficulties / This could include your notes to the Centre to explain if you found any modules particularly difficult to map, with an explanation of why e.g. missing module specifications, unclear LOs etc, units containing exams etc.
Mapping Outcome / This will be a clear statement of what their programme maps to (including full qualification name and number).
A guide should be given as to the level and size of qualification. This section is ESSENTIAL as it states to the centre clearly what CMI qualification they can register for and tells CMI staff (some of whom are unfamiliar with mapping/qualifications etc) which CMI qualification maps to which university qualification.
EXAMPLE “From the evidence provided, the BA (Hons) in Business and Management programme at the University of Babylon, maps to a CMI L5 Certificate in Management Coaching and Mentoring (5C2V1)”

TABLE 1 Overall Mapping Matrix for (insert name of programme)

This table shows all the possible units on the CMI L5 qualification, and which University module maps to which CMI unit.

Yellow highlighting PLUS ticks shows which modules map – no highlighting/no tick = no mapping.

If the CMI unit maps to more than one University module, please indicate this. The top row is an example of how it may appear. DO NOT tick any units that have any LOs marked as red in the detailed mapping table.

I am fairly confident, taking account of all possible coverage, that the following CMI units will have all or the majority of LO’s covered to some extent by a single University module:

Award 6-17 credits
Certificate 18-41 credits
Diploma 42 credits / University modules– use initials to indicate module name e.g. Principles of Business module could become PoB
CMI unit numbers / CMI unit names / CMI Credits / AA / BB / CC / DD / EE / FF / GG / HH / II / JJ / KK / LL / MM / NN / OO / PP
5001V1 / Personal development as a manager and leader / 6 / 
5014V1 / Introduction to management coaching and mentoring / 6
5015V1 / Management of coaching and mentoring / 6
5016V1 / Using coaching and mentoring skills as a manager / 6
5017V1 / Coaching practice and theory / 6
5018V1 / Mentoring practice and theory / 6
5019V1 / Management of action learning / 6
MAPPING RESULT / Add up and insert total credits here / State CMI qualification level and size here

Please note that the mapping exercise is based on the information supplied at the time of mapping. Subsequent minor modifications to units may change the mapping outcome. It is the Centre’s responsibility to ensure that mapping is reviewed annually to ensure that any changes have not altered mapping outcomes. Major changes such as revalidation will require remapping activity.

Students who achieve lower grades on University modules mapped to CMI units may struggle to demonstrate full achievement of the CMI criteria. The Centre IQA process should ensure that the CMI criteria are met in full by all students for whom qualifications are being claimed.

The table below is used to show your estimation of how many of the CMI units’ LOs are covered – from the RAG rating table, calculate the number of red, amber and green CMI LOs. It is linked to the RAG table.

Use the amber and green LOs to work out a % coverage. A green LO is full coverage (1), an amber LO is half coverage (0.5) and a red is 0.

EXAMPLE – unit with 4 LOs has 2 amber and 2 green = 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 = 3

3 out of 4 as a % = 75% Units with any red LOs should NOT be listed in the table above (the overall mapping summary).

TABLE 2 RAG Summary Table

CMI unit numbers / CMI unit names / CMI Credits / Total
LOs / Red
LOs / Amber LOs / Green
LOs / %
5001V1 / Personal development as a manager and leader / 6 / 4
5014V1 / Introduction to management coaching and mentoring / 6 / 4
5015V1 / Management of coaching and mentoring / 6 / 3
5016V1 / Using coaching and mentoring skills as a manager / 6 / 4
5017V1 / Coaching practice and theory / 6 / 3
5018V1 / Mentoring practice and theory / 6 / 3
5019V1 / Management of action learning / 6 / 3
TABLE 3 RAG Detailed Coverage Table
This table is used to show in visual (RAG) and written format the match between all CMI units and the University modules
CMI Unit / Unit LO / Full (F), Partial (P) or No (N) coverage / Notes on coverage of CMI LOs by University assessments
Personal development as a manager and leader / 1. Be able to assess and plan for personal professional development / Insert F, P or N / For Full coverage, state “The University assessment is highly likely to provide sufficient evidence for this CMI LO” and mark the row green. State the module(s) and LO(s) which provide coverage.
For Partial coverage, state “The University evidence may provide sufficient evidence for this CMI LO” and mark the row amber. State the module(s) which may provide coverage.
For No coverage, state “The University assessment does not demonstrate that sufficient evidence will be provided for this CMI LO” and mark the row red.
2. Be able to plan the resources required for personal professional development
3. Be able to implement and evaluate the personal development plan
4. Be able to support and promote staff welfare
Introduction to management coaching and mentoring / 1. Understand the concept and purpose of management coaching and mentoring
2. Be able to determine the use of management coaching as a tool in human resources development
3. Be able to determine the use of management mentoring as a tool in human resources development
4. Understand the relationship between coaching and mentoring and organisational objectives
Management of coaching and mentoring / 1. Understand the impact of coaching and mentoring programmes on an organisation
2. Be able to manage the implementation of coaching and mentoring
3. Be able to monitor and evaluate the operation of coaching and mentoring within an organisation
Using coaching and mentoring skills as a manager / 1. Be able to determine how learning and development styles support the coaching and mentoring practice
2. Be able to develop skills as a manager in coaching and mentoring
3. Be able to articulate and develop a coherent ethical framework to support coaching within an organisation
4. Be able to articulate and develop a coherent ethical framework to support mentoring within an organisation
Coaching practice and theory / 1. Understand the tools and techniques used in coaching practice
2. Understand the need to develop relationships to support coaching practice
3. Understand guidelines and protocols for intervention and the need to develop coaching interventions to meet organisational requirements
Mentoring practice and theory / 1. Understand the tools and techniques used in mentoring
2. Understand the need to develop relationships to support mentoring practice
3. Understand guidelines and protocols for intervention and the need to develop mentoring interventions to meet organisational requirements
Management of action learning / 1. Understand the practice and operation of action learning against organisational objectives
2. Be able to facilitate learning through action learning
3. Understand the impact of action learning on organisational objectives